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Nice matches last night on Harbinger


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That's actually one of the ones I am definitely going to put up, because it demonstrates a lot of different concepts and techniques, counters, non-counters, and the difficulties presented to both sides in such a match. It's worth some analysis, painful or otherwise...

- Despon


Aye, we were left in a pickle there for sure. Nearly everyone else on the team had a positive KDR, but our feeders gave you all the ability to set up defense and play it safe. It was well executed, as anything more aggressive from your side would have incurred much more risk and given us a shot at that gap. Smart flying - especially considering it didn't appear to be coordinated in chat; everybody just seemed to know their role and fall in on the defense. GG!



Edited by Wildtee
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anything more aggressive from your side would have incurred much more risk and given us a shot at that gap. Smart flying

Well, your mind may change a little bit after seeing this:



...as I don't think I can be accused of either defense or smart flying in this one! My default state is 'must be shooting things constantly' and I tend to play a style reflective of that. Worked out ok this time, though. This sort of match is mentally taxing if you're looking to pressure offensively.


- Despon

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