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Galactic Conflict - Match 1 - Round 1 - NullForce Collective VS Mando’ad Vod’saad


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I do hope you let my ships find them soon Sil, or this could take awhile :)



Strategy update:

For the most part, rinse wash repeat.

2 additions:

Should the presence of a Force User be detected by a VHK, deploy a group of Force Destroyers (as large as is available in the area) to capture or kill them.


Any cave entrances detected in the current combat theater by probes or scans should be bombed and collapsed, regardless if anyone is detected inside.

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There have been no armed conflicts with them on either side that I am aware of.


Any other kind of contact would be all hush hush so can't really speculate.

Good to know thank you.


Well both sides to loses with this latest fight but the NF took the largest lose.K should focus on the force destroyer's.

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Of course, keeping that character alive might be tricky :)



*Stares at the orbital bombardment button*

Yea doing that wouldn't be good for your reputation around the Galaxy.


Side note :Sil you said NPC planets will have small opposition their anteevy NPC forces aren't small.

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Yea doing that wouldn't be good for your reputation around the Galaxy.


Side note :Sil you said NPC planets will have small opposition their anteevy NPC forces aren't small.


Well, the Empire probably wouldn't care (if anything they'd send me a Christmas card for it...) but the New Republic certainly would.


Anteevy's forces aren't much compared to mine or K's fleets. I just don't think either of us want to piss off the Empire overmuch by destroying it.

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2 Galleas


240 E-wing


72 Scimitar




10 Reaper-II


100 Nebula




•67 Reaper-I



• 6432 E-wing



•150 Harbinger



• 9000 TIE Defender



•80 Providence Destroyer



• 9600 TIE Defender



• 4800 IF-11



• 4800 Y-wing





•1000 Terminus



• 14000 IF-11



• 2000 Y-wing



100 Majestic


4800 E-wing


1200 Y-wing


•200 Namana



• 2400 VF-30



5,000 Tartan


1000 Pummeler


8 Inquisitor


-480 E-wing


-192 Scimitar


500 ASR-1


6,000 Vibre


240 Mandalorians


25 Heavy each


300 ASR-S


300 ASR-C










E-wing: 11,952


Scimitar: 264


IF-11: 21272


Y-wing: 8,000


VF-30: 2,400




-Grand Admiral Carrack




Mandalorians: 1,440,000


Heavy: 150,000





Operation Divine (The Myrkr Campaign)





Myrkr Fleet is split into three groups:






Opening Moves:


Group 1 is made up of the majority of the fleet their initial goal is to jam, interdict, and hit the NF fleet from a distance, out of range of the planetary ground-space weaponry. Ships with no long range weaponry take a defensive screen of laser fire to deter or locate potential stealth ships. Although SOTA sensors should allow this to occur without the need.




Group 2 is made up of the ASR-C and ASR-S their goal is to locate the weak points in the NF fleets defense and relay them to the MV fleet. At the same time they also should be exploiting what they find by using the specially armed ASR-S to deliver a number of stealthed mass explosions within the NF fleet.




Group 3 is made up of all the Vibres with their boarding parties their goal is station control. To slip in and take control of any non-ship vessels in orbit above the planet. Given their sensor masking and the jamming that the MV fleet will have enabled will make this exceptionally easy to accomplish.




Battle Phase 2:


With the NF fleet is able to react to the opening moves of the MV the battle enters phase two. Given the reaction of the NF the MV will react in a number of different ways. If they try to escape system the goal is mass firepower focused especially on the engines. If they try to fight the goal is either to allow them to advance to the MV fleet or to slowly move up the MV’s smaller ships, leaving the long range behind a secured line. At this same time the goal is to place the 2400 stealth equipped VF-30 above the planetary shield waiting for the ground based weapons to fire, having to lower the shield in order to do so. When the shield is lowered they will use the opportunity to jet through it and target the shield, weaponry and any other targets they can.



When Group 2 has a secured any stations they will turn whatever guns they have on the NF fleet.


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2 Galleas


240 E-wing


72 Scimitar




10 Reaper-II


100 Nebula




•67 Reaper-I



• 6432 E-wing



•150 Harbinger



• 9000 TIE Defender



•80 Providence Destroyer



• 9600 TIE Defender



• 4800 IF-11



• 4800 Y-wing





•1000 Terminus



• 14000 IF-11



• 2000 Y-wing



100 Majestic


4800 E-wing


1200 Y-wing


•200 Namana



• 2400 VF-30



5,000 Tartan


1000 Pummeler


8 Inquisitor


-480 E-wing


-192 Scimitar


500 ASR-1


6,000 Vibre


240 Mandalorians


25 Heavy each


300 ASR-S


300 ASR-C










E-wing: 11,952


Scimitar: 264


IF-11: 21272


Y-wing: 8,000


VF-30: 2,400




-Grand Admiral Carrack




Mandalorians: 1,440,000


Heavy: 150,000





Operation Divine (The Myrkr Campaign)





Myrkr Fleet is split into three groups:






Opening Moves:


Group 1 is made up of the majority of the fleet their initial goal is to jam, interdict, and hit the NF fleet from a distance, out of range of the planetary ground-space weaponry. Ships with no long range weaponry take a defensive screen of laser fire to deter or locate potential stealth ships. Although SOTA sensors should allow this to occur without the need.




Group 2 is made up of the ASR-C and ASR-S their goal is to locate the weak points in the NF fleets defense and relay them to the MV fleet. At the same time they also should be exploiting what they find by using the specially armed ASR-S to deliver a number of stealthed mass explosions within the NF fleet.




Group 3 is made up of all the Vibres with their boarding parties their goal is station control. To slip in and take control of any non-ship vessels in orbit above the planet. Given their sensor masking and the jamming that the MV fleet will have enabled will make this exceptionally easy to accomplish.




Battle Phase 2:


With the NF fleet is able to react to the opening moves of the MV the battle enters phase two. Given the reaction of the NF the MV will react in a number of different ways. If they try to escape system the goal is mass firepower focused especially on the engines. If they try to fight the goal is either to allow them to advance to the MV fleet or to slowly move up the MV’s smaller ships, leaving the long range behind a secured line. At this same time the goal is to place the 2400 stealth equipped VF-30 above the planetary shield waiting for the ground based weapons to fire, having to lower the shield in order to do so. When the shield is lowered they will use the opportunity to jet through it and target the shield, weaponry and any other targets they can.



When Group 2 has a secured any stations they will turn whatever guns they have on the NF fleet.

Dam K is pulling out th big guns on this one.

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Was wondering if you'd come and play, this should be interesting...





2 Singularity

980 Lancer-DB

1506 Pocket Carrier

1600 Star Galleon Landers

848 Terrapin-S

300 MC30-DB

158 MC30-S

17 Spike

45252 Ripper

19900 K-DB Wing


6000 empion mines


Battle Station:


3000 Heavy Turbolaser

1000 Intruder Missile Bay

1000 Heavy Plasma Cannons

1000 Heavy Ion Cannon

1000 Assault Conc Missile

1112 Point Defense Banks

100 Heavy Tractor Beam


Battle Station

Shield Upgrades: 155

Hangar Upgrades: 400

Jammer: 1

Repair Facilities: 10

Stealth: 1

Control Center: 1

Slips: 2200

Sensor: 5

Engine: 1


33 Ship Security Groups + whatever can be crammed on from the Star Galleons



Trade Station:

10 Point defense

10 quad lasers


Planet Defenses:

3 Planetary Ion Cannon

3 Hypervelocity Gun

Planetary Shield

10 Energy Generators







Battle Station will lower itself into a low orbit over Myrkr. while it's doing that, 10 Star Galleon will dock with the Battle Station (staying in it’s shadow) in order to transfer over Commando and VHK Companies. The other Star Galleons and Terrapin-S will land immediately on Myrkr

Commando Droids on the Station will be mainly responsible for patrolling halls and tighter spaces such as engineering sections, gunnery areas etc. VHKs will be stationed in the now empty hangers and any other large areas they can get to.


The fleet, with the exception of the Singularities, will arrange themselves in the shadow of the Space Station and Singularities. Use the Station's powerful shields and Singularity's monster dovin basals to shield the weaker ships from the heavy guns. Should the dovin basals begin to tire, move the Singularity behind the station as well to give it a chance to rest before returning to position


The Battle Station and Singularities will use their long range weapons to blast away at the MV capital ships, sorted by threat (generally big stuff first).

The Battle Station should also randomly shift it’s position slightly as it fires in order to make it harder to fire back at hardpoints through the stealth field


Once ships get into range, fire salvos from the MC30-DBs heavy proton torpedo launchers at them, with an emphasis on Vibres (these guys remember Mandalore. They don't like Vibres)


MC30-Ss will hold back, with their priority being to target detected enemy stealth ships and should enemy fighters/bombers/Vibres get too close to the Battle Station or Singularities, it will move forward to deploy its cluster bombs against them before falling back.


The Lancer-DBs will be on dedicated anti-fighter cover for the Battle Station, moving out of the stations shadow as any fighters/bombers/Vibres get close and returning once destroyed.


The Pocket Carriers will be on mobile anti-fighter duty, using it's speed to get where it needs to go and its flak cannon and other guns to shred weaker ships.


The anti-orbital guns will work in pairs, 1 Ion Cannon to 1 Hypervelocity Gun. The Ion Cannon will fire at it's target first, taking down shields and disrupting systems, which will be followed by the Hypervelocity Gun to destroy the ship




EDIT: oops, forgot the mines

Edited by MadDutchman
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Getting this out of the way.


Commander Innates:




One of the Crew: His demeanor has gained him many diehard loyal crewmembers who would follow him to the ends of the galaxy. Morale and efficiency increased.




Master of Surprise: Dealing with pirates and learning how they operate has given him great insight on getting the jump on his enemy. Enemies that stumble upon him or whom he launches an offensive against suffer a penalty to battle readiness.



Surprising Foresight: Years of action have turned him into an exceptionally skilled tactician often predicting the moves of opponents before they actually make them (diminishing returns after his R+1).






Militaristic State: The ways of war help to guide the members of this faction. Members of this faction are born and raised to understand the ways of war and as such understand tactics and combat on a deeper level than other groups.



Keep it Secret: This faction excels at deception and stealth maneuvering. This faction’s history in deception allows it to much better keep its movements secret from the eyes of others.



Transferable Force: Members of this faction can operate equally well in space or ground situations allowing for members to be transferred between the two spheres of combat, but most effective as marines in space or cavalry on ground



Disabling Shots: The crews of this faction’s navy are trained to fire shots that disable but do not destroy ships in prelude to boarding actions. Increases accuracy against capital ships.


Experienced Crewmen: Naval Crews have served together for some time giving them increased coordination and efficiency.


Exceptional Pilots: Due to extremely high requirements pilots in this faction display significantly better skill in regards to accuracy. (Yeah and VF-30 pilots are the best.) ;)


Stealth and anti-stealth Tech: Faction has stealth and ways to deal with it.



Edited by karadron
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my own perks




Coordinated Launches; All fighters and bombers can launch more quickly from their carriers.


Advanced Guidance Systems: Due to the more advanced AI employed by the Collective, the tracking systems on missiles and torpedoes can hit with more accuracy due to their improved ability to sort out targets from junk and ability to avoid such debris.


Superior Simulators: The realism and versatility of Collective fighter and bomber simulators boosts the overall effectiveness of Collective pilots, especially with the non-standard maneuvering capabilities of the ships.


Hardpoint Identification and Targeting System: All ships are equipped with upgraded sensors and targeting computers allowing for better identification and targeting of sensitive ship systems, especially on ships encountered before.


Gravitational Mastery: Studying the technology behind the Vong dovin basals has not only allowed the Collective to replicate them, but gives a power and efficiency bonus to gravity based technologies, especially inertial compensators, allowing dovin basal equipped fighters to more easily use them to perform high G maneuvers without harming the pilots.


Mass Shadow Smoothing: Can use dovin basals to “smooth out” mass distortions caused by gravity well generators, allowing ships/fleets whose combined gravitational energy is equal or greater than an interdictor to ignore its effects. (may or may not come into play)


YAIC: The presence of the Yammosk Artificial Intelligence Cores on Myrkr and Singularity Class capital ships significantly improves communication and coordination of commanders, giving all characters a +1 rank bonus to Skirmish and Campaign (both land and space) when it is present in the system.




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Advanced Guiding Systems is going to be significantly limited due to jamming. (Which I expect is going to be used by both sides.


Coordinated Launches will be affected by Master of Surprise and Surprising Foresight.


And, personally ( :p ), I believe that Militaristic State > YAIC.


In regards to fighters, it will be interesting. MV boosts accuracy vs NF boost to maneuverability.

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Advanced Guiding Systems is going to be significantly limited due to jamming. (Which I expect is going to be used by both sides.


Coordinated Launches will be affected by Master of Surprise and Surprising Foresight.


And, personally ( :p ), I believe that Militaristic State > YAIC.


In regards to fighters, it will be interesting. MV boosts accuracy vs NF boost to maneuverability.


Jamming has no effect on missile targeting systems, it only effects standard comms. As my comms are not standard anyway (they utilize yammosk telepathy), it won't even effect that. Your just wasting power blasting noise into space. You are correct in that I'll be using my own jammers of course, though i don't have too much of that present, it will only effect ships that venture too close.


Surprising Foresight won't affect it (though he might be able to predict it happening, not that it takes a genius to realize I'll launch fighters as a fleet approaches).


And seeing as i've been waiting for you to turn up (hence the presence of the empion mines), I don't know how much effect Master of Surprise can actually have.


As for militaristic state and YAIC, that is difficult to quantify since most of their effect in this battle is qualitative in nature (ex. there is no hard numbers for the enhanced communication and coordination provided by the system). It will, at the very least, reduce chaos considerably within my own ranks, which in a battle this size, is very helpful.


Agreed on the fighters, I've been wanting to see how they perform against each other since the match began. More on this to come I'm sure.

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