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A call to social pilots


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Galactic Starfighter is three years old.


While the game, from a mechanics standpoint, has not changed significantly since the summer of 2014, its community now is quite different from back then. People have come and went, bugs have been found and fixed and sometimes left to persist, and event after event has been held to celebrate the game and its players.


With the arrival of the new "Knights of the Eternal Throne" expansion and its new "Galactic Command" end-game leveling/gearing system, Galactic Starfighter has a chance at becoming more popular by virtue of its becoming more closely integrated with the game at large, as playtime from many disparate in-game activities (including GSF) can contribute to the new gearing system.


To take advantage of this opportunity, DakhathKilrathi--you may remember her on TEH as 'Sriia' and on Bastion and Harbinger as 'Zyrieas'--has recently launched a new Discord server specifically for Galactic Starfighter. Here, one can make announcements for events, ask for build and metagame advice, inquire about server hours and activity, and generally shoot the breeze and chitchat with many pilots of every skill level. The Discord includes both multiple VoIP channels, and multiple text channels, with topics ranging from build advice, to general/off-topic, to server-specific channels.


This is all part and parcel of an effort to get any new potential pilots off the ground as quickly as possible with community resources, and easy-to-access communication giving new pilots an easier way to get themselves involved with the game.


It also acts as a logical evolution of the old "/cjoin gsf" standby that veterans have always (rightly) put forth to new pilots wanting to have someone they can talk to. The trouble with "/cjoin gsf" is, of course, "what happens when no one's on?" The GSF Discord can help get around this, not by replacing the in-game /GSF channels, but by giving pilots a much-needed alternative to easily get to know pilots from various servers simultaneously, without having to deal with the dice roll of hoping that someone that can answer your question happens to be in-game at the moment.


One final reason this Discord exists is to act as an anchor for people to keep in touch. As mentioned before, many pilots of have left or significantly tapered off their flying over the years; with this Discord, even during times when a player's activity is low, a pilot can still maintain contact with the community, should he or she choose to do so.


With regard to the rules of conduct, they're quite liberal, as we encourage debate and discussion. Consistent hateful behaviour won't be tolerated, but don't be afraid to speak your mind. You can read about the rules here, in addition to them being posted in a separate announcement channel on the Discord for reference.


"How do I join?"


Just head here: https://discord.gg/2gxt5c9.


You can use Discord in a browser or as a desktop or mobile app.


Our roster is 40-strong, and growing. Everyone's welcome to join, so come on in, and say hi!


We hope to see you soon.

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