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Aric Jorgan


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So I'm a bit confused about the new chapters for KotET...


After the failed mission with Jorgan and Kaliyo, I exectued Jorgan because he disobeyed my orders and because I never liked him as a character. But in chapters three and four of KotET he's sitting around with the rest of my companion watching Saresh and then on the bridge of the Gravestone


Anyone know if that's just a bug of the game not remembering my story choices or what?

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He isn't just watching Saresh or being beat on the Gravestone by Vaylin, he's also sitting around on Iokath and I can actually talk to him, even though he should definitely be dead


Is there some bug that's causing KotET to not remember previous story choices? It remembered that

I killed all those people and Koth stole the gravestone

so idk what's up

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