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Absent romance companions (Spoilers)


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This is a EXTREMELY frustrating . All through the initial story line for each character I cultivated some kind of romantic relationship with companions that are now conspicuously absent. During KoTFE we got one e-mail from our "significant other", leading us to think that there was a chance we would meet again. So instead of betraying a Sergeant Dorne, or a Jaesa Wilsaam, with a fling on the new companions some of us remained loyal to our "beloved" (in game lol). Not only are the majority of the old romance companions gone, but there is NO MENTION OF THEM WHATSOEVER. If my spouse went missing for five years and then I suddenly heard that they were leading an alliance to defeat the Eternal Empire on the other side of the galaxy, you can bet ridiculous sums of money that I'd be on the first transport / warship / garbage scow / asteroid to find out what the heck was going on. If I found out they had started a relationship with some blonde Sith Lord, Former SIS dude, or Zakkul native, I'd cram a double lightsaber up their rear end sideways. On the flip side if I came out of 5 years in carbonite to find the galaxy in this state, my very first priority would be to find out what happened to my spouse and loved ones. Granted, our characters are known throughout the galaxy as the "Outlander" but certainly by chapter 14 of KoTFE all of our old companions would have found out the truth in who this "Outlander" was and we would have heard SOMETHING. Do the SWTOR designers think so little of the time we took to cultivate these in-game relationships? As it stands now we have a small group of romance companions (four I believe) and you HAVE TO FEED ONE OF THEM TO THE WAR AND SACRIFICE THEM THUS CUTTING THE NUMBER DOWN TO THREE! ! All the great story telling in the world doesn't change the fact that the majority of your players are smart enough to remember what they did 2 seasons ago in game. Everyone that I've talked to about this is PISSED. Sooner or later you game designers are going to have to actually LISTEN to what your players are saying. You're also going to have to understand that the people that are actually paying for this game can treat your apathy toward our in-game efforts with our own brand of "I don't care what you do" and simply unsubscribe.
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I'm the same way. Must admit after I beaten this expansion I can't help but feel depressed and miserable until I remembered. In game I only took my male smuggler through it and feels like even after saving the galaxy and ruling an empire my smuggler will be depressed afterwards because he almost forgotten Akaavi and would be partly mad at Theron for stopping his work on finding them.


To help me sleep better I head cannoned that my smuggler trusted Bowdaar, Guss and HK-51 to find her and Rishi and Corso since he isn't sure Theron will find them since he seemed to forgotten them easily.

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Couldn't agree more, they didn't bring back a single companion this expansion. Don't get me wrong I liked the new expansion more or less. But the fact that so many memorable companions are still unaccounted for really sticks out. I mean yes we have gotten characters like Vette back which is honestly great. But I had my Sith warrior romance Jaesa. So here I am what, its been over a year and two expansions later and a lot of my favorite companions are still missing.


For me my favorite romance companions were always Kira and Jaesa and they still haven't come back. I have to assume Bioware plans on bringing them all back at some point but honestly how much longer do they expect us to wait?

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Couldn't agree more, they didn't bring back a single companion this expansion. Don't get me wrong I liked the new expansion more or less. But the fact that so many memorable companions are still unaccounted for really sticks out. I mean yes we have gotten characters like Vette back which is honestly great. But I had my Sith warrior romance Jaesa. So here I am what, its been over a year and two expansions later and a lot of my favorite companions are still missing.


For me my favorite romance companions were always Kira and Jaesa and they still haven't come back. I have to assume Bioware plans on bringing them all back at some point but honestly how much longer do they expect us to wait?


And it makes ZERO sense that you're known as the Alliance commander and at a minimum if you married your romance option(or one of them in the case of the male smuggler and agent) that they don't show up before Voss kicks off.


I mean even if it was just that character that comes back for those specific characters, that would be something.

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Agree I got halfway through fallen empire and just couldn't stand it anymore I had to find out if my time was being wasted. As it turns out it was. Now I don't even want to finish on my main let alone drag my alts through it for nothing. All my love interests with the exception of Aric and Torian are still missing. Corso, Andronikos, Doc, quinn, jaesa for my male SW and Malavai for my Female SW, Felix and Vector ( the only one I cheated on with Theron btw) So they are all waiting and its frustrating. I made a character to romance Theron for the sole purpose as to not have to make another character cheat since it was said some time ago that there will be consequences for cheating..OKAY WHEN and why am I still subscribing until then?
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My "strategy" of not taking a character through KotFE unless or until their love interest showed up (including the ones who romanced Theron and 1 with no love interest to romance Koth) paid off lol.


Yep. I'm taking my favorite sorcerer through the xpacs pretty slowly. She's at 68 and just about finished on Illium. At the pace we're going, I doubt waiting for her lunk headed pirate will feel that long when he finally shows up. ;)


Between that, and grinding influence for my F!Trooper before I take her past Ch. 14, it hasn't been too bad.


Personally I like to check out the videos posted of other run throughs before I take my own in. What's even better is trying the convo options you don't see and finding out they work better for your character.

For instance there's that reunion convo between the F!BH and Torian. In every video I've seen, the top one is chosen. There's the expected kiss and cheesy reunion of course.

That works for some, but I couldn't see my bounty hunter doing that. I tried the second and was pleasantly surprised how well it worked.


Reunion starts at 5:51 XD


Edited by Venn_Dras
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My "strategy" of not taking a character through KotFE unless or until their love interest showed up (including the ones who romanced Theron and 1 with no love interest to romance Koth) paid off lol.


I like that strategy. Originally, that had been one of my concerns with the loss of the classic companions at the beginning of KOTFE and I wish I had held back from following that course of action. I was naive and believed that at least some of my old companions would be returned to me eventually since they were such an integral part of why I chose to play this game. Bioware did an excellent job of creating a story and a cast of characters that pulled me in and kept me here. Currently, my plan is to only finish the KOTFE/KOTET storylines on my female BH's and troopers since they had their LI's return and are the only ones worth completing at this point. Romances started after the carbonite thaw are completely unfulfilling and flat. My smuggler would have torn planets to shreds looking for her Corso and the first thing out of Theron's mouth every day would be to give her an update on the search. At the very least, one or more of the multitude of insipid companions would be sent out to search and told not to come back until he was found. Giving us a horde of lackluster companions does not make up for what has been lost.


I will level the rest of my characters to 70 but they will no longer progress to completion in this storyline. I really do like the new storyline but the ball has been dropped on Bioware's end. We were given a season cliffhanger with zilch resolution and the next season starting as if the previous season hadn't happened. If this were a television show, I would stop watching it.

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How I feel the return of old LI could be done:

1) I'd like to have an option to ask my LI, why she did not make any effort of checking if I was really dead. She knew Lana and Theron, Lana found me in prison, so?...

2) My SI was in relationship with Ashara and she let him down twice already: didn't agree to marry him (because Jedi Council - yeah, right...) and she didn't help him when he was in prison. I really hope she has good explanation. She even wrote a letter, where she specifically says she doesn't feel any change in the Force after my SI's death. So she made a conclusion he is dead. That's just stupid, Ashara :/

3) This leads me to general idea for female LI: as an option perhaps, but one of the explantions could be that wife/LI was pregnant when all this KotFE-stuff happened and run away to protect the child. Of course other options should be included, but this one seems nice.

Edited by Typhaos
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I'm debating which of my characters I'll want to take through. I figure the few whose romance companions return are safe bets. And the character I created for the DvsL event, already got her through up to this one, so may as well keep going. Andronikos is missing and he's not coming back yet, but not much I can do about that at this point. I'll probably take the Sage I'm currently working on through, even though he'll be missing Nadia. Something about their relationship just isn't as compelling as others, and I get the feeling that Nadia could use a bit of time on her own to grow and mature. Plus, my Sage is a pretty chill, trust-in-the-Force kind of guy, so I don't think he'll have a problem focusing on the galactic picture and trusting that Nadia will be okay until he finds her.


Don't think I want my agent to be without Vector for that long, though, or my BH without Mako. Some couples just seem more solidly paired as a team than others, I guess?

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