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Hidden Advance


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while nice on paper, the use of it live is very limited.


Even if they do make it that its going to boost damage of the next rage consuming ability, other than at pull you will never stand still 6 seconds, and to get the full boost you need to take another utility to force camo.


So thats 2 utility point for at most...10k extra damage if it crits?


Because you won't reused it outside of 1-2 stack when you dump threat in fight. If you stand still for more than 1 GCD, you lose more dps than what this utility gain you.


Then there's pvp I guess, where its a bit more useful. However I prefer using mobility/defense utilities for that.

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You do realize this skill in PvP is amazing..


48% extra damage on a inspiration/adrenal popped Merciless Slash.. I've obtained crits of over 40k because of hidden advance haha. You just have to learn how to best use it.


Lure a player away, do your rotation, burst them down to get them to use health pot/def skill, then force camo away, wait for duration to end and merciless slash, Ive killed people in 1 hit from 38-43k hp left


It essentially turns your merciless slash into the best executioner in the game.

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