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Some rules (if you're going to come here to whine)


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I'm tired of reading unsubstantiated ludicrous claims that don't line up with my PvP experience here. I play a 32 Sage named Spud on Twin Spires.


1) If you're going to claim XX class walked up, knocked you down, and did 13k damage in 5 seconds, then SCREENSHOT or it did not happen.


2) If you claim you can't heal through a single targets DPS, FRAPS or it didn't happen (I heal one guy through 2 DPS all the time provided they aren't really squishy and bad)


3) Add your two cents here, it's too early in the morning for me.

Edited by malignment
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You are asking for people to stop acting like babies that whine over anything cause they think they're the center of the universe?


You ask too much my friend. When the average kid dies in ANY game it's the game's fault, the kid played PERFECT, the circumstances where IDEAL and the world is being unfair on this young and talented individual.



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you are asking for people to stop acting like babies that whine over anything cause they think they're the center of the universe?


You ask too much my friend. When the average kid dies in any game it's the game's fault, the kid played perfect, the circumstances where ideal and the world is being unfair on this young and talented individual.


I couldn't heal the guy? "fasdfasdasdf bioware fix healig noaw ljnga sd-fkj aasfs"


lol +1

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