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Graphics issue/bug


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Since the last patch the graphic's mess up something fierce before then every now and then I'd get a black flash with this game nothing major and only with this game. Since the patch on planets the background tears and sometimes disappears or turns a dull brown and more often than not a dull brown flash in the foreground every few seconds its a bit annoying but I assume just one of the launch bugs. Also for the record my companions are moving WAY slower than me though this started the night before the patch so doubt it's related I have to wait for them to catch up to me typically.
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If you're talking about random screen tearing or artifacting. I've been getting that, too, since the patch. I was fine before, and nothing I've done has made it go away. I never had it before, and it doesn't happen in other games. My temps are fine, too.


I'm not sure if it's just me, or if others are experiencing it as well :/ But sounds like you and I having issues with something similar.

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Sorry, I don't mean to be sounding like a broken record on all these graphic/shadow threads but something has changed for the worse. I'd like to keep these threads from getting buried with all the other bug threads. If you have a high end computer you probably won't notice this, and if you have a low end computer you probably don't use shadows. I'm in the middle and have noticed a lot of weird issues. Biggest being how my temperatures are higher and kicking in my fans more than prior to 5.0. Also the black screen logout issue.


From the patch notes:


Added new engine technology to improve fidelity of facial expressions in conversations and cinematics for all characters across the entire game. This graphical improvement is visible on High Shader setting.


Character animation is smoother and more performance allowing for more visible characters. Combat and large population scenes run significantly faster.


The visibility system has been optimized increasing the framerate and making the use of cascaded shadows less expensive.

I'm thinking something went wrong... :confused:

Edited by Zerileth
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I agree with you :/ this only happens in swtor for me. And I doubt my GPU decided November 29th was the day it was going to start screen tearing/having issues... ONLY in swtor, and on a patch/launch day. My PC is 2 years old... so I guess it's at the low end of mid-range. At least then. Have an AMD 280x, and an AMD 6300 at 3.5 gH, with 10gig RAM. This pc is more then capable of playing swtor.


I turned off vsync and triple buffering... to have my FPS skyrocket to 200 as it should have. Only to have the same issues you were about about my GPU's fans going insane. And making way more noise then it should be.


So I can only guess that something in THEIR graphics update mucked up settings somewhere. Either I haven't found it yet, and I never will... because I've tried everything outside of buying an entirely new GPU. Which seems a bit excessive for random artifacts and tears in one game that weren't there on monday evening.


Also... when playing KOTFE. My tears are more... flashes like the OP describes. Usually transitioning between scenes in a cinematic :/ I tried playing around with my vsync settings again. Tried rolling back my drivers. Then reinstalling them... etc... nothing works. It's only in select places. Indoor areas, and story/group phases in old content is fine for me. But the open world... like on Tatooine or Taris... I'll get tears while flying/mounted. Alderaan was bad, too. KOTFE... cinematic transitions between screens have a millisecond dull brown flash, or... sometimes blue.



Edited by GabbyMe
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I have also got random screen tearing, artifacting and screen flashes since the new patch. Tried every possible gfx settings and everything else you'd want to do ( driver re-install and so forth) but nothing works. Outside of SWTOR things behave like normal. Also, log-out blackscreens/game-freezes and even blackscreens when transitioning to a cutscene which never happened before.

System is older, but it used to run SWTOR like a chamer at mid-high settings: I-5 2400k, AMD 270x (2g vram), 8g ram.


The game is playable, but these screen flashes and screen tearing/artifacting are already getting really old real fast.

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Off topic a bit here.



I have to agree with GabbyMe, Theron does need a new Jacket or a Change of clothes his is starting to get really ripe. Oh by the way so is Lana and Koth and all the others you can not change their GEAR! I mean in game time its only been for Theron and Lana 10 or so years. I think you did upgrade Lana out fit on the latter half of those 10 years but still shes ripe too.


So BW get some of your Devs to hop in their favorite land speeder and go down to your local Galactic GOODWILL store and get them some new CLEAN STUFF on that next Patch, IIGHT?


Sorry for the Hi-jacking the thread, going off topic and for the rant. :D


Please resume and Take Care & Be Well........

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Same thing for me. I've noticed that (so far) it mostly seems to occur in outdoor areas on the older/original planets; once I get indoors somewhere it pretty much goes away. Everything was fine on Monday night, before the patch, and now... this.


I'm having exactly the same issue just as everyone is describing it, and the issue is still present after the 5.0a patch.

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I've played through KOTFE and noticed only flashing in cinematics as the scenes transition. Sometimes get random artifacts... but definitely not as bad as the older planets. Flying back and forth on Republic Taris was a nightmare. It was the only place I could use as a reliable test place while trying to fix the problem. On other planets... it just happens randomly. Doesn't matter the planet... for me... it's still outdoors on most planets. Usually when I'm flying or mounted. Sometimes while walking, too. It happens in indoor/phased areas. But very rarely.


KoTeT seems to suffer from both of these... intermittently (screen flashes with cinematics and artifacts). Like... when piloting that giant droid thing on Iokath. There were artifacts all over the place. It was getting distracting.


Did snort at your archaeology joke though. :p Might do them some good.

Edited by GabbyMe
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  • 3 weeks later...

Have been having the same problem.


Thought at first it was Crimson driver update and so I rolled back and even installed an older driver... same problem persists. It seems to be like screen tearing and artifacts combined and it is mostly on older planets. I have done what I can and safely say that if you are here its not a problem on your end.


I have tearing that looks like individual pixels of every color in game flash in a line across the screen. Now normally I would say its the card but I have tested under other games and temps and drivers are all fine. This is a game issue. As always EA has created something and not tested it properly. Also remember that the coding used throughout the game has been problematic for updates.


I hope this will get sorted in time but honestly I wouldn't worry too much at the moment. It is a nuisance but if it doesn't crash the game you are ok. Always remember that artifacts are corruptions of textures and are rarely uniform to in game scenery so if the water or a floor tile changes color or texture and, it doesn't happen on all tiles but only in one place... its game related. Have OC'ed a card and killed it I can tell you that Artifacting and driver issues are VERY different. You will know. The game will tend to crash as well. As this is not happening it is definitely an in game problem that will get fixed if we all ticket it.:)


Finally. raise a ticket about your problem. Look on the website for known in game problems and issues.


The below video is an excellent example of artifacting artifacting. If you dont have this is the game, not your card.

Edited by Kuniyosh
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  • 1 month later...
If you have a high end computer you probably won't notice this, and if you have a low end computer you probably don't use shadows.

I normally run max settings, and I see this black flash too. Although, I think I've also seen a white or lighter colored one too, depending on the color scheme of the planet.


Also... when playing KOTFE. My tears are more... flashes like the OP describes. Usually transitioning between scenes in a cinematic :/ I tried playing around with my vsync settings again. Tried rolling back my drivers. Then reinstalling them... etc... nothing works. It's only in select places. Indoor areas, and story/group phases in old content is fine for me.

Interesting, I've noticed slow renders when transitioning scenes or cutting to the next shot. For a split second, the NPCs aren't present, then they suddenly appear. It's really annoying and happens 99% of the time.


Have been having the same problem.

Thought at first it was Crimson driver update and so I rolled back and even installed an older driver... same problem persists. It seems to be like screen tearing and artifacts combined and it is mostly on older planets. I have done what I can and safely say that if you are here its not a problem on your end.




I hope this will get sorted in time but honestly I wouldn't worry too much at the moment. It is a nuisance but if it doesn't crash the game you are ok.


Finally. raise a ticket about your problem. Look on the website for known in game problems and issues.

It's more than a nuisance for people that record their playthroughs.


I have a new AMD card running Crimson, and I don't have the artifacts problem. I do have the bar problem though. XP bars, loading bars, status bars, etc. of any kind are corrupted wherever they fade out or end. This is supposedly a driver problem though. I'm not entirely sure about that.


Oh wait, I did notice something once on Denova warzone on the scoreboard, but it only happened once near the end of a match.

Edited by Tofu_Shark
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I have this problem as well and it started with 5.0. The game was fine before. The 5.1 update didn't fix it unfortunately.

This problem only occurs with SWTOR and I think is related to the 'optimizations' they did recently because all my other games are working fine.

I'm using nvidia GTX 1080


Here is an exemple of the problem:



Like others said before, it happens only outdoors. I never see it indoors.

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