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KOTET chapters - your opinion?


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To bad he was willing to screw you over on Yavin 4 and during one of the FPs in SoR. :p

Not quite following you here. Theron and Lana both try to screw each other over, but I don't remember them ever trying to screw you over. Don't they both try to get your cooperation in their moves against the other? So they're being honest with you, at least. Even then, Lana does way more against Theron than he does against her.


I admit that I may be forgetting something, but I'm happy to be reminded if so. (What I recall is that whichever of them is on your faction, they try to get you to help sabotage stuff for the other faction.)

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Not quite following you here. Theron and Lana both try to screw each other over, but I don't remember them ever trying to screw you over. Don't they both try to get your cooperation in their moves against the other? So they're being honest with you, at least. Even then, Lana does way more against Theron than he does against her.


I admit that I may be forgetting something, but I'm happy to be reminded if so. (What I recall is that whichever of them is on your faction, they try to get you to help sabotage stuff for the other faction.)


Yeah they both do the same thing . Theron want the droid destroyed so the empire doesnt get them . Lana want the droid so the empire get them .


Theron ask you to tweak the sensor to spy on the empire . Lana ask you the same .


well Lana did leave Theron to be captured , but once everyone meet up you can make her apologize . Which she does . And Theron stay bitter lol

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well Lana did leave Theron to be captured , but once everyone meet up you can make her apologize . Which she does . And Theron stay bitter lol

An apology the PC makes her give can't be all that sincere. Honestly I think she believes she did the right thing and would do the same again in a similar situation, apology or not. This is somewhat confirmed by the way (if you're an Imperial character) she continues to scheme against Theron and the Republic afterwards on Yavin. She acts sad that he's angry at her for abandoning him to be tortured, but her behaviour doesn't change a bit, so I have my doubts about how sad she really is. :rolleyes:


For the record, I don't blame either of them for working against their opposing factions. One can be of the view that genuine cooperation is better, or alternatively that a backstabbing will happen soon so best to keep working secretly against the "enemy." Either view makes an amount of sense. What I have absolutely no patience for is Lana acting like it's soooo sad that Theron glares at her, while continuing to act behind his back exactly the same way as before. (I only encountered this on my second playthrough, as an imperial. I didn't find Lana as irksome before I saw this hypocrisy.)


Frankly, even the particular way she let the Revanites grab Theron implies a lack of respect. In the agent storyline on Corellia, you follow orders to let yourself get captured and tortured. The one giving you those orders trusts you to be able to keep your head and play the part. Lana doesn't extend the same trust to Theron. This was particularly noticeable to me as I was bringing a new DvL agent through SoR, so Corellia was fresh in my mind. My agent knew he was perfectly capable of managing an ordeal like this. Theron, with his similar intelligence background, should've been assumed to be exactly as capable. More, even, due to his helpful implants. So, to me, Lana keeping him in the dark honestly seemed like a slap in the face.


But whatevs. :D Bioware likes her. Plenty of players, I assume, like her. If they can shed some light on the character that would make me like her (as a character, even if not as a person), I'd welcome it. She has enough screentime in the story that it would be an improvement to be able to appreciate her. And I do feel like her role is going to continue, and even strengthen, if there is more story still to come. I think we all noticed how Kaliyo and Jorgan, who can die in KotFE, had nothing to do in KotET. This will presumably apply to Vette and Torian going forward as well, and I wouldn't be surprised if it applied to Koth too, and even to Arcann and Senya (in spite of how pivotal they've been to the story up to this point). The more Alliance story companions who can die, the more the future story will hinge on those who can't die. And there must always be some who never die, so Bioware has some reliable coathangers on which to drape the story. I don't see why that wouldn't continue to be Lana and Theron.

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But whatevs. :D Bioware likes her. Plenty of players, I assume, like her. If they can shed some light on the character that would make me like her (as a character, even if not as a person), I'd welcome it. She has enough screentime in the story that it would be an improvement to be able to appreciate her. And I do feel like her role is going to continue, and even strengthen, if there is more story still to come.


Hum...I don't think she is a hypocrite .


I personally saw her ''Working to make it hard for Theron'' more like a rivalery . Like friends do ''I'm going to make it hard for you ! We are still friends but doesn't mean I'm going to go easy on you !'' .


Hell on Ziost , Theron made a mess of things and she barely blinked at him when she could've tried to arrest him . Instead she worked with him to solve the situation at hand .


So, to me, Lana keeping him in the dark honestly seemed like a slap in the face.

LOL You can confront Theron about it . And tell him that if he knew he wouldn't have been able to pretend he was captured on purpose .


He is SIS , an agent and a spy that keep getting himself in dangerous situation all the time . This shouldn't be an issue at all .


I think what bothered Theron was he trusted her first . While she still wasn't trusting him . But I think after Shadow of Revan she started trusting him and in Kotfe there were no more issue between them , since the Empire and Repb was behind them both .


And I can't blame Lana for not trusting Theron so easely , since during Shadow of Revan her own Master she trusted him and he backstabbed her and we were chasing him . If she trusted Theron right away it would've been a surprise , and wouldn't fit at all .


I love Lana lol she is my main romance on all my Toons :p


I dunno , she is pragmatic . She also never scream or disagree with you like Sith Lord used to do . You know , zapping you or force choke cose you said No . She also never step her bound going against you even if she disagree with you . I think of her like the voice of reason when I play my DS Selfish Sorc . And a Good clear head when I play a LS since even if I don't do as she say , she never miss the big pictures .'' You took a risk not taking my advice , but the mission is a success , let's hope your decision bear fruit in the futur '' Is pretty much how she goes about things .


And she doesn't even make me feel guilty or anything . Unlike some companions who loveeeeeeee making me feel guilty *cough*Koth*cough* .


And she is Pretty to boot! :D

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Hell on Ziost , Theron made a mess of things and she barely blinked at him when she could've tried to arrest him . Instead she worked with him to solve the situation at hand .

This is legit, actually. She would've been well within her rights to take some more serious action against Theron on Ziost. I think it's good that she recognised they shared a common purpose and he wasn't blindly doing what Saresh wanted. (Not that she refrains from trying to do some things Theron completely hates, e.g. some sort of horrible vivisection on that jedi colleague of his. But as far as she's concerned, the Republic's invading Ziost, so I don't see why she'd have any particular reservations at that time.)


You can confront Theron about it . And tell him that if he knew he wouldn't have been able to pretend he was captured on purpose .

I know, because I did! :D In fact, it was my agent, who carried off the whole fake-being-captured-and-endure-torture thing flawlessly, who told Theron he wouldn't have been able to fake it, which made it all the more insulting. That agent hates the SIS and is consistently a total jerk to Theron. :) He didn't want to work with Theron, never pretended to be his friend, and insults him at every opportunity. He obviously doesn't care - likes it, even - if Theron hates him back. To me this is rather different from the way Lana uses Theron but then acts upset when he doesn't like being used.


I dunno , she is pragmatic . She also never scream or disagree with you like Sith Lord used to do . You know , zapping you or force choke cose you said No . She also never step her bound going against you even if she disagree with you . I think of her like the voice of reason when I play my DS Selfish Sorc . And a Good clear head when I play a LS since even if I don't do as she say , she never miss the big pictures .'' You took a risk not taking my advice , but the mission is a success , let's hope your decision bear fruit in the futur '' Is pretty much how she goes about things .


And she doesn't even make me feel guilty or anything . Unlike some companions who loveeeeeeee making me feel guilty *cough*Koth*cough* .

I actually love Koth as a character. He stands up for his principles, even if that ends up getting himself killed. We know where he came from, the things he's been through, what he'll do and what he won't. Plenty of people hate him, but at least they can give several reasons based on his actions for why they hate him.


Lana is more pragmatic, but she will sacrifice almost anything if the situation calls for it, so what does her pragmatism ultimately stand for? What is the point on which she will never budge? It seems like it's the PC. But the PC can be so wildly different that the only thing that all PCs have in common is their effectiveness, their ability to change and shape the galaxy. That must be what speaks to Lana. But what does she want to change and shape the galaxy for? I have no idea what values she holds dear that she'd want to shift the galaxy towards. Maybe freedom from Zakuul for the Imperial worlds is enough. If it is, I wonder what she'll want once that is achieved.


One could definitely argue that she deserves points for not being a stereotypical crazy sith lord, but I've always found it off-putting that there are so many over-the-top, lightning-shooting, force-choking sith in the Empire, and the Empire hasn't fallen apart. :confused: It shouldn't be so astonishing that less loony sith lords exist. What should be more clear is what leads a sith to be more rational and pragmatic. Do we even know why Lana eschews titles and doesn't take a new name as a sith lord? It's so unusual for a sith of her power to carry her normal birthname around that I feel we should've learned more about her reasons.


Maybe part of the problem is that we don't get dedicated companion conversations like we used to with our class companions. On the other hand, we manage to get a much better idea of most of the companions other than Lana in spite of not getting those conversations... It would be nice, though. I miss those moments where you and your companions get to know each other better, parallel to the development of the main plot.

Edited by Estelindis
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For one time play I liked the story. I liked most of characters and choices I can make ( played light side ). My biggest disappointment is lack of interactions with companions. We never had a chance to sit down and talk about what hapend, how they feel and think about it. And ending. Oh, the ending. My biggest fear became truth. WHY? I'm already special. And it's so weird do quests after that. Bonus complane

Arcann. He is my favorite character. I'm glad about he becoming my companion, but I never saw how he turned to the light side and after all he done before, nobody come and challenged my decision and Arcann himseft. Poor guy never had his own heroic moment.

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(Not that she refrains from trying to do some things Theron completely hates, e.g. some sort of horrible vivisection on that jedi colleague of his. But as far as she's concerned, the Republic's invading Ziost, so I don't see why she'd have any particular reservations at that time.)


which is good . Like I said before , she isn't there to please Mister Shan . She still belong to the Empire , she tell you that if you pick an answer that tell her she is going soft and friendzoning the ennemy lol


He obviously doesn't care - likes it, even - if Theron hates him back. To me this is rather different from the way Lana uses Theron but then acts upset when he doesn't like being used.

That actually always make me laugh . Cose they bicker like Sibling !


She used him ONCE ! Sheesh lol and he never let it go .


Plenty of people hate him, but at least they can give several reasons based on his actions for why they hate him.

He interrupted a Smoochie with Lana ! So I killed him for it...cose Smoochies are scared that way :p


I just wish I had the chance to give him a 1h lecture about it before killing him lol


Lana is more pragmatic, but she will sacrifice almost anything if the situation calls for it,

And that show she isnt perfect...which is part of her charm . :o


That must be what speaks to Lana. But what does she want to change and shape the galaxy for?

Maybe a place like Odessen ? where the light and dark are in Harmony ? cose if either side win...there will be a loser somewhere . Unification of the galaxy should be the ultimate goal once you can see that neither side is right and both are wrong .

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She used him ONCE ! Sheesh lol and he never let it go .

I don't think this is quite fair. :D He doesn't let it go immediately, but I don't remember it being mentioned after Yavin. By all means correct me if I'm wrong. :)


He interrupted a Smoochie with Lana ! So I killed him for it...cose Smoochies are scared that way :p I just wish I had the chance to give him a 1h lecture about it before killing him lol

Your character's priorities amuse me! :p


And that show she isnt perfect...which is part of her charm . :o

I feel like this is debatable. While I actually agree that her willingness of sacrifice almost anything is part of what makes her imperfect (and perfect characters are boring), I'm not sure that the writers intend it to be read primarily like this. I think they mean for this aspect of her personality to be distasteful to the more goody-two-shoes types like me... but I think they aim even more for her ultimate loyalty to the player character to make her liked by most players. However, I find it a bit suffocating and indicative that her other convictions are weaker by comparison.


Maybe a place like Odessen ? where the light and dark are in Harmony ? cose if either side win...there will be a loser somewhere . Unification of the galaxy should be the ultimate goal once you can see that neither side is right and both are wrong .

A place where light and dark are in harmony sounds like it might appeal to Lana in some ways... though I think she's ultimately more dark than light, and prefers the philosophy of the sith over any other (albeit a more "civilized" version of sithyness than is usual). Is unification of the galaxy really something she should pursue? For better or worse, the galaxy was unified under Zakuul, and she opposed that, so unification for its own sake wouldn't seem to be her goal. Plus, the liberated Republic no doubt wishes to remain free of the Empire. As you say, if the sides end up fighting again, then either one side loses, or it's a stalemate after pointless loss of life. As little as I like Lana, I don't see her as petty or stupid, so I don't think she'd want that.

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I don't think this is quite fair. :D He doesn't let it go immediately, but I don't remember it being mentioned after Yavin. By all means correct me if I'm wrong. :)

Lol he actually does . He tell the Story to Koth in a cutscene after you flirt with Lana . When you come back with her , and she say something like you two having fun , he say 'Oh we arent talking about anything Rishi related'' . And from what Koth said ''That sound like Lana'' ..I'm guessing he told him about it .


Your character's priorities amuse me! :p

well as a Lesbian , I only get Lana...so you can understand WHY That moment was SO IMPORTANT! Smoochie equal me saving the galaxy . I get deprived of that..and I just leave everyone hanging and they can save themself lol .


I feel like this is debatable. While I actually agree that her willingness of sacrifice almost anything is part of what makes her imperfect (and perfect characters are boring), I'm not sure that the writers intend it to be read primarily like this. I think they mean for this aspect of her personality to be distasteful to the more goody-two-shoes types like me... but I think they aim even more for her ultimate loyalty to the player character to make her liked by most players. However, I find it a bit suffocating and indicative that her other convictions are weaker by comparison.

They write them in a way , but you know..if you ever saw or read some Fanfiction . It's there that the real artist make a certain character grow . And everyone will see it under a different Light . That's the charm of it .


why would a goody two shoes be distateful ? when usually goody two shoes job is to be tolerant and preachy and trying to turn her to the LS ? LOL I mean , she as a Sith..should be the one who get Irked by a LS behavior . And she isn't .


For better or worse, the galaxy was unified under Zakuul, and she opposed that, so unification for its own sake wouldn't seem to be her goal.

Being Bullied by the eternal fleet isnt being United under Zakuul . That's not what Unification really is . Unification , True unity is when everyone get over themself and work as one . And they all stand shoulder to shoulder without hatred and without allegiance to this or that but to one cause , one ruler and one banner but for the Good of ALL .


As little as I like Lana, I don't see her as petty or stupid, so I don't think she'd want that.

well I know that is what my Sith warrior want at least lol .

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I kind of hate that Theron and Lana are tied together after Yavin. If one dies, you can bet the other will die(or you will choose between them). The choice will never be for example between Gault and Lana or T7 and Theron. If we ever had the option to let one die then the surviving one would be glossed over and not really a part of any future storyline (like Kaliyo and Jorgan in KotET). If I want any hope of more stories with Theron I will have to tolerate more Lana :/
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I kind of hate that Theron and Lana are tied together after Yavin. If one dies, you can bet the other will die(or you will choose between them). The choice will never be for example between Gault and Lana or T7 and Theron. If we ever had the option to let one die then the surviving one would be glossed over and not really a part of any future storyline (like Kaliyo and Jorgan in KotET). If I want any hope of more stories with Theron I will have to tolerate more Lana :/


lol and If I want more Lana..I have to tolerate Theron....:D

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lol and If I want more Lana..I have to tolerate Theron....:D

I wish we could trade lol! Or that it was like Dragon Age 2 with Carver vs Bethany.


I feel like this is debatable. While I actually agree that her willingness of sacrifice almost anything is part of what makes her imperfect (and perfect characters are boring), I'm not sure that the writers intend it to be read primarily like this. I think they mean for this aspect of her personality to be distasteful to the more goody-two-shoes types like me... but I think they aim even more for her ultimate loyalty to the player character to make her liked by most players. However, I find it a bit suffocating and indicative that her other convictions are weaker by comparison.

Yeah she comes across as ridiculously clingy to me and with no will of her own. I really feel like she's being pushed as a waifu/bff regardless of how the protagonist treats her or how the player feels about her.

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I wish we could trade lol! Or that it was like Dragon Age 2 with Carver vs Bethany.



Yeah she comes across as ridiculously clingy to me and with no will of her own. I really feel like she's being pushed as a waifu/bff regardless of how the protagonist treats her or how the player feels about her.


Urgh don't remind me of that . I love my Blood Mage..so I had whiny Carver all the time :(


Thanx God I had Bela to save me from raging lol

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Three people, two paths. No you're right ... It's the outlanders fault. Why didn't I tell one of them to go save the other one?!


Just blame whoever wrote it that way....


You know , like datacron mind numbing crazy jumping . Don't blame the Platform ! or your fingers ! or your keyboard ! Blame the Genius who though it was 'Fun' . :D

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For sure. However, it goes against the "He's honest" comment. :p


He was willing to stab you in the back if it served his needs at the time, when it was still a matter of Republic vs Imperials.


Well yes he stabbed you in the back, but he's honest about having to do it, and again nothing more than what my IA would of done.

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Not quite following you here. Theron and Lana both try to screw each other over, but I don't remember them ever trying to screw you over. Don't they both try to get your cooperation in their moves against the other? So they're being honest with you, at least. Even then, Lana does way more against Theron than he does against her.


I admit that I may be forgetting something, but I'm happy to be reminded if so. (What I recall is that whichever of them is on your faction, they try to get you to help sabotage stuff for the other faction.)


Yes, but it shows they're willing to screw over the other side. So, if you're Imperial at that point in the story, Theron is looking to do things to screw with your side. Same with if you're Republic and Lana.


Hell, Lana shows her disdain for Rep side on Rishi when the Rep is a cannibalistic pirate and the Imp side is awesome pirate of awesome sauce. :p

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While killing him, do they scream "She's mine! You were never supposed to be with her!"? :)


who do that ? my toon or Koth ?


lol I play my Sorc very self centered..so by the time he hit the ground...she is in front of a mirror talking about how the kill was awesome..while Lana in the back is like O_o



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I hate Charles Boyd. He has done a horrible job at creating this horrible story. It had potential, but the dude cannot write. I love the gameplay in the new expo, but the story fell absolutely short. I just want another expo on parr with the Dread War, even SoR. Doesn't look like it will ever happen though. That is what makes me sad. I loved Ziost, but the sad thing is they new they were going to lead into KotFE story when they wrote it. Could have made so many changes... but alas, there is not chance of them to recant.....


I still will play the game, but I am done with the story. Lorewise, and I can't believe I am saying this, I am just going to stick with my "Head Canon" <ugh makes me quiver using that word>

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