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Missing romance flag when moving to ET chapters


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I have Jedi Consular that romanced Theron in Fallen Empire. After starting first chapter of Eternal Throne, the romance flag is gone - there is nothing in 'Interactions' tab under companion bio and it is not acknowledged in dialogues (Chapter IV for example).
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Same for me on 2 chars. On my sith she got the smooch before taking the throne, but with my gunslinger she got no acknowledgement. Both chars began the romance with Ch9. My trooper still has Theron flagged as a romance after completing KotET. Only thing I can think of is something happened since the last patch as the Trooper was the first through KotET and the other two since.
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I'm not going to bother running any more toons through KotET till this is fixed. It may seem unimportant to some players, but to others it is a part of the characters we've created.


I see I'm not alone with this issue, my main JK is in locked romance with Lana and I didn't get a single flirt option with her part from your standard approves or dont approves but yet all of the KOTET chapters with Theron in them allowed me to flirt with him and it's worse that I completed KOTET so I've lost out for them small details for my characters story when I ran through it. :(

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I got a reply from CS about the lost romance flag.


The romance interactions are only during the storyline of the companion and when the storyline is finished, there is no romance interactions anymore.

Unfortunately there is no interactions notes.


This doesn't explain why both characters were romancing Theron but only 1 lost the romance flag.

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I have the same issue, but with Lana, on my main Sorc. I was romancing her, then nothing on KotET, and instead I get [Flirt] options from Theron, who I never romanced.


Very important story stuff cannot possibly be allowed to be bugged like this. At the first sign that anything affecting the story was off, a patch should have been on its way. I'm not talking about the myriad little gameplay bugs littered around KotET, which is more bug than expansion, honestly. Those are annoying, but logging out solves them. I can understand having to deal with those considering that there was a deadline to deliver the expansion before Christmas. Story choices affecting the much-touted YOUR STORY are on a whole different level, a level where bugs are, frankly, beyond unacceptable.

Edited by Altus_Esterhazy
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I created another in game ticket querying the response from CS as one of my chars still has the romance with Theron. Their reply was mindblowingly irrelevant


"We appreciate the time you took to send us your impressions and ideas, and we can assure you that our Development team is always interested in receiving constructive feedback from our players.


To ensure that your ideas are seen by the right people, we recommend posting them on our Suggestion Box forum"


I did not make a suggestion, I queried the BS response to my original ticket. How in the hell are subscribers supposed to have problems resolved when CS reply with such BS?

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I created another in game ticket querying the response from CS as one of my chars still has the romance with Theron. Their reply was mindblowingly irrelevant



"We appreciate the time you took to send us your impressions and ideas, and we can assure you that our Development team is always interested in receiving constructive feedback from our players.


That is a rare bright shining jewel of corporatese right there. Truly.

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I got a reply from CS about the lost romance flag.



The romance interactions are only during the storyline of the companion and when the storyline is finished, there is no romance interactions anymore.

Unfortunately there is no interactions notes.


This doesn't explain why both characters were romancing Theron but only 1 lost the romance flag.


This sounds like the CS rep thought you were talking about vanilla companion story arcs or something. Their reply doesn't make sense to me. Lana doesn't have a "companion storyline."

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I have no idea what they thought I was talking about. As to the 'suggestions' I'm totally blown away, I wasn't aware i'd made a suggestion I thought I'd queried the response.


I did run another char through KotET and she lost the romance with Theron too, so obviously something happened with the 'fix' they made for other stuff.


Right now I'm reluctant to risk playing other characters through KotET in case they lose their husbands / wives / romances too

Edited by Drunken_Ewok
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