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Removing expertise does not put PVErs on equal ground


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This expansion will exacerbate the issues more. I've been a proponent for years of people being left in the mids bracket until they reach a certain amount of Valor. End game pvp is not where you learn how to pvp. Having a system like that would remove a lot of the toxicity from end game pvp and also improve the quality.

But it seems they can't even setup ranked with Valor properly. 25 Valor to enter ranked is a joke. So my previous idea would never happen.

The only way forward is for new people to learn manners and ask questions as well as follow ledgitmate directions on how to win. But veterans need to be more understanding and try and help these newbies before they turn into noobs who are rude and never listen because they already think they know everything.

You have to get to the newbies early, before the noobs or the toxic people do. The way to do that is to try and help or befriend them. If that means running some premades with them to give guidance or do some dueling or helping at the training dummies, it's worth the investment if just 50% take you up the offer and end up learning the right way to pvp.

As for the noobs already out there, they are a lost cause. If you find you keep popping with them and they are ruining your fun, just leave and requeue. You should not have to carry idiots who won't learn or are abusive.


Word TrixxieTriss! I've actually had the same idea running inside my brain for a while now,

a seperate high end bracket with valor lock but I can no longer hope for it when I noticed

the current valor lock for ranked atm like you mentioned.


side note: I tend to play with people who are less experienced then myself as long as they are reasonable humans with common sense.

Edited by Gray
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What an elitist bunch of crap......


Their not good enough to play with us...


You all should listen to yourselves.


First you ***** and moan about not enough players, and now that there is new blood you complain about that.


Look the newbs have taken the first step by trying PvP to begin with. Most have no clue what is what, and most are reluctant to ask for help because of the toxic community that PvPers are assumed to be. You the seasoned vets need to either promote our community or shut up. Because there are more of them than there are of us.

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What an elitist bunch of crap......


Their not good enough to play with us...


You all should listen to yourselves.


First you ***** and moan about not enough players, and now that there is new blood you complain about that.


Look the newbs have taken the first step by trying PvP to begin with. Most have no clue what is what, and most are reluctant to ask for help because of the toxic community that PvPers are assumed to be. You the seasoned vets need to either promote our community or shut up. Because there are more of them than there are of us.


Guess you missed half of what was being said. No one has an issue playing with newbies, people have an issue playing with noobs. Look up the difference.


And my point wasn't about them not being good enough, mine was about them rolling fresh high lvl toons or jumping into pvp for the first time at max lvl. The best and easiest way to learn how to pvp is in lowbies and mids. If you don't learn in those bracket, then the end game bracket is brutal. It's not enjoyable for them and it it's not enjoyable for us facerolling them or having them stuck on our team.

My suggestion was to the allow higherest lvl players to play pvp, but be placed in the mids bracket till they reach a certain amount of Valor. By then they should have enough experience to be able to know to do. It is better for them and better for end game pvp.

But you'll also notice that I said Bioware won't do that, so the best thing is to help the newbies. I'm not sure how that is being elitist or toxic.

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