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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Biggest 5.0 Gripes - List Yours!


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Nobody else but me hates the new wave combat thing they're pushing in all the chapters? Seriously, they tried it in DA2, and players were so annoyed about mobs randomly teleporting in they had to patch the game to at least make them appear from reasonable places. Now we've got the same thing again?


Tried playing in veteran mode. Was so unfun I logged out before I finished a chapter. Waves of pointless skytroopers, now with more health, for no worthwhile rewards. Come on Bioware, 'harder' dopes not have to mean 'more tedious'.


Also hate the new forehead wrinkles, since

a) there are no other wrinkles anywhere else

b) there's no many wrinkles were the nose meets the forehead it looks like my toons face is trying to eat itself.


I haven't even gotten to 70 yet on my main as playing the chapters was so meh, but from what my guildies tell me, Galactic Command is every bit as awful as expected. As someone who logs in to level toons and play ops, it looks unlikely I will get enough hours of play on my main to be able to play the HM ops my guild team was working through. Which means RIP raid team, me included :(

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I actually like some of the 5.0 changes and I enjoyed the new chapters for the most part. However, the Galactic Command system is, in my opinion, the worst thing EAWare has ever done in this game. It blots out all the good will generated in me by the few hours of new content we were given, and has also destroyed any and all motivation in me to try to re-gear my toons. What's the point? I'd just be re-gearing to run through the exact same content I've already cleared dozens of times over the past five years. I don't have the time to grind to Command Rank 300 on all the toons I previously raided on just to farm RNG boxes that may give me NOTHING.
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Too many people around make this bug happen. With all the kotet bugs I doubt this is high on list. Buy the gtn terminal from the CM and put it in your stronghold. Problem solved.


I had this issue with Shae Vizla when I recruited her in my own personal phase on Odessen. So it's not just when people are around this bug happens, all I saw of her was her gun and boots rest of her was gone when I was previewing her customizations.

Edited by DarthEnrique
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hate that my only saber skill on sorc heal has a 13,6 sec cd. !? the only one!!!! only lightning to spam, i guess they really want me to heal or something like that...

otherwise command lvl 7 now on one char, 2 230 setpieces and an implant, not so bad. but who knows how this will go on.

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Here is my overall review of KOTET (or SWTOR in general)


+ KOTET Story was okay. I finally got to kill a lot of people that had it coming. Just hope they stay dead this time.

+ The new abilities/animation (on my Sith Jugger) feel very satisfying. Very fluid, fast with the right amout of dmg.


- None of the good companions are back. In fact no companions at all.

- The gamepley itself feels sluggish and tedious. Camera movement feel like you fight against a rubber band pulling it back.

- Server is super laggy during fight. It just gets soo annoying when you have a 2-3 second lag every gosh darn fight.

- Too many "run from point A to B" just to start another Cutscene. Could have just played the cutscene after the last one.

- Too many unnecessary mobs that make no sensne. Like in a collapsing building surely everybody would run instead of attacking me.. or in fact, wait on me along the way out.

- That Walker walk animation - like for real.



You can stop reading here if you want. The rest is just me rambling about how bad this game has become.


Having played WoW Legion the past months without any of those issues. Im sure this is not something my computer or internet connection (which are both good) are responsible for. (regarding the technical issues).

And i know what you think... "ugh.. WoW Fanboy".. but no. Im not a WoW fanboy, i just state the truth.

SWTOR devs try to copy WoW hard.. like srsly hard. If you look at the WoW Patchnotes of big updates, you can pretty much be sure some of the stuff from their will be in the next SWTOR update. Coincidence? Not really. Happens way too often for that.


The point im trying to make here is - they try to copy so hard but fail equally.

SWTOR feels low quality.. an abandoned project that is just here to generate as much money as they can before it dies completely. You can literally feel it when you play this game.

Im not a hater of SWTOR - in fact i was a supporter all those years when i saw other people complain. Been here since Beta so that quite a while.

But now its over, because the truth stays the truth, no matter how much i wish it wouldn't be the truth.

This game is getting worse and worse.. and thats where im gonna stop.


Im not a dev, i cant say what needs to change to make this game enjoyable again. (Apart from removing the CM or at least make it low priority)

Only thing i know is, when i play WoW i feel how much thought and heart the devs put into the game (something BioWare was really good at once, but they lost their touch over the past years).

While when i play SWTOR its more of a .. "i hope im done with alle 9 chapters soon".. instead of a "damn, i dont want it to stop" - because everything is just so tedious and sluggish. It feels like.. an empty shell of what it once was.


I realize this has become longer than i actually wanted it to be. And im not even sure if i managed to bring my point across. Im not a hater or WoW Fanboy who just wants to talk bad about this game.

Im dissapointed... thats all really. Let's just hope ME:A will be good.


And before you tell me to do so.. yes im gonna go play WoW now. In fact i didnt even stop :p

Edited by Focusangel
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- RNG Boxing

- Damage missbalancing, some goldies are easier then silver Mobs.

- Spirit of Vaylin (did anyone of the Def-Team play it without GOD Mode? The Spirit hits in my opinion harder than a HM Raid Boss, even in Story Mode)

- still no Companions who still be missing from original SWTOR

- forced to use Lana and Theron all the Time(boring)

- from Valkorion is the biggest ****** in the Universe- Story to oh look just another Child that is angry cause Daddy was bad to her and now she hates everyone Story.

- Server Lags and Companion KI, how can it be that i sneak around a Red Circle from the Horizon Guards and my Companion runs straight in it?

- Chapter 8 Decision that can be made, Really? between 2 of (my opionen) the, right now, best Companions? Come on there are so many who deserved that more than those 2.

- Waves of Troopers against one, oh great in the Story i can see what Uprising will be, lets strike down 10 or 20 Troopers wow great...................NOT!

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Was that the "let's pretend we're in a Sierra adventure game from 25 years ago" chapter?


Thats the one. Let design a rat maze and have the players run through it as they try to find some entertainment that just isn't really there.


Few chapters were good, other chapters were bad, ch 6 was just atrocious.

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Too Funny. All I could think of in chapter 5 was Star Wars meets the Borg. Really BW, is that all you got. Unsatisfying rip offs of every one elses imagination. Chapter 3 was annoying because it was so buggy, but chapter 5 was annoying because it was so boring. Have no desire to replay any of the new crap on alts.
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OK, I'll bite.


1. Removal of gear for currency/Moving virtually all end-game gear to command crates, an entirely RNG system (sarcasm: because that worked out so well for WoW).

2. Many areas in the new content are horribly laggy/buggy.

3. No return of some favorite companions (Mako, Kira, Elara).

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Removal of the disable droid for my Marauder


Ravage animation looks like a 7 year old trying to hit a punching bag


Ravage damage is now a joke


Gear drops in FPs are the suck...I haven't hit 70 yet. Don't know if that changes


If I wanted RNG, I would go back to Diablo 3


The crystals being removed for 0 credits


The comp gifts costing 250k a piece....good God I am glad I got one of my comps to 50


Chapter 3 is buggy as hell


The Galactic Command system.


I am seriously considering trying to finish the chapters and unsubbing. Verdict still out on that. When I say trying to finish the chapters....Chapter 3 is so bugged you are lucky if you finish it. I got lucky. After 10 tries, I only finished one of the 3 rooms and the next thing I know I was successful. So I guess that was a bug that worked in my favor.


I do like the story so far. Better than KotFE

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While when i play SWTOR its more of a .. "i hope im done with alle 9 chapters soon".. instead of a "damn, i dont want it to stop" - because everything is just so tedious and sluggish. It feels like.. an empty shell of what it once was.


This is such a sad but true point for a company and game where "story" is supposed to be important. Recently I started playing The Secret World. In it, there is a quest chain (not a story, but quest chain) regarding the disappearance of a guy named Tyler Freeborn. I actually had to play the entire quest chain through well past my usual playing time because I wanted to know 'what happened'?


In all of KoTFE and KoTET, I have never had that feeling. In fact, I have had to push myself through at times because of becoming bored with the story.

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This is such a sad but true point for a company and game where "story" is supposed to be important. Recently I started playing The Secret World. In it, there is a quest chain (not a story, but quest chain) regarding the disappearance of a guy named Tyler Freeborn. I actually had to play the entire quest chain through well past my usual playing time because I wanted to know 'what happened'?


In all of KoTFE and KoTET, I have never had that feeling. In fact, I have had to push myself through at times because of becoming bored with the story.


I would also add at times it feels like we are more watching a story, rather than actively taking part and figuring it out. Now it's like aggravating filler fights followed by a mini-movie. I don't hate the story, but please let us be a part of it, and actively shape it.

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This is such a sad but true point for a company and game where "story" is supposed to be important. Recently I started playing The Secret World. In it, there is a quest chain (not a story, but quest chain) regarding the disappearance of a guy named Tyler Freeborn. I actually had to play the entire quest chain through well past my usual playing time because I wanted to know 'what happened'?


In all of KoTFE and KoTET, I have never had that feeling. In fact, I have had to push myself through at times because of becoming bored with the story.



Unfortunately i have to agree with this, i have no thrive to play kotet again, i will do it with my republic main, a commando, and the best i can hope is not facepalming too much because the entirety of kotfe and kotet are not made for non force users. There is little to no replayability, no real choices that matter


For instance:


Does it matter if you antagonize Koth enough that he steals the ship? no, you're going to get it again with the chance of killing Koth, that will make no difference in the story, koth isn't there and that's it.



Some choices might make some parts of the story slighty harder or easier but that's it. I hate doing this but in vanilla swtor (1-50) even knowing how the story will end (for the most part) i wanted to replay the story to see what difference some choices would make in parts of the story, i wnatde to see what would happened if i chose different options, kotfe+kotet i simply don't care, and i hate that feeling in a Bioware game.

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Of my now 41 characters, I will only do this on a few "server-mains" and then never again.


The story is manifestly better than KotFE, but is that really saying anything? ("Welcome to Knights of the Brobdingnagian Plot-Hole! Now with EVEN MORE SKYTROOPERS!!")


The gameplay is, for the most part, just poor:


The mouse-droid part.


Did anyone --and I mean ANYONE AT ALL-- even look at the mob pathing and timing? Anyone? Even once?


Oh, and I never.




Want to even see a player-pilotable walker in this game again. It is just that bad. No, actually it's worse.


My Mercs finally have DCDs. I can even benefit from stagger-cycling them if things go really pear-shaped! Jesus, you'd think I was a Juggernaut or something, almost...OK, we like this, oh yes we do!




I expect the bads who think they're PvPers will get that "taken care of" in due course, though. Can't blame EAWare for that I guess, but whilst we're kvetching...

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1) Crates

2) Crates

3) Crates

4) Crates

5) Chapter 6

6) Chapter 6

7) Unsubbed because of chapter 6

8) re-checked to make sure I was unsubbed because of 1-4.

9) Uprisings - um. what is the point of these? Just a mini-Flash Point.:confused:

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1) Crates

2) Crates

3) Crates

4) Crates

5) Chapter 6

6) Chapter 6

7) Unsubbed because of chapter 6

8) re-checked to make sure I was unsubbed because of 1-4.

9) Uprisings - um. what is the point of these? Just a mini-Flash Point.:confused:


Is 6 really that bad?

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