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Combat/Carnage patch note misstake ?


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* Gore has been renamed Ferocity.


* New Active Ability: Gore. Impales the target with both lightsabers, dealing weapon damage and hindering the target for 1.5 seconds, preventing the use of high mobility actions and escapes. Requires two lightsabers.


* New Passive Ability: Disembowel. *Gore* sunders the target for 45 seconds. Sundered targets have their armor rating reduced by 20%.


If they mean *Ferocity* sunders the target for 45 seconds, then it would say it makes sense, just less bursty then before. However if they are referring to the new ability Gore, which is obviously a pvp ability it would add an active ability to the rotation which does the same thing as Ferocity. Having two active sunders doesnt make much sense.


Or am i not reading this correctly ?


Im hoping this is a misstake. Anyway it'll be fun trying it out tomorrow !


Good luck ! :)


Edit: can't spell

Edited by kenskog
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Probably would be rotational since ravage frees 1 gcd in the "ferocity" window.(Damn, renaming gore and introducing a new skill called gore is going to cause an enormous amount of confusion)


That's why I prefer to use Sentinel names for the time beign

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Bioware Austin class change meeting:


"So we'll be adding a new ability to the Carnage and Combat specs!"

"Cool. What is it gonna be?"

"Well for marauder, its gore."

"Uh? They got that since 1.0, you'd have to clunk a lot of players on the head pretty hard for them to think its new"

"No no. Its a a new one. We ranamed "Gore" "Ferocity" and added "Gore!"

"So ferocity is the new move?"

"No its Gore."

"Why just not name the new ability Ferocity to start with?"

"Stop it. All that logic. Ewwww"

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