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GTN and why doesn't it remember your sort order?


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I would think after all these years this game has been out the GTN should not be doing this.


I almost always sort by low to high credit wise, this in actuality should be the default order anyways, but when I enter the GTN and change the sort order to low to high and then I shift click on a different item to search for that the order now is changed again and I have to always redo it.


This is just absurd and annoying. Seems a little small bit of coding would of fixed this long ago.

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All I'm going to say is that you make a few assumptions in your post about your fellow players, their playing styles, the programmers and programing in general.


Everyone has their own playing style and their own methods of using the GTN. Yours is different from other folks.


And I've been programming since 1988ish. There's no such thing as a simple fix.

Edited by dr_mike
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All I'm going to say is that you make a few assumptions in your post about your fellow players, their playing styles, the programmers and programing in general.


Everyone has their own playing style and their own methods of using the GTN. Yours is different from other folks.


And I've been programming since 1988ish. There's no such thing as a simple fix.


Ok, maybe it's harder to code then I assume, but still should of been fixed long ago. I should not have to always click the sort by price each time I look for a new item as long as I do not close the GTN and reopen it again. I am sure EVERYONE searches from low to high credits. Why the heck would you want to search high to low, every one buys low of course.

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The GTN once remembered the sort order. Then they introduced the "unit price" tab in 2.4 (on October 2nd 2013...)


Now, whenever you use the "unit price" tab, the next search result in the same category will be sorted randomly while the header still shows that its sorted by unit price. At this point no sort column but "unit price" works, you need to click on unit price again, it will then be sorted descending, but showing as ascending. Another click on unit price will make the sort display match the actual order again, and enable other sort options. Only the third click will allow you to actually sort by ascending unit price again.


Searching in a new category or closing the gtn (like to read mail) and opening again will reset to a "random" order (maybe how it's stored in the database) but at least reflect it properly with no selection on the sort columns. Originally, the sort settings carried over in those cases. If you stay in the same category (i.e. armor>adaptive), though, and never sort by unit price, the GTN remembers your sort settings when you search for something else in the text box.


One thing to remember on the GTN is to double and triple check the unit price, and remember that there are only 2 decimal places. This single mat sold for 123,456 credits is not a better deal than the stack of 100 sold for 234.56 per unit.



Like so often, BW was so proud of their change that they ignored all criticism and then quickly moved on never to look back again.

Edited by Mubrak
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It will remember sort price if you sort by total price and not by unit price. At least during the current GTN session ( possibly login session to that toon? ).

It is unit price sorting that is bugged ideally ( and a reason some people manage to buy expensive items they weren't intending assuming the price sorting stayed the same and they were indeed viewing the cheapest per unit price ).

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Because some of us also search by name, level, quality and other criteria.


You do not speak for everybody.


I've never sorted on anything other than price. I hadn't even thought about sorting on anything other than price until I saw your post. If I know what I want, I look for that and sort for price. If I don't know what I want, I just browse.


Now that I know I can sort by name, browsing will be a little easier, because I don't have to wonder if I've already looked at that item or not.

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What I do and maybe I am doing it wrong but this is my way of sorting when looking to buy something.


I pick the category>subcategory>stats(if I want a stat)>level range. Then click search and change sort order to low to high.


Low to high is a must, you can not tell me you do not look at the price of a item before you buy, that would be ridicules.


When it's sorted low to high I of course look at the item level, stats and price before I buy. How I do it anyways, do not see how anyone can say they do not sort low to high in the end.

Edited by Trilella
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It will remember sort price if you sort by total price and not by unit price. At least during the current GTN session ( possibly login session to that toon? ).

It is unit price sorting that is bugged ideally ( and a reason some people manage to buy expensive items they weren't intending assuming the price sorting stayed the same and they were indeed viewing the cheapest per unit price ).


I tried that sorting by total price option and it does remember your sort order long as you do not pick unit price.


So thanks for that cause it helps for way I search.

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