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Mask wont appear in KOTFE scenes


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Hi all. I've recently started KOTFE, and since talking to Marr on the bridge, my character's mask won't show in any cutscene. It's the Revan Reborn mask if that helps. Granted i've only done chapter 2 and have just started 3. Will it fix itself in later chapters, or is the revan mask just buggy and i should just replace it?


Thanks in advance for your answers!

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I'm not sure this is a bug, unfortunately. I've taken two characters through KotFE and their headgear was often missing, though it did show up while talking to Marr on the bridge as it did for you.


You know how in some cutscenes with potentially romanceable companions/NPC's, they have always liked to hide the character's headpiece, even if there is no possible smooching and your particular character can't actual romance them? Well, they have taken to doing that more in KotFE. Our characters have a lot of facial expressions in KotFE (especially the throne room scene) and I am guessing that they decided to remove everyone's headgear so as not to hide it. Sorta like the director of a scene saying that the crying people can't be wearing sunglasses or hats, so the audience can see them crying and make the scene more emotional.


It is quite annoying to me, as I have a character that really, really needs his headgear to hide the ugly lower half of his face. :p


But it isn't too bad, as the headgear does still mostly show up. :)

Edited by Gwena
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