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Uprisings in comparison to Flashpoints and Operations


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How do you think will uprisings be recreived in comparison to flashpoints and operations?

In my opinion Fps and OPs were one of the strenghts this game had to offer. The combination of groupplay and good story in these was just great. You just really felt important after defeating the last boss on Terror from beyond, and even The Tython and Korriban Fps felt very important and were fun to play.

After seeing Uprisings i have a feeling that they will be ghosttowns after a few weeks, just like starfortresses. And i can't imagine they will still be fun in a few years. Fps and Ops are all old and they ged a bit odd but still after this long time not super boring. So imagine what would have been if they just stayed on this road the last 2 years and added 1-2 new flashpoints and 1-2 new OPs every 6 months or so.

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The people that wanted FP's, I think uprisings will be mixed. The lack of story some may not like, but others may enjoy the faster speed of the uprisings so they can do them quickly.


The Operations people probably won't care either way for them. They don't want 4 person content, they want 8, and 16 person content.

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I have to admit I was a bit disappointed in the Uprisings video. For some reason, I was imagining them more like Rift, where it is an open world type battle in random places, not the same map in different instances. I hope they are not like the Star Fortresses, because trying to finish those 5 quests was the worst time I'd ever had playing this game. I'm getting annoyed just thinking about the audacity of making one map and calling them 5 different places. :mad:


I know they aren't done tweaking it, and what we saw wasn't even the version they're testing out. I hope that it is much quicker and easier than what they were experiencing and that the rewards come quick enough that you feel you're accomplishing something, unlike those stupid star fortresses where you only ever got stupid decorations that I wanted to set fire to.

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I have to admit I was a bit disappointed in the Uprisings video. For some reason, I was imagining them more like Rift, where it is an open world type battle in random places, not the same map in different instances. I hope they are not like the Star Fortresses, because trying to finish those 5 quests was the worst time I'd ever had playing this game. I'm getting annoyed just thinking about the audacity of making one map and calling them 5 different places. :mad:


I know they aren't done tweaking it, and what we saw wasn't even the version they're testing out. I hope that it is much quicker and easier than what they were experiencing and that the rewards come quick enough that you feel you're accomplishing something, unlike those stupid star fortresses where you only ever got stupid decorations that I wanted to set fire to.


You know, the funny part of your comment for me is...I wanted the decorations and always got gear drops I never wanted/could use :confused:

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Yup the comparison with Starfortress was spot on!


People will find a way to grind CXP and it will not be Uprisings. Most ppl will complete the achievements and never enter Uprisings again.


I finished Starfortress achievos after a few weeks right after launch and havent entered ever since.

Edited by jozkopucik
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I have to admit I was a bit disappointed in the Uprisings video. For some reason, I was imagining them more like Rift, where it is an open world type battle in random places, not the same map in different instances. I hope they are not like the Star Fortresses, because trying to finish those 5 quests was the worst time I'd ever had playing this game. I'm getting annoyed just thinking about the audacity of making one map and calling them 5 different places. :mad:


I know they aren't done tweaking it, and what we saw wasn't even the version they're testing out. I hope that it is much quicker and easier than what they were experiencing and that the rewards come quick enough that you feel you're accomplishing something, unlike those stupid star fortresses where you only ever got stupid decorations that I wanted to set fire to.


Some of those stupid decos could go for 500K on the GTN. They were about the only redeeming feature of the Star Fortresses :p But not redeeming enough for me to do more than one weekly.

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