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Cosy feedback thread


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I make this thread because a friend encourage me to do so, I am going to parafraze him "bioware listen not like SOE with galaxies" while i am extremely skeptical bioware will read this thread and consider anything I say in this thread I will post my feedback for the sake of my friend


what you need to consider


1. english is my 3rd language

2. i like to communicate in bullet points

3. i assume you know how to use google and you are going to use google to get more details instead of asking here

4. posting here does not give my any reward or income so is 100% voluntary work that means i pick if i reply or not to comments

5. there will be many edits




post #2 GTN feedback

post #4 inflation feedback

post #5 items, vendors, gold farmer and inflation feedback

post #8 legacy bank and GTN user interface feedback

post #10 late game pvp feedback

post #16 items stacking, GTN and the impact on low lvls

post #19 legacy perks, CC and credits

post #21 chat feedback

post #22 huttball feedback

post #23 pvp & pve skills

post #24 item modification suggestion

post #34 suggestion to twitch vods

post #39 suggestion item highlight/finder/filter

post #41 feedback kotfe chapter vi

post # 42 feedback kotfe from sith sorcerer healing spec perspective

post #47 suggestion about Server Status page

post #51 feedback on kotfe achievements

post #52 suggestion kotfe chapter viii arcann encounter

post #54 companion gifts feedback in swtor 5.0

post #56 feedback kotet killing companions

post #59 feedback on 5.0.1a Patch Notes

post #60 feedback about game engine


PD:this forum dont support markdown :eek:

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GTN feedback


1 the main problem with GTN is the lack of bids, for some strange reason there is no way to see the demand for a item, i can destroy or sell a item to the vendor while another player wants said item but there is no way for him to participate in the market , this is not a revolutionary concept is how stock market, commodity and other markets work


2 the GTN is not the sum of all servers :mad:, i dont really care who sell and who crafted a item, so there is no technical reason for bioware to skip this, in few words all GTN should be merged


3 there is no way to export or download price history, the only way to keep track of market data is to manually enter data in a spreadsheet, well is 2016 and if bioware dint get the memo thre are some technology called API, I suggest developers to look at this protocol https://github.com/DTC-protocol/DTC and to make available read online price history for players

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That is the point, if you want to play the market you have to do all the work manually yourself. Games that do this for you make it far too easy to play the market. If you want to know what people are buying, then keep your nose on the GTN. To play the market you have to act like a broker, which means the GTN IS your game...you don't get to spend every night out there running dungeons if you want to play the market. Just how it is, and frankly how it should be. If a game does it all for you, then it takes a lot of the skill and effort/reward out of it.
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inflation feedback


SWTOR suffer from inflation this is again a example how bad design affect the product, bioware should have a economist working for them in order to teach game designers basic economics.

I suggest to leave the current currency like it is i dont think it can be saved and the changes required to fix this will require to much dev time.


I suggest that SWTOR can have a new currency based on legacy achievements, so completing achievements will grant certain point and those points can be used like currency, on the GTN, player to player trade, etc




the money supply will be determined by the amount of new achievements introduced by bioware and by the number of new accounts, is obvious that achievements competed with an account that is not a subscriber will give 0 points so there is no way to farm whit points without giving money to EA and archivements can be only 1 time


i am aware that a system like this it will be still a inflationary system and is not at the same level like bitcoin and other cryptocurrency where the money supply is hard coded in the protocol yet in my opinion the system i propose is vastly superior to the current currency system


there would be two currency in place, that means there will be two GTN, one more field on the email, another field on the inventory tab and player to player trade window

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items, vendors, gold farmers and inflation feedback


items that say "this items has no use except to be sold to a vendor" those items have no place in the game and should be removed


the amount of credits the vendor give is totally arbitrary those prices never change, i only play swtor for two months and i dont see any change, i dont think bioware pull data from the servers to see how many items get sold and change the price on daily basis, those prices are immune to supply of trash items


if bioware wants to remove inflation and "gold" farmers those items and the vendors have to be removed, so when the "gold" farmers flood the GTN with their farmed items the prices will drop and their return also will drop while the player base will enjoy cheaper items

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3 there is no way to export or download price history, the only way to keep track of market data is to manually enter data in a spreadsheet, well is 2016 and if bioware dint get the memo thre are some technology called API, I suggest developers to look at this protocol https://github.com/DTC-protocol/DTC and to make available read online price history for players

That level of sarcasm is uncalled-for. It is highly probable that they have made a deliberate decision to not have an API for any part of the game.


That said, adding a "show price history" button to the SELL page of the GTN would be a good idea, even (especially?) for "casual" users of the GTN. The auction house in Runes of Magic had this, and it was very useful, as it allowed the user to see what a currently-not-listed item had sold at previously. (And also to analyse the relationship between previous sale prices and the currently available listings.)

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legacy bank and GTN user interface feedback



for some odd reason i cannot have both open, so if i want to consult the price of a item i need to move the item from legacy bank into my inventory then open GTN and check the price of said item


the game should allow me to have legacy bank and gtn open on same time so i can shift click items from legacy bank

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It is highly probable that they have made a deliberate decision to not have an API for any part of the game.


any developer that choose to make the life more difficult for their customers should be fired, bioweare/EA is losing money because there is no read only API, there is no API for guild, raids, warzones and so on

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late game pvp feedback


SWTOR need late game content, bioware can produce some content to keep people paying for the game but said content does not keep us busy for allot of time, the perfect example is KOTFE is the same story and i am not going to make the same story for 10 characters, in the future i can repeat KOTFE to see the different interactions but because old the past decisions matter playing KOTFE again is pointless, i can see the different endings on youtube


the following will bring horror in the hearts of theme parks lovers, like it or not there is no alternative, the only way to keep people busy is to have sandbox content, we can talk allot about what type of sandbox content is the best, for me important part is the we agree that sandbox keep people busy for allot of time



here is my proposal for late game repeatable pvp sandbox content to keep players busy while we wait for next bioware story


there are plenty of game assets to do this so bioware can recycle a large part of those assets


guilds should allowed to take over mines, factories, laboratories, etc


here a example what bioware can do with mines in PVP

a mines can produce iron, aluminium, uranium etc


uranium can be used for energy or for weapons, u can get the idea


in case of energy uranium can be the "oil" meaning this get to be refined and then converted into energy cells those energy cells get to power all kind of installations and machines just like oil derivatives does in real life, is important to note that all this is player driven economy, no vendor should ever sell uranium or any other material, under certain market condition doing certain this can be profitable and other less profitable or even will result in a loss


how will player take over a mine ?

just like the instances today, the mine have a force field and to remove it the enemy needs to "sige" that can take several hours and only after that the enemy can get inside, the siege can be just a simple spike that one player uses on the "door"

the enemy then can take part of the resources gathered by the mining droids, destroy/damage the infrastructure or claim the mine for themselves


i know you will ask: what will player do with all those materials ?


well there can be some star fortress PVE operations where people raid and get to copy part of the fortress, with those blue prints they build parts of the structure and after some time they can build the whole structure, so guilds can have their own structure in space (yes i want my own death star)


because this is player content means the guild get to have something similar to SH, instead of decorations there will be turrets, instead of vendors will NPC robots ready to attack any enemy, yea that means this guild structure can be raided by other guilds, the logic used for mines does apply here only in this case should be much more difficult to do

those structures can have crafting upgrades for the whole guild and this upgrades can be destroyed or damaged u get the idea


why is important to have destruction and damage ?

well if there is no destruction or damage there will be no way to remove materials from the game meaning over time there will too much iron and everyone will get their structure because there will be no scarcity, i know on theory on the universe there is no scarcity of resources but there is scarcity of production and time


note on resource plunder, is important that if a mining droid have 100 iron ore stored a enemy could only take a part of this ore for example 80 and the other 20 to be lost


note on destruction, when the enemy destroy a mining droid a vast majority of the iron ore should be destroyed for example 80 and only 20 to remain for the enemy to take


note on damaged structure: repairing should cost resources that are used to produce the structure not money


note on self destruction: this also should be done in order to deny the enemy the resources but should take time to active and the upgrade should cost quite abit




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legacy bank and GTN user interface feedback



for some odd reason i cannot have both open, so if i want to consult the price of a item i need to move the item from legacy bank into my inventory then open GTN and check the price of said item


the game should allow me to have legacy bank and gtn open on same time so i can shift click items from legacy bank

There's an option buried somewhere (with a slightly non-obvious name) that lets you have more than just two windows open. (But even then, you won't be pleased, because you still have to have the item in your character inventory to list it.)

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any developer that choose to make the life more difficult for their customers should be fired, bioweare/EA is losing money because there is no read only API, there is no API for guild, raids, warzones and so on

[citation needed]


Seriously, how do you know they are losing money for that reason? And how much they might be losing? (If just one person says, "No API? I'm not playing that game!", then it isn't worth adding.)


And as for firing people, who would you fire? It is not a developer's decision to make that sort of thing available (or not) - that sort of decision lies with project management or similar. And the presence or absence of an API is of NO interest to me. None. I would prefer them to work on other things.


Final point on APIs and MMORPGs. The usefulness of an API in a themepark MMORPG like SWTOR isn't at all clear to me. In sandbox games, there is a reasonable case for it being useful(1), but that isn't nearly as strong in a themepark.


(1) I refer you to the case of Dofus, a French sandbox MMORPG. It had, at one time, an API that let you do things like manage your character's off-line shop, feed pets, and so on. There was even a smartphone app that used the API (I don't remember if the API was publicly described anywhere). They dropped the app AND the API after they caused unspecified problems.

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Read API can also lead to a host of social issues inside of a game. If it allows you to parse combat logs on the fly you end up with damage meters/heal meters that inevitably lead to ever more toxic community problems as people zero in on those numbers and forget the utility they do. You even run into those who tunnel vision their DPS output to the point they stand in red circles a second or two to ensure they get the end of their rotation done, or refuse to use their own cleanse because it lowers their numbers.

Healers tend to have better control over avoiding the number game yet I've run into those who never cleanse anything because they would rather heal through it for the better heal numbers on the output.

You build your game to make that stuff unreadable and people care less about it and do their jobs right more often than not.


GTN stuff not being readable is also a good thing. It means people have to put in work to earn the GTN money, research it themselves or rely on second and third hand information from someone who is obviously keeping the best stuff for themselves.

You have to put forth the effort to make the money, as it should be. No easy API doing half the work for you.


Having to take things out of your legacy (or personal) stash just makes sense. It needs to be in your inventory as anything in your inventory is something you are immediately dealing with. Things put in a stash are essentially like having something in the back of your closet under a pile of clothing and other boxes. You aren't actively doing anything with it you simply know you have it in your closet.


In other words, many of the features you want come across like someone being lazy and not wanting to do the work themselves to me.

Yes, GTN pricing is annoying, it would be great to know I could just click and sell it at the best price with no thought, but then it takes the game out of those who like to work the market. They enjoy the fact they have to do the work and thinking themselves and knowing others can't easily reach the exact same results.

Data parsing API allowance is always a bag thing, it always ends in tears somewhere and somehow. Fastest way to pit your game's people against each other is to let them read informative things about other's activities, or what others are doing. Hell, look at facebook and twitter accounts that keep running commentaries, inevitably half the page is full of people hating on the person/group/company till they lock down their page.

Sure, it would be great if we could just dump everything into a communal inventory shared across all characters and never have to worry about inventory maintenance as it was all shared. That makes personal inventory space pointless though really and breaks a limiter on inventory designed to keep us in check, hence why everything has to be done via the personal inventory. Same reason you cannot vendor anything from your legacy storage or use a usable item from it either.

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lead to ever more toxic community


yes because everyone play the same, everyone know how to tank or heal or circle their abilities on time, if you dont have winner and losers you get what exactly this you can kick people from a guild because is hard to determine who is the useless player, so you better blame everyone that plame one player only, good strategy


GTN stuff not being readable is also a good thing. It means people have to put in work to earn the GTN money


there it is the old fallacy :D was quite fast to show up, maybe we can use this "logic" this in real life ban internet and email so everyone have to use the post office and paper email, we can also ban mining machine and mine with our bare hands like 10000 years ago

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[citation needed]


Seriously, how do you know they are losing money for that reason?


i didn't start playing this game until two months ago even if my friend tried to convince me to play for few years, i did suppose SWTOR dint have an API similar to EVE-Online API and the reality was much much worse compared to what I expected there is no API

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items stacking, GTN and the impact on low lvls


1 to reduce the stress on the servers deve decided to allow only 2 days listing for items, so there is no way to put items on the GTN and let them there for few months

2 items like weapons and armor cant be stacked on the inventory, so the bank and inventory slots are assigned to most value item


this means less low lvl items are crafted for the reasons written above, there few items on the for level under 50 for this obvious reason, i would love to craft low lvl items and earn profit but the SWOTR does not let me do it without losing end game items and components

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yes because everyone play the same, everyone know how to tank or heal or circle their abilities on time, if you dont have winner and losers you get what exactly this you can kick people from a guild because is hard to determine who is the useless player, so you better blame everyone that plame one player only, good strategy




there it is the old fallacy :D was quite fast to show up, maybe we can use this "logic" this in real life ban internet and email so everyone have to use the post office and paper email, we can also ban mining machine and mine with our bare hands like 10000 years ago


Pay attention to what people do in a raid and it becomes obvious who isn't pulling their weight. If you can't do that and need a readout, maybe you are the one pulling your team down? Put your combat log on to show group damage, scroll through it after a hard fight, if you know the classes it isn't hard to see problems even from there. No need for an API when you can take a few minutes after a failed attempt. If you don't fail, no reason to even care.


That logic is actually right there. I'm going to take a wild guess and say you don't do any REAL stock trading do you? If you rely on the computer models and output, you will do...ok. Not great, but ok. If you want to make the real money you have to pound the pavement, put in face time with people, make phone calls to contacts, get the information yourself and work it into your private figures and sheets and see how this added information can effect what is trending in front of you. The stock market and commodities market function the same for all purposes as those buying and selling never actually touch the things they are trading. This is how game based auction houses/GTNs/etc essentially function. Trends and commodities that you buy and sell without a care as to what it is just to make money. Yet you need to put in the sleuth work yourself to actually make the money. Your comment is a swing and a miss mate as your analogies don't line up to what you are really talking about, you just aren't happy you can't use an app like 'auction helper' to do the work for you.

Remember that some people out there (definately not me) enjoy playing the GTN as their game, they spend most of their time at the GTN buying and selling like a commodities market and love doing so. You bring in API's that do that work for everyone and you pretty well kill a subset of player's enjoyment. Surprisingly, in every MMO that hides access to this information, you will find a decent chunk of players that rather than raid, or PvP enjoy just doing repeatable simple content and playing the market.

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legacy perks, CC and credits


the perfect example of this lunacy is HK-51 this legacy purchase is available if one character in legacy have completed the quest, the purchase it cost 350 CC or 1 000 000 credit

bioware determined that 350= 1 000 000

so 1 cartel coin = 2857.14 credits


on the other hand legacy of promptness I cost 200 000 credits or 125 CC

in this case 1 cartel coin = 1600 credit


dear bioware this is madness, please remove credit purchase for those items and allow players to sell carcel coins on GTN so the market can determine the fair price for cartel coins and make all legacy purchase Cartel Coin only

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Pay attention to what people do in a raid and it becomes obvious who isn't pulling their weight. If you can't do that and need a readout, maybe you are the one pulling your team down? Put your combat log on to show group damage, scroll through it after a hard fight, if you know the classes it isn't hard to see problems even from there. No need for an API when you can take a few minutes after a failed attempt. If you don't fail, no reason to even care.



again the same bad logic, work harder not smarter, instead of dumping data into a file and then running R or R-studio on said data set you tell me to look at combat log, again you tell me to dig a canal with a spoon instead of a excavator, if you want to be taken seriously correct this flaw in your argument


maybe you are the one pulling your team down?

totally irrelevant to topic but nice try to bait there

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chat feedback


1 there is no way to peg the test to the left side of the screen resulting in a gap http://i.imgur.com/ay2bCLf.png

2 if chat is moved to the rigth side of the screen

there i no way to align text to the rigth the

text remain aligned to the


3 there is no party tab default

4 there is no guild tab by default

5 /channellist does not work

6 /list [channelname] does not work

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huttball feedback


swtor has items shop and has this awesome map, but this map is not "esports" and streaming friendly, also because there is no way make game where x team face y team it cant be played competitively, there should be cartel and credit betting by participants on their own team, observers and so on, there can be a thin game client focused on the pvp maps and "esports"


i know bioware is not riot and swtor wont move 1,6 billions per year like LOL but buy can move 5% of that if the game has the necessary changes and features


sadly the current status of this map and pvp is summed in one word "meh"

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pvp & pve skills


most people got the memo that you can balance things for pvp or you can balance things for pve but you cant have both, yet bioware did chose to ignore common knowledge ......


SWTOR skills/abilities should be cloned and have the a copy of skills for PVE and a copy of skills for PVP and after that adjustment can be made in order to make said skills relevant for PVE and PVP

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item modification suggestion


for some odd reason item modification are bound so in order to send those modification to other char i need to send the adaptive armor and put them on the adaptive armor and then send the armor back again all this can be avoided by simply setting item modification bound to legacy


maybe bioware will listen and remove all this click fest and screen loading now that swtor is 5 years old

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item modification suggestion


for some odd reason item modification are bound so in order to send those modification to other char i need to send the adaptive armor and put them on the adaptive armor and then send the armor back again all this can be avoided by simply setting item modification bound to legacy


maybe bioware will listen and remove all this click fest and screen loading now that swtor is 5 years old

Terminology problem.

* "Adaptive" armour is armour that can be worn by any class regardless of the armour-weight restrictions of the class.

* "Moddable" or "modifiable" armour is armour that can accept modification objects (other than augments).

* "Legacy bound" or "BOL" or "BtL" equipment is the stuff that's bound to *you* but not to *this character*.


And the cost of transferring mods out of armour is a much-needed credit sink, so no, it should not be deleted. Also: if you buy or craft a "naked" mod, it is unbound. Mods in crystal-bought or token-bought gear, because they are in gear, are bound.


And regarding your last line: are you advocating replacing the whole game with one button that says "Win!", or would that be too many clicks?

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