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Companion Romances/Affection


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Okay, it's been a while since I've played my Inquisitor but decided to finally get her up to max level (been focusing on my main this whole time). I noticed that all my companions are only affection level 10 or lower. My memory of how the companion affection system works is fuzzy (especially since it's changed since the last time I played my Inquisitor), so is it gatekept behind chapters/affection levels? Is there any way to tell if I've married Andronikos already or do the affection levels need to be higher (he's at 10 right now as of this post)? I've completely forgotten if I have or if I've still got quests locked away behind affection levels that I haven't touched yet. Sorry if this is the wrong spot for this post. Edited by WarriorValis
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Also: fussy point: They aren't affection levels. The stat is now called Influence.


When 4.0 came out, Affection was dropped in favour of Influence, and existing companions had their Affection points converted 1 for 1 into Influence points. A maxed-out old-style companion had 10,000 Affection points, which became 10,000 Influence points, which is exactly enough (and no more) to get the companion to Influence rank 10, as you have seen.


And conversations with your companions are made available by reaching certain points in your base class story (but are not undone if you had already earned enough pre-4.0 affection to trigger them).


Curiously, there was some story-gating before 4.0. My first trooper (trooperette, strictly) got Elara to around 9600 affection by the end of Chapter Two, and received a bucketload of conversations back-to-back when


Elara recovered from her injuries on the Gauntlet.


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SteveTheCynic - Yeah, I've been with the game since the beginning so it's hard to change terminology when you've called it one thing for so long that the new name throws you off balance. So it was just easier to call it "affection", though "influence" sounds a hell of a lot less creepy, to be honest. As for the story-gating before the change, I can understand that. Some points in the story that affect companions would have been spoiled if the post-event conversations were allowed to happen beforehand. Thanks for the info, guys!
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you will probably find (if you haven't already) that you don't stop gaining influence levels once you have completed all your companion conversations or your class base mission, though i haven't had any more conversation with any of my companions on my SW since i defeated baras.
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