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Mara APM and server latency


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I've recently transferred to the US Weast Coast server (my original server was EU) and it seems I'm having trouble with my APM (annihilation spec).

At my home server I had around 45-47 APM with ping being around 50, but on the US server I can't seem to get higher than APM 40 with ping around 180-220.


What I need to know is, can there be another reason for APM drop (the alacrity value I've got have not changed though), or does the latency really affect my attack speed that much? And if it does, what can I do about it - or do I just forget about NIM raiding on US servers?


Can anyone give me an answer?

Been asking around, googling and found one big nothing. The only thing about latency I've found is that it can interfere with clipping Ravage, but not a word about it affecting APM.

Edited by NemuriKyoshiro
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Inconsistencies due to delay... bit of a no brainer

How to fix it, get better ping.

Perhaps try using WTFast or some VPN that may improve your ping/delay to some degree...

If your ping is 150+ you're going to need to optimize regardless or server/location/ISP issues and whatnot.

EU to west coast I get around 80-150 ping (spikes quite often but I have terrible ISP so i believe thats the cause)

So its feasible to suggest you can get around the same if not arguably better...


If you honestly believe it could be something else I suggest you try and retrace your steps to previously before you were on that server and try and ask yourself (or test if possible) what it was like prior, to your transfer, and find any form of deviations in results. assuming your mechanics and rotations are optimal

Edited by Bonzenaattori
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