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Make Stronghold Items Interactable


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A big thing that makes no sense...why do we not have training dummies we can place in our strongholds? Or even healing dummies whose health keeps going down like they are being attacked (but never goes under 1)?

How about PvP dummies and Boss dummies that react to skills as their respective type? IE the PvP dummies have a resilliance bar and the Boss dummies are immune to the expected things like stun/KB/etc.


That is just that aspect.


Sitting on chairs without needing to use an emote would be great. Turrets you could sit on like the old colicoid games fp would work great as decos too.


Right now only the PvP decos really let you do anything, like the huttball stand allows your guild to play hot potato with it. Why not let us turn our stronghold into a giant huttball arena with goals and such too? So much potential there.

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