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Inquisitor: Building a Power Base


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The ones who take the CN-12 from your cult, that you need to build the super weapon. :)




You mean those 3 guys who talk weird and give you a deal ? Unless that was for another class lol


Yeah It has been so long , I can barely recall it in details .


I think my Sith Inquisitor..either brainwashed them..or killed them .


I just wish that for the cult it self , you could kill everyone . LS you hand it over to those 2 idiots , and DS you hand it back to that fat idiots.........not much of a choice .

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You mean those 3 guys who talk weird and give you a deal ? Unless that was for another class lol


Yeah It has been so long , I can barely recall it in details .


I think my Sith Inquisitor..either brainwashed them..or killed them .


I just wish that for the cult it self , you could kill everyone . LS you hand it over to those 2 idiots , and DS you hand it back to that fat idiots.........not much of a choice .


Just happens to be one of my favorite cut scenes, so I remember it well. :)


I do wish I could have an awesome criminal empire instead of a cult though :p

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Just happens to be one of my favorite cut scenes, so I remember it well. :)


I do wish I could have an awesome criminal empire instead of a cult though :p


Yeah ,would have been nice .


Well there is Zaakul...Scorpio better not leave Butt Imprint cose that chair is Mine!

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