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How do you play your Sith Warrior?


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What you did with your warrior should be done with EVERY character you play. Do not concern yourself with LS and DS, give your character a personality and motivations and make choices based on that personality and those motivations instead of "farming alignment points"


As you found out, it creates a much more believable and enjoyable story.

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I think a lot of people would say that about *all* the classes. I differ slightly and suggest that SI naturally favours a heavy DS lean(1), while JC naturally favours LS.


But the other classes, especially Smugg/IA/BH, seem to suit ignoring the alignment of responses.


(1) No, I don't release the Mother Machine. Is that OK?


I agree on the JC, going to have to disagree on the SI.


It doesn't make sense to go full or even mostly DS imo and have the story work well. Playing it again right now, level 65, just hit Ilum/Directive 7 in game...Light Side 2.


Bound every ghost I could (all DS options), but wouldn't betray those under me, and also couldn't see a reason to not try to convert Thanaton's minions to my side. Why blow away our own Imperial Armies as well, when we want the Moffs on our side.

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