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Suggestion to let GSF work toward Hyperpsace Armada Reputation


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Just as an FYI for any GSFers who only brave the relative sanity of our GSF board and avoid the rest of the forums - I recently posted a thread in Suggestions that I wanted to point our GSF base toward: GSF and the Republic Hyperspace Armada - Easy Incentives for Participation


Just in case anyone agrees and might feel inclined to bump it with a /sign or a few words. (Especially since it's already garnered at least one antagonistic reply. *Sigh*)


I still try to plug little GSF reward suggestions in all the suggestion posts I do, because... hope springs eternal, I guess. But hey, we did at least finally get two great GSF-related decos coming out with the next pack! In my dream world the fact that I've asked for that exact decoration in multiple posts played at least some small part. (Hope - and delusion - springs eternal indeed. :D)

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Been suggested countless times, along with many other 5-seconds-developement-effort ideas to create more incentives towards GSF. Nothing changed, they don't give a crap and are content abandoning content (not the first time, not the last unfortunately).


All I can say is perfect suggestion, but it won't go anywhere. They didn't even remember about Fleet Comms existance in the Comms Conversion official thread lol. That's how bad the state of space experience is right now...

Edited by Pietrastor
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Been suggested countless times, along with many other 5-seconds-developement-effort ideas to create more incentives towards GSF. Nothing changed, they don't give a crap and are content abandoning content (not the first time, not the last unfortunately).


All I can say is perfect suggestion, but it won't go anywhere. They didn't even remember about Fleet Comms existance in the Comms Conversion official thread lol. That's how bad the state of space experience is right now...


You're right they forgot to mention it in the initial post in that thread, although Eric did confirm later in the thread that Fleet Commendations will remain in the game as they are. (Could be oversight, could be intentional; either way, they'll still be there.)


I'm not surprised merging GSF with the Space missions reputation faction has been suggested before, and I'm glad if it has. I hadn't seen it, but I am not a true denizen of the forums; I just occasionally pass through. :D


I understand your sense of disillusionment. Sadly, we've been disappointed often enough that pessimism is more than justified. But that doesn't mean I won't still occasionally make a post where I can, or that I won't stop by a community cantina again if it ever returns to my neighborhood to keep the GSF flame alive - as I did in Anaheim where I hung around patiently for a loooong time to get my chance to talk to as many devs as I could about GSF (even batting my sparkly made-up girly eyelashes as prettily as I could in a shameless attempt to play every card possible in the name of GSF. ;) )


I figure... what does a quick post hurt? You never know. (Like I said about hope and springing eternal...)

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I only check the forums once in a while, but I noticed this thread in the Suggestion Box and figured I'd chime in here as well.


Forums are an endless conveyor belt of information and it's a shame to see solid, constructive ideas and suggestions get lost in an avalanche of crappy, unproductive posts. The entire GSF community is justifiably frustrated and demoralized by the lack of dev support, and our only recourse is to voice our opinions and ideas here. So, just because an idea has already been suggested, doesn't mean we should leave it at that. Let's keep these suggestions alive by continuing to voice our support!

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I didnt agree with you in the Suggestions forums and dont agree here too :p


Indeed! And as you felt strongly enough about not incentivizing both more GSF and more Space missions play in the manner I suggested that you followed me to this remote GSF corner of the forums to make your voice heard, I hope that the GSF denizens hereabouts might follow you back to the other thread to make their voices heard too. ;) Community in action!

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Its a fine idea. Bottom line is, you're about as likely to see a yellow post in GSF forum than to see any change in GSF.

- You're probably gonna have more luck scouring the streets for a discarded lottery ticket that wins the jackpot.


Best using the excess comms to buy the schematics and ship parts and fly the missions between GSF pops, TBH. There are several guides on YouTube, so's all you need is practice, skill, luck and a bit of grinding.

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I'm dismayed to hear about Eric Musco stating that Fleet Comms will remain unchanged with this next expansion. That suggests that the devs are just going to keep kicking the GSF can down the road. That's no big surprise, but it really angers me getting our hopes repeatedly dashed time and again. GSF is badly in need of an overhaul on so many levels. Integrating GSF into the Imperial First Mobile Fleet/Hyperspace Armada Reputation System is a simple, logical and very productive idea. GSF needs to be integrated into the standard conventions with the rest of the game. Earning rep from dailies and weeklies is step 1. Step 2 would be to add bigger and better rewards to the Fleet Vendor.


You're killing us, Devs.

Edited by Sorrai
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Just as an FYI for any GSFers who only brave the relative sanity of our GSF board and avoid the rest of the forums - I recently posted a thread in Suggestions that I wanted to point our GSF base toward: GSF and the Republic Hyperspace Armada - Easy Incentives for Participation


Just in case anyone agrees and might feel inclined to bump it with a /sign or a few words. (Especially since it's already garnered at least one antagonistic reply. *Sigh*)


I still try to plug little GSF reward suggestions in all the suggestion posts I do, because... hope springs eternal, I guess. But hey, we did at least finally get two great GSF-related decos coming out with the next pack! In my dream world the fact that I've asked for that exact decoration in multiple posts played at least some small part. (Hope - and delusion - springs eternal indeed. :D)


could you link these GSF decos? I dont know where to look at future packs

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since the mods follow the King's post like most of you folows sexy woman 4chan threads maybe i should post my support to the devs and continue my never ending suppost for the community and carry enmourous weight for all???


Do not let these plebs overlook the massive burden you carry already for the community

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