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QoL: Inventory and Crew Skill parsers


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Hi all, Devs,


I want to suggest to build upon the Combat Log parsing and open this way to the community to create some tools similar to combat parsers.

It would be excellent to have contents of Cargo, Guild and Legacy Holds exported to the text file. In similar fashion, having the Crew Skill logged would also be a great advantage to manage large collection which players gather since launch of the game.


EDIT: to be more precise bout the idea - see Altoholic addon for WoW.


Fellow players, help me out with this idea!




Edited by BogyOne
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Shame you edited response, was curious.


If you were curious, you'd go looking.


Having said that, I just use a printed out table, checking off what materials I need for that day's crafting.


edit: I'm not trying to be rude. I'm just trying to get you to realize something without coming out and saying it and getting in trouble with the moderators.

Edited by dr_mike
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  • 11 months later...

Since I was lured out with server merges I am going to shamelessly bump this suggestion.


Give us inventory CSV logs & crew skill CSV logs!

We can pick up from there and make our own parsers just like it happened with combat logs.

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