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Endgame Progression, is this what we want?


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I'm not going to pretend to talk on behalf of the entire player base, but I am trying to at least figure out the general consensus on endgame progression going forward.


My personal ideal is below, I'd like to hear what you guy's think and what you personally want out of SWTOR's endgame at this point?


[Gear Drops (Personal Loot Option]

  • HM Flashpoints/Uprisings -> SM Ops -> HM Ops -> NiM Ops


[Command Crates]

  • Gear drops relative to your current gear level (i.e if you're wearing mostly HM Flashpoint gear you can get up to SM Operation gear in crates and so on up the ladder).



Personally I thought the current system was fine as it was, Basic/Rare/Epic crystal vendors are not difficult to understand. You should be able to buy off-set pieces from vendors to fill in any slots you've happened to have bad luck with (no set bonuses).


  • HM Flashpoints - Drops Basic Crystals from Bosses, Rare Crystals from Final Boss.
  • SM Ops - Drops Rare Crystals, Epic Crystals from Final Boss.
  • HM/NiM - Drops Epic Crystals throughout.


Theres my dream Bioware Austin. Actual endgame progression, some new Operations wouldnt go a miss either. I want this game to carry on!

Edited by Ferrety
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Honestly I don't really want more ops. I don't even get to play them. GF never gets me into those, people gets bored as I try to gather a team on fleet and quits group having the rest of the group quit as well. People recruiting for ops has the stupid idea that you need to have an achievement unlocked inside the op in order to play the op with them. (good luck finding out how will you do that.). And if you happen to get lucky to get in a group they ussually have some seriously stupid loot rules as well as an insane list of reasons for you to get kicked.


Why the hell would I even bother asking for more content I wont even play or enjoy. I would support ops if there were a solo mode where you could run the op and enjoy a first run to get to know the fights by yourself and explore cinematics and choices without the other 7-15 people threating to kick you for not spacebaring all content.


But I don't really see it happening so all my support goes to quality of life improvements, customization, strongholds, companions, solo content and small group content such as flashpoints.

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Ferrety, you fail to acknowledge...as so many do...where the truly hardest things actually are.

Small man content is always harder than large group content. Frankly they need to add a NIM mode tot he flashpoints and that is where the best things should be. Ops/raids are childs play, it is too easy to hide an under performer in there...when there is only 4 of you...no one gets to be lax...and you actually have to use ALL of your abilities and actually be capable of handling stuff on your own (aka a healer kiting a mob while healing the group, any PvP healer could do it yet most raid healers get squashed like bugs because they and the DPS never utilize their CC's (long and short) nor do they utilize snares). We need to get back into that habit, of fully expecting the team to be capable in their own right.

Raids/ops these days are little more than loot piniatas with gear checks rather than actually hard fights. I mean look at the number of people willing to hop into a HM op or even a NIM op who blanch and whine at HM Rishi or HM Blood Hunt.

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Ferrety, you fail to acknowledge...as so many do...where the truly hardest things actually are.

Small man content is always harder than large group content. Frankly they need to add a NIM mode tot he flashpoints and that is where the best things should be. Ops/raids are childs play, it is too easy to hide an under performer in there...when there is only 4 of you...no one gets to be lax...and you actually have to use ALL of your abilities and actually be capable of handling stuff on your own (aka a healer kiting a mob while healing the group, any PvP healer could do it yet most raid healers get squashed like bugs because they and the DPS never utilize their CC's (long and short) nor do they utilize snares). We need to get back into that habit, of fully expecting the team to be capable in their own right.

Raids/ops these days are little more than loot piniatas with gear checks rather than actually hard fights. I mean look at the number of people willing to hop into a HM op or even a NIM op who blanch and whine at HM Rishi or HM Blood Hunt.


Truly sad. You misunderstand pve content. No a healer might not have to heal on the run (while most of our heals do not activate while moving) but PVP fights LAST 30 SECONDS and PVE Boss fights can last 5 MINUTES or more. Can YOU MANAGE YOUR ENERGY FOR 5-10 MINUTES? Maybe you can kite. But you do realize pve is a different skillset, not a NON skillset. I've seen plenty of LEET PVP'ERS major FAIL in ops. Because they don't know how to work as part of a team, and hey have no STAMINA.

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Ive known more pvpers to be horrible at ops than the few who were amazing, just sayin...



Id like endgame to be harder than story, multiplayer content, stuff like (new) ops, fps, pvps, gsfs, world bosses, secret ops bosses, events, binoc and seeker missions, daily areas, guild stuff (killing commanders to grow guild ships is awesome.) I like the Eternal Championship even tho its solo, it would be way cooler if they made modes for big groups and added different brackets to fight through depending on how good you were instead of the same 10, or however many there are, bosses over and over.


I'd like to see combat worthless vanity classes for people that get all their legendary class legacy what-evers, like technician (maybe fixes gear,) or merchant (% off from vendors,) etc. that level up from side missions with very little personal story (because money and dev time and stuff.)


Id like to see 24 man ops and/or world bosses, some kinda new 6 man missions, and id like cut scenes to return to things they've left and people to have to use their ships instead of star trek-ing everywhere like we do now. And some new reasons to fly around to 'old' planets and locations.


A WB or an Op boss or even a datacron (maybe higher level matrix cube crystals) that takes 4 or 8 imps and 4 or 8 reps, like 1 of each class or something, cooperating, speaking in say to kill.


Sadly, in a nut shell, my perfect swtor endgame would have gone in the exact opposite direction the real life swtor went.

Edited by Monumenta
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