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Eric Musco: Tokens to level 65 and thoughts o everything


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Eric Musco, please ask the devs to do my 1 favour:


I played through all the 16 chapters on both DS and LS and i really felt really sad when the story shows that from being a Jedi Knight that saved the Galaxy and killed the Emperor and led jedi troops in the war on Corellia, becomes a character that is so stupid and ignorant of danger and threats as well as will be used as a pawn by Lana and Koth as well as Scorpio and Senya.


I am so close to leave the game and I have told my friends that this game is good up to the first five chapters. And there is where you should stop playing the game and look for a new one. I know you really want to build a frigging cool story and that it is so super awesome because all my choices matter...this far they has not meant a thing, more tham the NPCs make me appear more stupid and worthless as a commander. Something that I obviously was better at before i was placed in cryptonite. Maybe I got a brain injure while inside that block of stuff for 5 years.



Anyway. The only thing that can redeem the game storywise and make me want to play it in the future is that you give an option like you did with Kotfe. That you allow me to start at level 65 and I can start directly at KotET. Because you have made the game from being friendly to make and replay the game over and over to an expansion that is just frustrating and boring.


I have tried to fight Arcann in Chapter 16 without armor and just used a Korriban training blade and I won. How fun is that. All I needed was a crappy weapon and that magic shield. That chapter was a major disappointment and the next on final nail in the coffin.


So please make it possible to skip KOTFE as you you did with the level 60 tokens. Because KOTFE is so bad that it makes me want to quit this game after 5 years of playing. My whole guild has left already and started to play other games and the new guild i am in has said that they will do the same thing if this game story does not improve.


The first 3 chapters of the maingame (up to level 50) was super awesome, and i loved to play them, I dont know how many times that I played and replayed them. And I did it with a smile on my face. The fact that you learned how all companions were connected to the universe and each other and the various stories were so cool. Those were probably the best MMO stories ever. Then you only have two stories in RotHC and that was kinda sad, but logical and un, so I thought that it was new ad fun. Then came SoR and here we get a single story that had to be repeated over and over ...


But the KOTFE story was just tedious, boring and you say that our choices mattered - but this far they did not. Its just like Indiana Jones Movie 1. It does not matter what Indy does. The nazis would sooner or later have found the ark and opened it - only to be killed by the ghosts on that island. So Indy just sped it up - thats all he did. Just as with that Blade on Odessen that you made with Shan and marr - did not matter a bit. Arcann could be killed with a trainingblade from Korriban (the one you get when you start the character at level 1).


You say that the choices will matter now? But we have already heard that before and this far they have not.


So please, please make us be able to skip KOTFE once we have played it once. Because the fact that I have to go over all of those stories again and again makes me want to go to the states and pour skunk spray in the mailbox of Bioware office.


Lots of Love



P.s Is Lana working for the enemy? She was the dungbrain that added Senya, Koth and Scropio into the Alliance and they have not done anything to help is... Koth just whines and even my LS characters want to kill him. I have never wanted Senya in nor Scorpio in the first place.


Make us pick whom we want in our alliances, dont force retarded vegetables on us.

Edited by Lialiten
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If you had bothered to read and watch the streams instead of ranting first. There is going to be a token that you can skip everything are start right in to KOTET


I have tried to read some stuff, but as to watch the stream - I am unable as I am deaf. So obviously I have not read everything. :p

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I have tried to read some stuff, but as to watch the stream - I am unable as I am deaf. So obviously I have not read everything. :p


No problem Lialiten, it's good enough to read the Dev Tracker and the news.

During live streams there is a chat available too, just in case you want to follow them next time.

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