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Grand Master Satele Shan On Strike?


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Why does this figure bother you so much? It's not a full-time job with benefits. That don't make that much an hour for 40 hours a week, every week. It's piecemeal at best. And while Voice Actors are "replaceable," it's only by OTHER qualified Voice Actors who deserve the same consideration.


Are you just jealous that YOU don't make $825 for 4 hours work? Is it unfair? They can make that much or more doing voice work for television or movie animations... why shouldn't they make that here, where the audience expects the same quality voice performances?


Also, you have apparently zero understanding of the entertainment industry ("you'll never work in this town AGAIN!"). If you WANT your games to sound sub-standard, while boy howdy! Let's make sure Voice Actors are paid even less!


I feel the big point is, there was never a need for a strike. They could have just set up that deal from the get go. "Okay, I'll do the VA for this, but I get so much residual after every 2million subs/copies sold" If they don't get that, then they can always not take the job.


Also, from an outside perspective. Let me see...go to work in their pajamas (as per at least one VA saying) some just doing it over the phone (as per another), have no need for worrying about ones personal appearance (as per a VA)...paid over 200 dollars an hour for 4 hours of work.


So, the idea is, they can't get a job for those times they're not VAing? They make so little on VA work, they still decide "Hey, I'm going to make this a job and not only that, I'm going to start making it so I make enough to live large for a week, while letting that one job keep me steady for the next few months of trying to find work"


I find it hard to believe, someone is trying to make a living at a job, they seem ready to admit, they can't make a full time career for various reasons and think they deserve lots more money as a standard.

Edited by SithKoriandr
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I feel the big point is, there was never a need for a strike. They could have just set up that deal from the get go. "Okay, I'll do the VA for this, but I get so much residual after every 2million subs/copies sold" If they don't get that, then they can always not take the job.


^ This, a thousand times this...


If you don't want the job, that's fine... but if you ALSO think that I shouldn't be able to hire ANYONE ELSE because YOU said so, well, then you're an idiot...


This isn't 1850, the world has moved on since the days of slave labor, unions have largely outgrown their usefulness... Anyone can start their own business or set their own terms, but the laws of economics apply to everyone...


Just ask all those workers at the old Hostess company how well their union did for them...

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