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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Stop the new gearing change petition


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Wow you are the exception most will not even give you the time of day much less teach you the strats.


By chance are you on Harbinger? I really would like to learn Ops


You should come to the Ebon Hawk and join up with The Second Sith Empire. We are currently probably the biggest guild on the server (300+ unique members), we offer everything from Intro to Operations, to General Operations to Advanced Operations and Progression OPs. We take in completely new player and teach them everything they need to know, and our raid leaders are always patiently working to help every members in any way we can.


I have no problem with the way the Galactic Command provides gear, what I have a problem with is Flashpoints and Operations no longer dropping gear at all. If the Galactic Command was a supplement to the existing gear system, then many of us would be very happy. Yes everyone deserves the chance for BiS gear, but I don't want to get tied down to RNG, if I want to progress faster and try the harder content. I would like to get proper gear from FP/Operations as I normally do, and let the Galactic Command help out the casuals. Plus the RNG gear makes it extremely hard for raiders to gear up for harder content. I don't want to be stuck with like 10 belts that I don't need and still be missing my main hand and off hand.

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