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Gearing Changes in Eternal Throne


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The greedy need that OPSers should have the best things in every game update is beyond me




The new content is the uprising and everything that you skipped and you never did because it won't give you BIS gear you can play too because it will give you BIS gear now


To be fair. There is far more effort that goes into progression raiding then anything else. Pvp requires a bunch of practice and research as well. Logging in and running missions is the bear minimum as far as mmo's go and is not deserving of the best gear. Your companion should be facerolling any mob you come across at this point so you really don't need the gear. Nor do you deserve it.

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But, I chose PVP in this game over a game like WOW because WOW seemed to require me to grind ridiculously boring PVE before I could PVP competitively. I see no redeeming features of SWTOR that makes it different, now.


Well, as someone who PvE's a lot more than PvP's because I think the PvP in this game is boring, I do have to wonder about your logic.


GC allows for various playstyles to gain this gear. Now it may take longer now, but you can get this gear by doing warzones.


So the redeeming feature over WoW would be that you still don't have to do any PvE to get your gear together. All you need is a bit more patience. I am more concerned with the RNG element of the rewards which could make it extremely difficult to get a complete set of gear including set bonuses in a reasonable amount of time. I don't know this, but it's a concern considering the limited information we have currently.

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What is being done to address the imbalance of classes that only have one role? My sage is going to take twice as long to gear as my sentinel since half of the gear my sage gets will be for a healer and therefore is worthless. The sentinel will be significantly faster to gear since at least all the pieces will be dps. Ops will be filled with sentinels and gunslingers since they will be the first ones geared.


Crafting is the answer to fill the holes in gear

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To be fair. There is far more effort that goes into progression raiding then anything else. Pvp requires a bunch of practice and research as well. Logging in and running missions is the bear minimum as far as mmo's go and is not deserving of the best gear. Your companion should be facerolling any mob you come across at this point so you really don't need the gear. Nor do you deserve it.


It is not effort it is that i paid for expansions like RoTHC and SoR didn't even had a shadow of chance to touch the Op's(but i paid for it)

You can have new opses from my subscription but return me the difference in costs for making that ops.


GEAR for All means , all content for all players and ALL is always greater the few/less/only Raiders/PvP (All=premium players)


I am not a judge almighty that can say who is deserving what he had paid for, nor i am not gaining racists, because you are not us you should not play this part oof the game

Edited by Nebdar
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I've asked the Comms question, they said they'll be converted... but to what is anyone's guess.. if they are going to be fair, they should convert them 1-1 with CXP


In another thread, I made some estimates.


Currently, you need 4075 comms to purchase a complete tier 1 pvp set, not accounting for min/maxing or removing accuracy enhancements.


My personal history of win:loss on harbinger, across all my toons on both factions, is sufficiently bad that I average around 80 commendations per match.


At 80 commendations per match as an average, completing the # of matches required for the weekly and x number of dailies, I can do that in about three dailies' worth of matches. So, we'll say roughly 18 matches of luck on the order of my bad luck to get enough comms for a tier 1 pvp set.


Now, on Live, if you did ops exclusively through group finder, with most ops having five bosses, three days worth of doing a daily GF op would be about fifteen bosses. Fifteen chances at a set bonus token, with you having a 1/8 chance of winning the roll each time. The probability of you losing a loot roll fifteen times in a row is only 13.4%, so after three days of you doing the day's SM GF operation, you'll probably have won at least one roll, probably three. But, the chances that you will have won 14 rolls, enough for a tier 1 SM set, is astronomically small, 2 x 10^-13. Bottom line, on live, you have to do a lot more operations to get a tier 1 set than you do unranked warzones.


Pulling some numbers out of my gold mine of a head regarding how much CXP you might get from say SM S&V, in another thread I estimated that to be around 287, which could be maybe 3 ranks. Possibly. Just speculation on my part. As far as we are aware, 3 ranks means 3 command crates.


So, I don't think that WZ comms will convert at that rate. I think its more likely to be on the order of 10 comms per 1 CXP. If I had to guess, based on data from all available sources.

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Yes thats gone keep us busy for a month top on multiple characters, then what, what ever else is old and over grinded in past 2 years and now we should grind same old stuff for another year.


I don't mind grinding just give me something new to grind not stuff that am already tired of..


Thats the point you don't have to do the same thing , everything counts towards yur gear progression


The new is the Uprising, the chapters and everything that you skipped because it didn't give you BIS gear

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So why limit and destroy the current system to make this new lottery system of gear? The 5.0 changes that are coming have no chased away more raiding guilds, more pvpers. Turning hard work into a lottery system within the game that one has to level up on every character. Completely dumbing down of all the classes. Are you trying to force us out ?


So why the gearing change some may ask... my theory


1. It looks like the Devs don't like that you stock pile the comms before the release of the next expansion/ lvl cap increase:

2. You are geared way to fast and you start doing harder content to early... so you are bored faster.. you should start at normal mode and then get the gear and start harder and so on

3. Current system eliminates crafting as source of gear. Even when i haven't stockpiled the comms before latest lvl cap increase the ratio to crafted/bought trough crystals gear is like 5%/95%

4. Current system rewards with BIS gear to less then 100% subscriber. I paid for both expansions just so some raiders can have BIS gear and OP's that i don't have access to( and nobody thanked me :p)

5. Current system didn't restricted the crystal/comms gain for preferred/f2p allowing them (with little help from subscribers, and proper CM unlocks) to play endgame content and have access to all its benefits

6. Current PvP Gearing system allows th easiest way to obtain the bonus set gear(for everyone, with little help from subscribers, and proper CM unlocks)

7. Exotic Isotope Stabilizers, Dark Matter Catalyst price in crystals blocked the gearing by crafting for some/many/lot of players

8. Less then 100% subscribers had access to craft the BIS gear

9. Two types of gear to grind Pvp/PvE


A. New system resets gear for EVERYONE.

B. All Gear can be obtained by EVERYONE

C. RNG in the Crates makes crafting important to fill the holes (everyone forgets about it seems)

D. You DONT HAVE TO do OP's/PvP to get the BIS gear.

E. You are free to play anyway you want. Every gaming activity counts towards your gear progression (except GTN traiding)

F. Slowing the pace for you to gear makes them time to create content(hopefully ;)

G. The 3 day Early Access gains more value as you can 'gear faster'

H. Endgame activity gear/rewards premium players only

I. Jawa Purple Scrap can be viable more for crafting

J. Exotic Isotope Stabilizers, Dark Matter Catalyst and the new 10 lvl exotic material should now have price in credits So any game activity that brings you credits allows you to buy mats to craft any gear

G. One type of gear for any activity (except GSF)



* Devs and BW workes are casual players so changes for casuals are natural path

* The Expansion and lvl 70 Gearing is prepared for new players influx so that a newbie and 5 year sub will start with the 'same gear' at lvl 70 activities

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I have a question that I'd love to be addressed. It was stated that crystals would be removed and that credits would be used to purchase mods. I actually liked not spending all of my little credits on armor as I leveled and using those credits for legacy unlocks, or dyes, or the occasional relic/implant. If we will need to use credits, will lower levels get more credits to help allow for purchasing of mods for armor and weapons? #creditpoorpve


Lets take as an example the lvl 6 Companion Gift so if the new credit price will be 30 000 credits that should mean that the conversion rate 1 Green Data Crystal = 1000 credits


If the mess it up like price the Gift at 50k and give you less then 1666 credits per Crystal this will be bad

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It is not effort it is that i paid for expansions like RoTHC and SoR didn't even had a shadow of chance to touch the Op's(but i paid for it)

You can have new opses from my subscription but return me the difference in costs for making that ops.


GEAR for All means , all content for all players and ALL is always greater the few/less/only Raiders/PvP (All=premium players)


I am not a judge almighty that can say who is deserving what he had paid for, nor i am not gaining racists, because you are not us you should not play this part oof the game


If you didn't have a chance then you're doing it wrong. You can still spend your shards an go get a full set of 220's. The stats won't be the most optimal, but if you still cant get into ops then maybe ops aren't for you. I don't understand what paying for expansions entitled you too besides the same opportunity everyone else had. BiS gear is dropped in the hardest content for a reason. It gives players a goal to work for

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If you didn't have a chance then you're doing it wrong. You can still spend your shards an go get a full set of 220's. The stats won't be the most optimal, but if you still cant get into ops then maybe ops aren't for you. I don't understand what paying for expansions entitled you too besides the same opportunity everyone else had. BiS gear is dropped in the hardest content for a reason. It gives players a goal to work for


But if you didn't see the change how the OPs starter quest giving has been changing with every expansion... they where for a reason. Why someone should work for a ingame content that takes a lots of time and only few/not all can play it... it is a waste of time.... anyone can play the Uprising any one anytime can join..... compare it to op's availability and barriers...


It is not an OPs MMO.... it is about your story , your SW fantasy.. if in your fantasy you are surrounded by your guild mates or just solo saving the galaxy it is your fantasy.

Because it is both SOLO and MMO it will never be excellent in only one

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But if you didn't see the change how the OPs starter quest giving has been changing with every expansion... they where for a reason. Why someone should work for a ingame content that takes a lots of time and only few/not all can play it... it is a waste of time.... anyone can play the Uprising any one anytime can join..... compare it to op's availability and barriers...


It is not an OPs MMO.... it is about your story , your SW fantasy.. if in your fantasy you are surrounded by your guild mates or just solo saving the galaxy it is your fantasy.

Because it is both SOLO and MMO it will never be excellent in only one


It actually was. With Oricon and maybe SoR, it was. It had a playstyle for everyone. You wanted to do ops, fine do ops. You want to play SOLO, do the story, dailies/weeklies, conquest. Now there is only SOLO crap, and content that is 2-years old.

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So why the gearing change some may ask... my theory


1. It looks like the Devs don't like that you stock pile the comms before the release of the next expansion/ lvl cap increase:

2. You are geared way to fast and you start doing harder content to early... so you are bored faster.. you should start at normal mode and then get the gear and start harder and so on

3. Current system eliminates crafting as source of gear. Even when i haven't stockpiled the comms before latest lvl cap increase the ratio to crafted/bought trough crystals gear is like 5%/95%

4. Current system rewards with BIS gear to less then 100% subscriber. I paid for both expansions just so some raiders can have BIS gear and OP's that i don't have access to( and nobody thanked me :p)

5. Current system didn't restricted the crystal/comms gain for preferred/f2p allowing them (with little help from subscribers, and proper CM unlocks) to play endgame content and have access to all its benefits

6. Current PvP Gearing system allows th easiest way to obtain the bonus set gear(for everyone, with little help from subscribers, and proper CM unlocks)

7. Exotic Isotope Stabilizers, Dark Matter Catalyst price in crystals blocked the gearing by crafting for some/many/lot of players

8. Less then 100% subscribers had access to craft the BIS gear

9. Two types of gear to grind Pvp/PvE


A. New system resets gear for EVERYONE.

B. All Gear can be obtained by EVERYONE

C. RNG in the Crates makes crafting important to fill the holes (everyone forgets about it seems)

D. You DONT HAVE TO do OP's/PvP to get the BIS gear.

E. You are free to play anyway you want. Every gaming activity counts towards your gear progression (except GTN traiding)

F. Slowing the pace for you to gear makes them time to create content(hopefully ;)

G. The 3 day Early Access gains more value as you can 'gear faster'

H. Endgame activity gear/rewards premium players only

I. Jawa Purple Scrap can be viable more for crafting

J. Exotic Isotope Stabilizers, Dark Matter Catalyst and the new 10 lvl exotic material should now have price in credits So any game activity that brings you credits allows you to buy mats to craft any gear

G. One type of gear for any activity (except GSF)



* Devs and BW workes are casual players so changes for casuals are natural path

* The Expansion and lvl 70 Gearing is prepared for new players influx so that a newbie and 5 year sub will start with the 'same gear' at lvl 70 activities


So you say it's good to artificially lock away competent groups from doing hard content(Random Number God is not smiling today, you get another piece of gear that's useless to you), because YOU NEED GEAR FOR THAT CONTENT!?!?!?!?! Are you sane? I can heal with DPS gear, I can DPS with healing gear, somehow that's not that bad(sure, it's not optimal, but it's doable), but have you tried tanking with DPS gear something harder(and vice versa)? Something beyond EV? Because even such laughably content as KP HM needs some gear. Not mentioning something more challenging like ToS. Damn it, even S&V HM requires decent gear.


So those groups, who are capable to beat all HMs will be artificially locked away by random numbers and random drop crates. Sure, makes sense. Glad I picked tanking in 5.0 because with my luck for rolls our group will never qualify for nightmare content again. That being said if our group gets together as there's just a promise of announcement for January.


Many raiders(not all) are OK to give BIS gear for doing anything, give it to players by logging in, who cares. But if I run through 8 operations I expect to have a basic set of gear and right now I can expect to be still using my 220/224 gear as Gods were not smiling.


And in the case our healer will be missing I cannot switch to a healer because we won't have leftover tokens so when someone will be spamming fleet for a healer you know who to blame for not logging a healer for that content. NOT ME WITH MY 4 HEALERS!!!!

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It actually was. With Oricon and maybe SoR, it was. It had a playstyle for everyone. You wanted to do ops, fine do ops. You want to play SOLO, do the story, dailies/weeklies, conquest. Now there is only SOLO crap, and content that is 2-years old.


to this day i have this Oricon OPs mission in my quest log waiting to be completed. The Story Mode ( maybe the name of it is just wrong) should accessible like all other story, to everyone anytime.


If you have an choice spend Z mln $ to create content for X% of player base or Y% playerbase

Y% player base is at least twice as larger then X%player base

content for Y% player base can be played by X% of player base

content for X% of player base CAN'T BE Y% player base

You can create only on content at a time

You are the DEV Solve the problem

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So you say it's good to artificially lock away competent groups from doing hard content(Random Number God is not smiling today, you get another piece of gear that's useless to you), because YOU NEED GEAR FOR THAT CONTENT!?!?!?!?! Are you sane? I can heal with DPS gear, I can DPS with healing gear, somehow that's not that bad(sure, it's not optimal, but it's doable), but have you tried tanking with DPS gear something harder(and vice versa)? Something beyond EV? Because even such laughably content as KP HM needs some gear. Not mentioning something more challenging like ToS. Damn it, even S&V HM requires decent gear.


So those groups, who are capable to beat all HMs will be artificially locked away by random numbers and random drop crates. Sure, makes sense. Glad I picked tanking in 5.0 because with my luck for rolls our group will never qualify for nightmare content again. That being said if our group gets together as there's just a promise of announcement for January.


Many raiders(not all) are OK to give BIS gear for doing anything, give it to players by logging in, who cares. But if I run through 8 operations I expect to have a basic set of gear and right now I can expect to be still using my 220/224 gear as Gods were not smiling.


And in the case our healer will be missing I cannot switch to a healer because we won't have leftover tokens so when someone will be spamming fleet for a healer you know who to blame for not logging a healer for that content. NOT ME WITH MY 4 HEALERS!!!!


This. I play mostly dps classes, so imagine my shock when my PT dps gets those 15 tanking bracers in a row, and no armor/head in sight, having to spend millions to get crafted items for minmaxing, because the RNG gods are against you.


Even on my main, which is mara/sentinel, if I can't get that 6th set bonus which is paramount because of the weaponmaster critical bonus for HM/NiM... That critical bonus increases my dps and it can make the difference between having the dps to kill a boss and wiping on it. And so it is with most dps set bonuses. Heck tanking set bonuses are even more paramount because it means the difference between having the stats for surviving a boss hit and dying with one blow. Healers? It means the difference between being able to heal tanks and dps, and having to let someone die. And believe me HM/NiM ops are NOT forgiving. And it is not just healers or tanks. if dps can't do their part, bosses enrage and it's a wipe. And set bonus does make a difference.

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Craft what you need.

Finally you DON't Need to play the OPs too gear to OPs . You are free to do anything you want. Imagine all the content that you skipped because it didn't give you OPs tokens

Edited by Nebdar
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Finally you DON't Need to play the OPs too gear to OPs . You are free to do anything you want. Imagine all the content that you skipped because it didn't give you OPs tokens


This may be technically true, and in fact it may be necessary at higher command ranks to supplement your raiding with flashpoints, pvp, GSF, heroics, "Uprisings," whatever. Nevertheless I am inferring based on comments Musco has already made that you cannot gain signifcant CXP unless you do ops, pvp, or uprisings.

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Craft what you need.

Finally you DON't Need to play the OPs too gear to OPs . You are free to do anything you want. Imagine all the content that you skipped because it didn't give you OPs tokens


And what if like me, you have played that content hundreds of times? Where is the new content? All I do now is play some PvP and ops, as everything else is boring due to having done it a lot of times. I only do some heroics when I need the money. I am not touching SFs or TEC at all, there is no point in doing those.


I have not done KOTFE on most alts, since I find it boring and tedious. And now in order to get gear, I will have to do Galactic Command crap, and not just jump into ops (even those old ops), get to 70, start getting the gear from the first ops, get my raiding team, distribute our loot so everyone who wants to raid is evenly geared.


No, now I will have to pray to the gods of RNG, that I don't get 15 sets of tanking bracers for my PT dps when I need armor/head to complete the set bonus.


No, BW is lazy. EA are a crap company that want to milk the fly, instead of doing more content. I had heard that KOTFE would be 3 seasons with 16 chapters each, and suddenly they have 9 chapters for this exapnsiona nd nothing more. Why do you think is that? Was KOTFE sooo good that it was accepted?


KOTFE has absolutely NO repeat value. 15 minutes of endless Skytrooper corridors, and a story that seems written by a 3-year old. Heck, 3-year olds can write better stories than the crap we have been served!!!!


What I want in this game is actual repeatable content: when is the last time we had new conquest? New event? New ops? new GSF maps and ships? NEw FPs? 2 WZs in 2 years is not content enough.


Uprisings? Oh jeez,. Star Fortresses version 2.0! I am soooo glad they thought of that crap yet again.

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to this day i have this Oricon OPs mission in my quest log waiting to be completed. The Story Mode ( maybe the name of it is just wrong) should accessible like all other story, to everyone anytime.


If you have an choice spend Z mln $ to create content for X% of player base or Y% playerbase

Y% player base is at least twice as larger then X%player base

content for Y% player base can be played by X% of player base

content for X% of player base CAN'T BE Y% player base

You can create only on content at a time

You are the DEV Solve the problem


You've made a fatal flaw in your reasoning: the assumption that all content is designed for everyone. This is false. Just as hard and challenge modes exist in other games to challenge and reward a minority, so do raids and hard modes in MMO's exist to challenge a minority. With this increased difficulty, increased stats are required to not get utterly crushed, hence the need for raiders to have better statted gear.


Unless you play every single difficulty mode, and get every single achievement in every single game, by your logic, you have never gotten what you paid for out of the game. Raid content clearly wasn't designed for you, this doesn't mean you should actively seek to punish raiders for it.

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Craft what you need.

Finally you DON't Need to play the OPs too gear to OPs . You are free to do anything you want. Imagine all the content that you skipped because it didn't give you OPs tokens


You just don't get it, I'll let Icykill to tell you how rich a PvP player is, because rewards for WZ are so fruitful!


Or I can tell you how rich is a person who does only challenging content(WHERE YOU NEED THE GEAR). I do only WZs and HM/NiM OPS, as the rest is so easy my companion can do it alone. So, hmmm, let's think, I have 10 millions credits. Right now crafted 220 relic costs between 2 and 3 m on TRE. Cannot wait how I craft(for what?) or buy the gear.


That's why I cancelled the subscription. RNG stopped me playing Division and made me promise never ever buy a game from Ubisoft. I get that BW wants to get into the same class.

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I'm working as a Developer and I'm unable to understand why does Bioware such huge changes. And dont misunderstand me changes are a good thing, but only if you dont sacrifice other possibilitys to play/use that product. If this whole GC thing would be an additional source to get gear or maybe something other/new, noone would be hurt about the changes.


Now the way it is announced we all loose many options. If I wanna equip multiple toons with different roles for pvp I have to grind each till GC max. Compared to how it is now its just frustrating. Now i could collect with some daylies etc a decent amount of commendations and I'm not forced to play a not full geared toon in pvp. If I have enough I can buy a whole set and enjoy my new full geared toon. After 5.0 thats not possible anymore and to craft some static gear is not viable.


And whats about min/maxing pvp gear? Now I could get some single mods/enh and replace it in my gear, does Bioware intend to remove that possiblity too that I have to ''hope'' the right stat distribution drops from a GC crate? If thats the case, then its a never ending story if I look at my luck with the pvp crates back in 1.0...

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You just don't get it, I'll let Icykill to tell you how rich a PvP player is, because rewards for WZ are so fruitful!


Or I can tell you how rich is a person who does only challenging content(WHERE YOU NEED THE GEAR). I do only WZs and HM/NiM OPS, as the rest is so easy my companion can do it alone. So, hmmm, let's think, I have 10 millions credits. Right now crafted 220 relic costs between 2 and 3 m on TRE. Cannot wait how I craft(for what?) or buy the gear.


That's why I cancelled the subscription. RNG stopped me playing Division and made me promise never ever buy a game from Ubisoft. I get that BW wants to get into the same class.


I think my sentinel is the most rich with 8 mil credits atm... Yeah we who play WZs and ops we are rich because we spend our time farming heroics instead of minmaxing gear, or trying different specs and see what works best for a raid, or banging on a dummy to perfect our rotation. Geez, I'ld love to play those heroics again for the 500 millionth time!


I only do heroics when I need money to do something, or when they are part of conquest just to help my guild(s), otherwise not interested.

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This may be technically true, and in fact it may be necessary at higher command ranks to supplement your raiding with flashpoints, pvp, GSF, heroics, "Uprisings," whatever. Nevertheless I am inferring based on comments Musco has already made that you cannot gain signifcant CXP unless you do ops, pvp, or uprisings.


yeah IMO all activities on all difficulties should grant the same as possible CXP.. so you can have FUN your way and be at the same lvl with other ppl that spend the same amount o time

On the other side this gives other ppl that spend less time to catch up but IMO the daily bonus should do that job

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Thats the point you don't have to do the same thing , everything counts towards yur gear progression


The new is the Uprising, the chapters and everything that you skipped because it didn't give you BIS gear


Done pvp

Done all the heroics

Done all versions of the flashpoinrs

Done all raids

Done every quest

Done all the crating (which is boring)

Played gsf and didnt like it

Done all alliance alerts


Ok so that leaves uprisings and the new chapters left to do. Sorry not enough to keep me interested. If you notice with bioware changing the names of stuff its trying to make you think you are keeping something new and creative when really you are just getting new flashpoints. Now dont give me the ******** that oh but they have 3 levels of difficulty crap when we already have that.

I play this game to raid with my guild. The bolster system made it great to quickly get some sm gear drops and to move into HM in 2 weeks. Now i have to rely on RNG for me to get gear. Nah sorry. Oh and since the announcement all my raid teams folded.

I also wont wait to try the new gearing system because it is for level 70 only and if it is like the older xpacs i cannot get to level 70 unless i buy it and i do not want to buy it because the system they have described seems like a piece of **** to me.

At the end of the day i will put this game in my archive section

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