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New amazing feature: Magical flagships.


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Guild Flagships Go Drummer of Spinal Tap!

(ships are not accessible via strongholds)


Anyone else have had this happen to their guild ship? Or is it just happening to one guild "this week"? I searched and there have been some threads about it but no response from developers on those specific threads. To be honest, I thought this was an old thing and fixed already. Temporary solutions: Decorating the flagship makes it accessible for a short while but it's not a fix. Giving leader to someone else made it visible on strongholds for a short while but not a fix either.


I was told ingame that BioWare is aware of this and can not fix it. Maybe it occurs when the leadership bounces around due to subs ending or something like that? Well, that's just well and fancy! If someone from the staff does comment this, before posting refrain from hitting submit if the only thing you have to say is "We are aware of this and we have no ETA."

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Hi, this is the main thread about it. There seem to be two main reasons this happens:


Ex Members With Gold Keys

Ex guild members that had a gold key log in and their characters were parked on in the ship/stronghold. The theory is that the ship then thinks they are the owner and the rest of you lose access. I've spoken with a few returning members that have triggered this in the past and they said they were in each location when it happened.


Apart from the temporary decoration trick fix, there's not much you can do to prevent it except to stop giving gold keys out and if you do then make sure you revoke them before you remove people from your guild. There's nothing you can do about the ones from the past that could return at any time. Just prepare for it as best you can by creating decoration moving place holder characters whose sole existence is to pop the guild ship back when it once again drifts into the void.


Your missing ship/stronghold will be back when they do the next server restart so just keep your eyes on the devtracker. Depending on what triggered the disappearance it could happen again. My guilds ship has vanished several times over the years.


Since you said you tried passing leadership, keep in mind that if the person/people with the gold key enters a PvP/GSF match or takes a Group Finder pop then when the match ends they will not be returned to the ship, instead they will appear on fleet and you will be 100% unable to access your ship until a server restart happens. I have 2 place holder characters, one for ship and one for stronghold and their sole purpose (and waste of character slots) is to pop both back when they go missing again.


Giving Out Keys To Quickly

Another factor that seems to send the ship into the void is if you give out Silver keys to quickly. I used to storm through it as fast as possible but at some point the key panel with the list of guild member names would stop updating, if you close the stronghold panel and open it again then you see no ship/stronghold. Stopped having that problem since I slowed it down by taking a 2-count between each key grant and now I only do this in the hours before a server reset, just in case.


There were some official replies in the thread I linked earlier:



Just as an update, we are looking into this issue, but I currently don't have any ETA for a fix.


Great post, and thanks for the additional information!





Hey all,


As an update, we are still looking into this. Unfortunately, I don't have any information other than that for you at this time, but I will make sure to let you know the moment I do.





I looked into it and it was a change made in the patch. Flagships shouldn't "disappear" again, and guilds that weren't able to access their Flagships should now have access.


Good catch!



We are taking another look at this currently. Another report came in over the weekend similar to yours.

After that there are a few more pages of guild leaders begging for help over the next two years with no reply. The best you can do is post in that thread and add your guild to the list of those waiting for a real fix.


It seems clear to me and several others that the producers have no care for our guilds. The only reason they pushed guild ships out was because they knew ppl would spend CC/credits on decorations. The fact is that guilds have to pay 75 million credits + cost of all the frameworks or hours spent by guild members farming them and all of that can just vanish and become inaccessible for weeks.


Look, just be happy accessing the ship works sometimes, we don't need them "improving our quality of guild life" again like they did when they broke the guild panel + chat, which have also still not been fixed. These "improvements" were the producers spitting in every guild leaders face.


They have no care for how upset and frustrated these things make guild leaders, officers and members. These are issues we have to deal with on a daily basis. What really shows their disdain for guilds is instead of fixing these problems which have affected our capacity to admin our guilds for months/years, they instead spend time on a new cartel pack opening system.


Reading what I wrote I sound super spiteful. I used to defend the producers decisions and try to calm down my guild members when things broke but after all these years I have stopped, now I just shrug it off and go with "what do you expect, if it doesn't affect the Cartel Market then they don't care, just suffer it and make the most of what works".

Edited by UlaVii
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