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faster DPS class


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which class can deal huge damage faster marauder or assassin?


I do believe that would be Marauder, carnage spec. Fury has front loaded burst and may be able to get that burst faster as there is no set up for thier burst, but the spec itself is slower compared to carnage and has somewhat less DPS output. Carnage is the fastest spec In the game and can deal huge damage. Anni has abit higher DPS ceiling though, but it's slow to get going due to ramp uptime.


Over all I think Marauder can deal huge damage faster than Assassin.

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which class can deal huge damage faster marauder or assassin?


sent dps > shadow dps I don't think anyone would dispute that. only reason I play shadow over sent is the 30% dr for stun, you get a knock back aoe, 2 stuns, 1 stealth mez and one super mez/stun with utility, please shroud and because I can switch to tank.

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which class can deal huge damage faster marauder or assassin?


Actually misread that, marauder isn't bad at dealing damage. Played correctly it could become something of a chess match with whoever knowing more about the other class winning.

Edited by RACATW
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I think Annilathion marauder isnt that bad either for a fast dps set up



http://www.swtor.com/r/225Wn2 Refer link always good to do that


While Annihilation has a vast capacity to do a ton of damage, fast isn't really a word I'd associate with it. Annihilation has something of lengthy "ramp up" time to get numbers flowing, once done though and maintained it's bleeds can eat away at a target while delivering some heavy hits with a combination of Annihilate and Ravage.

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Marauders, either carnage or annihilation specs.


Carnage is currently over-performing as a burst spec imo, and annihilation has the top "dummy" numbers, but they go down a good bit in live fights.


Assassin run into the age old issue that whenever they are made to be competitive for PvE they are monstruously overpowered in pvp warzones.


So they get hit by the batnerf, and they go back to not being very desirable for high-end pve content.

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