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How many medals on average do you get per reg match?


Honestly, I don't even check, I'm only interested in amount of damage. As a progression raider, for me PVP is just about letting loose and having fun and not worrying about every little thing, mechanic, and how much damage I took. Upside to this is that win,lose or draw, it's irrelivent to me, even if my team loses, long as I did some decent damage, I still have fun.

Like many Imps, it's all about the death match to me heh. Too many assO's in PVP to really give a damn. I grab my fun when and where I can get it. But that's just me. I'll try to win of course, but I PVP cuz I like to fight, not to stand in glowing squares for two minutes straight without an enemy in sight.

Edited by WayOfTheWarriorx
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Honestly, I don't even check, I'm only interested in amount of damage. As a progression raider, for me PVP is just about letting loose and having fun and not worrying about every little thing, mechanic, and how much damage I took. Upside to this is that win,lose or draw, it's irrelivent to me, even if my team loses, long as I did some decent damage, I still have fun.

Like many Imps, it's all about the death match to me heh. Too many assO's in PVP to really give a damn. I grab my fun when and where I can get it. But that's just me. I'll try to win of course, but I PVP cuz I like to fight, not to stand in glowing squares for two minutes straight without an enemy in sight.


The true hallmark of an imp player. Good thing I usually get players who actually like to play the game.

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The true hallmark of an imp player. Good thing I usually get players who actually like to play the game.


It's not that I don't like to play the game, I just don't like the maps that make you sit in one area for a certain amount of time doing nothing. Just a question of taste really. But, yeah I definately am a deathmatcher. Like I said, I'm not saying I won't try to win, it just isn't especially important to me, I can have fun either way.

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It's not that I don't like to play the game, I just don't like the maps that make you sit in one area for a certain amount of time doing nothing. Just a question of taste really. But, yeah I definately am a deathmatcher. Like I said, I'm not saying I won't try to win, it just isn't especially important to me, I can have fun either way.

I would not enjoy having you on my team in pvp...

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I would not enjoy having you on my team in pvp...


Hey, that's cool, to each their own. Not everyone's style of play is the same.


Your signature says LOS, was wondering that was referring to your guild. If it is, and it's on the shadowlands, I know some of your guildies very well, Monster and Bota. They seems to like PVPing with me =p.


Like I said, different playstyles. Have fun.

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How many medals on average do you get per reg match?


Not enough. No healing, no protection - honestly playing mara in pvp is just not worth it. Compare this to a shank tank and you'll see there is little sense playing anything other than that :D

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Not enough. No healing, no protection - honestly playing mara in pvp is just not worth it. Compare this to a shank tank and you'll see there is little sense playing anything other than that :D


It can be very trying at times, I have to agree. You know people will often reply to Maras who complain about survivability issues that they have some of the best DCDs in the game. This true, the DCDs are very good. What they fail to understand is that as good as they are they are not meant to make up for the fact that almost every other class [save maras and snipers] have some form of self heals and dcds. While their DCDs might not be as good as maras, the self-heal factor is huge. The DCDs help to mitigate damage taken, they do absolutely nothing for recuperating damage once it is sustained. The self-heals make for better survivability, trumping Mara DCDs. DCDs are not sufficient to keep up with being attacked by multiple opponents, they cannot over come being focused. I think that's understood. That said, that is regular circumstance in PVP. Being attacked by multiple opponents at the same time is the norm in PVP. What's worse is, as a melee class, you have no choice but to fight on the ground your standing on when an opponent is in your face. Now you can just run all day long if you like, but that's not going to do anything for your team if all you do is run. Let's take a super common example that happens virtually all the time.


Joe Jugg leaps at you and proceeds to try and lop you in half. Not wanting to be lopped in half, Joe Mara tries to lop Joe Jugg in half first, but he's not exactly cooperating so it's taking some time. While you're playing pinata' with Joe Jugg, Joe Sniper deceided he might like to see what the left side of your brain looks like so he opens for on your from 3 or 4 miles away. Unbeknownst to you, the cowardly Joe Assassin has taken a liking to your back and deciedes that he might like to see what your spine looks like. This might take him a few seconds to cut your back wide open and because he's not sure how cooperative you'll be in his science experiment he decides a nice 5 second stun might be in order. While you're enjoying this little foursome [ you thought about maybe leaving the area, but for some reason Joe Jugg has grown rather fond of you and he's not real hype on letting you stroll off], Joe Merc thinks it might be funny to napalm the entire area upon which you happen to be standing for quite a few meters in all directions.


There is only one DCD that's gonna be even worth using under these conditions and thats Undying Rage, which works great for that grand total of four seconds. Unfortunately you're not able to make much use of that damage free time because Joe Assassin has stunned your stupid ***, when that wears off your just four seconds closer to your ultimate doom because not a one of these people has stopped lighting your *** up. - If you leap into a group of people alone, it's your own fault and you have it coming, but sometimes, you have to go into large groups of enemies, because of objectives and the need to defend or plant a bomb, or what have you, but the above scenario doesn't require you leaping in, it is just as common that they come to you in mass. Mara's, when you are in a group, are tasty treats.


A healer can help you survive this potentially, at least for a bit., a dcd might buy you an added second or two, but, without a healer, your demise is an absolute certainty. Now there are times you might be able to get away, perhaps a use of Force Camo. And thats great, but you walk from one instance such as this into another often within seconds of each other. Unforunately your saber ward is gonna be on CD for another two minutes, your undying rage even longer, your force camo is not a dcd in any sence of the word unless you just wanna stand there and let these people hit you just so you don't lose the effects of Force Camo prematurely [four seconds, joy], of course if you think it might be a good idea not to just let your opponent attack you and wanna swing back some, don't bother using force camo at all, the second u attack, u lose all its effects. As an escape or a way to buy a few seconds, fine, as a DCD utterly useless.


Even if you are lucky enough to walk away from this foursome, you are bound to be severely hurt, but unless your enemies are gonna be kind enough to leave you alone long enough to exit combat status, the next guy who comes along is gonna finish you off real fast. Without the ability to heal yourself to some degree while still in combat, which is going to be the state of things a majority of the time, you're just a free kill waiting to happen.


Marauders can do excellently in PVP providing they have a competant healer around. Without that, you better like respawning a hell of alot. To be fair, while I find it very difficult at times, I tend to do rather well over all. I'm usually in the top two or three and coming in first is not exactly a rare occurance. A Mara needs a healer in PVP. Anyone who says that the DCDs are sufficient and the lack of any self heals is not a clear and present detriment to performance is either an idiot, a liar just trying to make themself look better than they are or make you look worse, or is running Anni =p. While anni's self heals arent anything great, it's a hell of alot better than nothing, sure, I could play as Anni, but, I'm not an Anni mara, I'm a carnage mara. I've tried Anni numerous times over the years in it's different incarnations, it just does nothing for me and I'm addicted to the speed of Carnage.


Do I think that Carnage and Fury should get self heals? No, I don't, that would make a hypocrite out of myself. That's the price for high DPS and playing a pure DPS class, my only gripe with it is, that you have other non pure DPS classes with self-heals that are preforming better damage wise than Marauders do a good deal of the time. This shouldn't be. In PVE that is the way it is, Marauders do more DPS than the other classes [generally speaking, all things being equal] with self heals and who can can switch roles, so i don't think self-heals for maras are warranted.


With regard to PVP, the assumption that there is going to be a healer around to throw some love at Mara's, cannot be made, there are many times there are no healers in the group, or they're following their pal around serving as his personal pocket healer. When this happens, the survivability is poor.


It is my honest opinion, despite claims of self-heals and scaleability, self-heals trumps DCDs. For the life of me I do not understand mercs who complain about their survivability, with thier ability to kite and their self-heals, they're gonna outlast a Mara over the long haul, skill levels being equal.


This isn't to say playing Maras in PVP is undoable or not worth the trouble, I do pretty okay over all, and I certainly have fun. But it's my opinion that they are the single hardest class to PVP with in the game. I do not think they should get self-heals [as much as I might like them for PVP], but I do think they need a little something more to help them in PVP. Having to go into new subsequant fights at half your health or lower because you didn't get the chance to get 'out of combat' to heal is a heavy burden and happens regularly, leaving you an easy kill.


Flat out, without a healer in the group, you are not going to do well.

Edited by WayOfTheWarriorx
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Your signature says LOS, was wondering that was referring to your guild. If it is, and it's on the shadowlands, I know some of your guildies very well, Monster and Bota. They seems to like PVPing with me =p.


Like I said, different playstyles. Have fun.


Indeed i am guilded with them, and you may see me pvping with them on Lothmair. (they say hi btw :) )


Honestly i was kinda trolling in my post, it's not like regs hardly matter anyway. As long as some attention is paid to objective i have no true issues with a bit of damage farming.

Edited by AndoEyrune
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Indeed i am guilded with them, and you may see me pvping with them on Lothmair. (they say hi btw :) )


Honestly i was kinda trolling in my post, it's not like regs hardly matter anyway. As long as some attention is paid to objective i have no true issues with a bit of damage farming.


Of course I know the name Lothmair. Small world heh. I play Grim'alkun, a carnage marauder, we've probably pvped quite a few times actually [sorry heh]. No worries about the post, I didn't take any offense. I'm serious about progression raiding, so I can fully understand how people who are more into PVP would take it seriously in like.


I do try to do the things that will help the team win, I just tend to do more keep the enemy busy work, while the classes that are better at certain objectives take care of that side it, I try and run cover for then. After all the last person you want guarding a node alone in a marauder, stun and cap is much to easy to do to em by an Operative or an Assassin.


If they're busy trying to kill me, thats less people going after the node, or trying to plant a bomb on the door [although i try to fight by the doors of course]. Thats sort of what I meant, and didn't really express it well.

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