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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Surplus of Healers on Harbinger Impside


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I don't know as to why, but over the past 3 days, I've noticed a massive increase of healers in pvp imp side. I recently started to play my merc healer about 3 weeks ago, and in the last 3 days, there have been 3-4 healers in every wz match I play. I find that many of them are a waste of space, because they never seem to do over 2k hps while I average 3.6k hps on my merc. I mean, is there a way to prevent so many bad healers from queuing or making sure they aren't on my team besides premades? I'm okay with one other healer on my team, but once it gets to 3+, we start to suffer because we lose dps and I have to start to waste my heals on them, because they cant keep themselves alive. I've also been playing dps spec on other classes and there are lots of healers in the matches. The problem is, I don't know we have heals because I never get healed. Neither do other people I talk to. I look at the score board at the end of the match and see that there are 3 sorc healers who haven't done over 1.5k hps. Mean while, if I had been on my merc, (I want to play my merc but cant because of the amount of healers) I would have done over 3k hps. I don't understand how people cant do over a min of 2k hps??? Can someone please answer my question :)
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I don't know as to why, but over the past 3 days, I've noticed a massive increase of healers in pvp imp side. I recently started to play my merc healer about 3 weeks ago, and in the last 3 days, there have been 3-4 healers in every wz match I play. I find that many of them are a waste of space, because they never seem to do over 2k hps while I average 3.6k hps on my merc. I mean, is there a way to prevent so many bad healers from queuing or making sure they aren't on my team besides premades? I'm okay with one other healer on my team, but once it gets to 3+, we start to suffer because we lose dps and I have to start to waste my heals on them, because they cant keep themselves alive. I've also been playing dps spec on other classes and there are lots of healers in the matches. The problem is, I don't know we have heals because I never get healed. Neither do other people I talk to. I look at the score board at the end of the match and see that there are 3 sorc healers who haven't done over 1.5k hps. Mean while, if I had been on my merc, (I want to play my merc but cant because of the amount of healers) I would have done over 3k hps. I don't understand how people cant do over a min of 2k hps??? Can someone please answer my question :)


It's cause you're so damn LeeT. Clearly you are special and are deserving of hero-worship from your lessers [who are apparently most everyone]. That as a merc you outheal all other healers, Sorcs no less is clearly a sign of your near divinity. The girls must waterfall at your very approach.


We're not worthy. We're not worthy.


In answer to your question - There are medical procedures for male enlargement enhancement.

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I PvP daily on Harbinger at about the time of your post. Unless I group with a healer (my wife who happens to be playing a merc at the moment), or unless I decide to spec heals, I rarely have heals at all. When we do a real pre-made it's a different story. It's a rarity for me to have more than two heals in a match, and it's even more rare for a merc to out-heal sorcs and ops. Maybe you're just hanging out where the action is, maybe you're not the most obvious heals for the opponents so you're left alone, maybe the sorc decided to guard a node because there were so many heals, or maybe you're spending more time healing yourself because you're getting beat up. What I think you're saying is that you're a god healer or everyone else just sucks. Don't know man. Start recording your PvP matches to show us so we can make a proper assessment.
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Usually if I see there are one or more healers I'll take guard duty. Just comparing the small sample size of all the matches I've played recently suggest I may actually be hurting the dps and tanks by not healing at mid or wherever else the lemmings have congregated, but almost no one ever goes for guard duty, so...Increase likelihood of victory by guarding? Or throw out 3-4k in a landslide loss because no one else wants to guard or play the objective?

There have been a couple times where I've said "screw it" to myself and run to the action and ignore everything else, and I STILL somehow end up on guard duty. I've gone to help the guy who makes the call and as soon as it's clear he runs off (this happens too many times to recount). Or someone will actually go for the cap and then run off, and I'm the only one that notices, so I take up guard duty. It's such a thankless job I fully understand why people don't want to do it, even if they know it will result in a loss.

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