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What is the composition of the SF i see latelly everywhere?


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A skilled Strike can be lethal until the other team fields a decent T1 GS or T2 scout and then it's game over. Strikes can be great DPS ships but they don't have an answer for BLC, ion railgun, or slug railgun. Edited by RickDagles
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Really wish they gave the strike fighter some kind of minor, easy-to-do buff to make them somewhat relevant again. I feel strike fighters should be tankier so that they can charge head on into satellites or entrenched positions without blowing up. Giving a few hundred extra points of armor and shields would be a good start to making strike fighters useful again.
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Really wish they gave the strike fighter some kind of minor, easy-to-do buff to make them somewhat relevant again. I feel strike fighters should be tankier so that they can charge head on into satellites or entrenched positions without blowing up. Giving a few hundred extra points of armor and shields would be a good start to making strike fighters useful again.


The problem with strikes has always been that no matter what you try to do with them there is another ship that does it better. Even if you made them as tanky as bombers, a bomber would still be the better choice because strikes do not have the area denial tools.


Bioware would have to give strikes a unique blaster that had the shield piercing, armor ignore and damage of heavy lasers; the rate of fire of quad lasers; the energy consumption of rapid fire lasers and 10k range. Then maybe strikes could be a mid range superiority fighter.

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I think its boredom from people who used the over powered ships, they realize it kills que's, so they back off into other ships. You'll find if the match starts going bad in a big way, they go right back to the Slug Rail Gun or BLC to carry the day.


There are those who feel its too easy using BLC's, so they fly a strike instead to increase the challenge. I am one of them. I know a few more on Shadowlands that feel the same way.


You would not adapt well to my Rycer/Starguard build as that is not the way I see you fly, so even if I shared, it would not help you at all. You would not enjoy losing your raw fire power if you changed to the Clarion/Imperium, so just stick with what you have.


My SF build relies on active pilot controlled evasion, it cannot go head to head, I do lots of slash and dash, any time an enemy is pointed at me, I'm evading. Because of this, I throw away the build that is the most powerful in a head to head, and sacrifice large protection numbers for an increase in mobility. Every option is chosen to allow for a lasting mobility, to both quickly move into distance to engage, and quickly move away to disengage.


Quick Charge Shield is chosen, this means that you are always recharging your engines with no recharge delay, how be it, at a decreased rate. Retro Thrusters are chosen with +30 power pool, Power thrusters are chosen, and its all combined with a companion crew member that boosts engine power pool and reduces cost of using engines. This gives you the ability to fly in and engage on space bar, and have a power pool big enough to also fly out on space bar. By having constant energy charge via quick charge shield, and if they are mastered, constant shield charge, you are able to to dash/slash/dash/repair/dash/slash/dash/repair without dying.


Use clusters, HLC's, and Ion's for weaponry. I like ranged capacitor as it allows the HLC's with shield piercing to finish of fleeing kills easier.


Its a foolishly fun setup if you have a repair mechanic to run to between dashes.


Open on GS's from behind at 600M with Ion, then HLC. Wait to start a missile lock until they move. Use HLC on BLC Scouts beyond their range, then evade and do not take their burst. Standard make sure you are always have LOS or range on a GS pointed at you apply, with one exception, an Ion Railgun is nearly useless against your large power pool and quickly charging shields. The weapon power drain hurts, but its not the end of the world.


When I've flown against you, you like to destroy opponents from a battle scout by using your burst + retro thrusters to stay on target. You will not have the same burst, and you will have less natural evasion stat to make this head to head kill work from a Rycer/Starguard, so your normal way of flying won't really work with my setup. I do get head to head kills on occasion, but I make sure when I do this my opponent has their defensive and offensive abilities on CD, and that mine are available for use. Only if I know their abilities are on CD will go I go head to head from my Rycer or Starguard. I prefer to back stab out of stealth like an old concealment operative, then fly the heck out of the harm's way that will quickly swivel my way. If the other team is paying too much attention, and the GS's have a good nest of cross fire with bomber support, the strike pilot is hosed.

Edited by ThrakhathSpawn
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