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Diabolist Adjunct Lightsaber World Drop. Where does it drop?


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I was wandering around on Balmorra and someone asked where to get this light saber. I figured it'd be simple enough to track down that information on the Internet to be helpful, right? Lo and behold, it's not! The ONLY piece of information on this thing I can track down, other than its physical stats, is that it exists as a World Drop SOMEWHERE in the Galaxy, but no websites seem to really know where.


Does anyone know where this drops? It would be very helpful for the player in question.

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Well, a bit of searching and I found...not much. But if it's a matching appearance they are after, here are some lists I dug up.

http://swtordata.com/items/10786-diabolists-adjunct-lightsaber Click the '31 Items with the same model' tab to see the others.




Maybe they can find a similar looking one that would do for them. Best of luck.

Edited by Aeoda
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I do not know where, but some world drops are now buried horribly because they were level specific AND location specific. Corellia has 3 full sets of modable armor that drop on it, yet your chances of getting them to drop now (they only dropped from gold and epic enemies) are almost nill as you would need to be level 50 and farming golds there to have a chance at it.


Same problem with Manaan research, if you are 55 when you runt hat FP you will get research data every boss, if you are under or over that, your chances are almost nill.

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It is a lvl 21 world drop. The way world drops work, you need to be close to lvl 21 to have a chance at the drop. It doesn't matter where in the galaxy you are as long as you are close to lvl 21.


There are two methods for getting gear that you are too high of a level to loot. 1. The chests on planets give gear according to planet level, not player level. 2. Treasure Hunting lock boxes give gear according to mission level.


Your best bet is to check the GTN daily.

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  • 8 months later...

Okay, I had this drop, and I was quite amazed, since it's really neat light saber and it has specific looks about it. It's black, looks like it is leather bound. It dropped for me in Coruscant Heroic +2 Enemies of the Republic. Where you need to find astrogation charts from the old Jedi Temple, and you find one on the Sith which appear in the last fight. He dropped this Light saber, and I got to tell you, I immediately send it to my healer sorcerer, and it looks awesome.


Also as previous message stated, it can be anywhere in the 20-25 level range world drop also.

So keep trying, and also check GTN Market, since sometime someone will sell it also, and it isn't expensive.


Good Luck :)

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