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Everything posted by splacevica

  1. Game download the full content of 7.8-something gigs, then when start installing the new files, it stops at 3% and won't go further? Does someone experienced this?
  2. I don't want to quote "Citrienne" here because the post is huge but it's completely on target. Thank you Citrienne for making an effort on the count of other players and devoting some time to really touch the epicenter of the subject. I am still hoping that this was an honest mistake on the developer's part, or maybe it was just overlooked somehow? But since days go by and I see here people posting CS responses that justify the current position of the renewed title/hugs, it seems that nothing will be done about it? I personally grind the 1000 Huggies last year, and it was one rather painful experience. Since I am an achievement hunter, this kind of change (being intentional or accidental) is just disastrous to me! I applaud the players like "kalelrojin" here, being sarcastic or not, with his continuous grind again of 800/something/1500 again... "hat down" for your effort friend if it is a true one I just don't have that amount of time and dedication anymore, real life has stepped in the way. And grinding the same thing again, and again, and again, will really push me away from the things I really like to play in this game, for a few hours a day that I have in stored for SWTOR and my gaming pleasure. Good post there "Citrienne" once again, thanks for the effort and time, I just hope someone who has the power to change these things will read it? Because maybe, just maybe, they will start thinking from our perspective as a dedicate/veteran players of this beautiful game
  3. Blank chat space is still happening. I have seen it today for the first time, and it is extremely annoying.
  4. I read all the forums and name making policies I could find, and this is coming a bit too late, but making a name these days in this game, or any other which is older than five years is a nightmare. You have to be really innovative and make yourself a writer name making genius, to be able to find a suitable name which has a cool soundly pronunciation and a bit of a gaming style (of course this all depends on the game you are playing). Now my personal flavor, I have time only for SWTOR, and when I found out, that name which I found to be cool and soundly is an "invalid name" I was really shocked and it was kinda funny because the name doesn't mean anything in any language I will post it here just for the future reference. The name I wanted to add is "Rimtoo'tee'tukee". Now any kind of change, with the apostrophe, without an apostrophe sadly it's all the same. Anyhow I will adjust and find anew cool and soundly name for my character, but I just wanted to add that "Naming Policies" can be quite the challenge to conquer.
  5. Just to add, that Bonus Series, are bugged for me also. I couldn't complete Taris and Balmorra, Bonus Series quests. While I remember at some point, they were working fine couple of years back, now something seems to be making a problem, and they just glitch.
  6. It seems that "Mark Drake" or just "Drake" is also on the invalid name list. That is the made up character name from the Aliens movie. While Vazquez, as a very popular Spanish name, and also character from the movie, female one, exists in the game, with all the variations of it, Drake is invalid. And I thought, it is a perfectly suitable name for a male big machine gun Trooper. But, if the name was valid, and usable, I bet someone would grab it already in the first month the game was out.
  7. Okay, I had this drop, and I was quite amazed, since it's really neat light saber and it has specific looks about it. It's black, looks like it is leather bound. It dropped for me in Coruscant Heroic +2 Enemies of the Republic. Where you need to find astrogation charts from the old Jedi Temple, and you find one on the Sith which appear in the last fight. He dropped this Light saber, and I got to tell you, I immediately send it to my healer sorcerer, and it looks awesome. Also as previous message stated, it can be anywhere in the 20-25 level range world drop also. So keep trying, and also check GTN Market, since sometime someone will sell it also, and it isn't expensive. Good Luck
  8. Hello, Some players were speculating in the Fleet chat, and some were pretty sure, that Sage boost is coming in this patch. I personally do not believe that, since there is nothing in the Patch notes to indicate this. But if there's a slight chance for this to be true, can someone from the Developer team or any of authorized people confirm this? Thank you very much
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