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Bring Treek and HK 51 on par with other companions


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In 4.0's companion overhaul, HK 51 and even more so Treek drew the short straw.


HK 51 is still great as a dps, and good as a healer, but he fails as a tank, having no aoe taunt, no pull, and I'm not sure if there isn't still an aggro drop in Evasion Protocols. All in all, he ranks very low as a tank and only really works on a single target.


Treek is worse. The healing is really bad, worse than a well-equipped healer companion was pre 4.0. Tanking is a complete failure, since she has not even a single-target taunt, only threat-generating abilities, that aren't generating nearly enough threat to keep aggro. The companion that once was the only tank who could heal, now doesn't even have a self-heal ability.


If you want to stay behind your target or like to have them huddled up for for convenient AOEs, use pretty much any companion other than those two.


As the title says, while it's great that they retained some of their special abilities/animations, hK 51 and Treek should still be on par with other companions. How about adding another ability slot or two for special animations, and give them a pull and taunts, while letting them keep their unique abilities?

Edited by Mubrak
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