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WTB streamers


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Must be experienced in interaction with their viewers.

Good at GSFing.

Stable internet connection required.

Completed ships (for build requests) - a plus*.


Applications are to be submitted in this thread.




*T2 gunships exempt, apart for fun builds.

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what lunacy bursts forth from your mouth?? such insolence will not be tolerated nor appreciated u just joined my bucket list


in an effort to help u unworthy gouls I have decided to play some other gunship like T3 gs with feedback shield and maybe 1 other ship too so make ur requests be known

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GSF has a need for streamers. No plan other than watching them. Unless I don't know of something...


Although I don't fly every day or weekend I could set something up later this year when I have some spare time. However I am not sure what you could learn by watching my stream that you don't already know, and I am certainly not a shining example of what to do in all GSF situations.

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Although I don't fly every day or weekend I could set something up later this year when I have some spare time. However I am not sure what you could learn by watching my stream that you don't already know, and I am certainly not a shining example of what to do in all GSF situations.


A worthy candidate! I'm not looking for a learning stream, I'm looking for a fun one. If you've got what it takes, submit your twitch credentials at this thread. You won't be getting paid, of course, but you'll get some of that sweet streaming experience and lots of free exposure!


Make sure to have a Clarion with CC/remote slicing and/or a Novadive with EMP field on bar at all times. A GS with rotationals is always acceptable too.

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NEW on the King Krix stream is Highlight of the Night which is the game of the night. I will be selecting it even on game where i loose. check out the first one I start loosing in a stock sting and switch to T2 GS at the end and lets just say your fingernails are going to be down to the quick check it out


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Very well played game Krix. Only thing I can say "bad" about your fly style is on your scout. You tended to stay on a target too long, after the match was well under way though, you changed and started tabbing more. I'll certainly watch more and hope to improve.
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To busy with work to fly or stream much GSF right now, maybe in a month or so.


Also working on a tiny GSF inspired project, so all my recent games have really been about data collection rather than actually playing.


I suspect that, "what is the geometry that defines the default camera view frustum," is not a subject of great interest to anyone other than me.


In the event that I have a chance to get in a, "for fun," game I'll try to remember to put it up on twitch.

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  • 5 months later...

I thought I would necro this since Twitch introduced a new feature that will help in the spirit of the OP. Twitch now has Communities. How this is relevant to the OP is that for those of you that focus on GSF you could start up a GSF twitch community and stream within it. People could then go to the community page and be able to see all the GSF streamers in one place.


P.S. before I get accused again of doing this to promote myself. I wouldn't be using this because I stream more stuff that is not GSF than I do GSF.

Edited by Lendul
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Lendul, that is a terrific idea. Personally I only know of a handful of streamers (drak, nyghtrunner, mical, sriia) but this seems like a great way to discover new streams. And it would certainly be easier for the GSF community if they're all accessible from one place. Streamers unite!
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I would love to watch more streamers! Is this the community you made Lendul? or did someone else do this?




Someone else must have made it. T'was not I. To be honest, I would imagine most people here would not like the idea of me being in charge of it anyway. So I never really considered it. Besides I already have my hands full running my own guild, being administrator of The Harbinger Facebook group, helping out streamers. My plate is kind of full.

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