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This is my rant. Enjoy! (Long Read)


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I'd like to start of by saying that so far this game is amazing. I am so surprised and so satisfied by the lore that this wonderful company has created. The game play is fun and exciting, there are minor problems here and there but those will be addressed soon, I'm sure of it. Anyway, this isn't a rant about how bad the game is, it's a rant about how bad my experience being on the Republic so far has been. I am a 5+ year veteran of World of Warcraft. I've had my share of losses and wins, disappointments, and whatever else there is. I expect that stuff to happen in every game. I play a Gunslinger on the Republic side, and so far I've enjoyed it more than any other class. The story is fun and exciting, the mechanics are unique and interesting. There's nothing about that class that disappoints me other than the cover bug.


I am Republic because of my World of Warcraft guild that I've been with for about 5 months now. I enjoy playing with these guys, there great and I've made some really cool friends, but I hate the Republic. My server sometimes feels empty. It's hard to find groups sometimes. Everyone is too lazy to heal or tank and it's frustrating having to skip heroics on every planet. I don't get to experience that part of the game which disappoints me by a huge margin. To me the whole point of MMOs is the grouping aspect of it. In this case that doesn't always seem to work out. I'm currently level 27 and on Alderaan. Sadly only about 15 people on that planet. I haven't had a problem with the Empire. I haven't been ganked without provoking it myself. HaHa. Anyways, let's get to the PvP. My main goal in this game is to raid, but that's all I did in World of Warcraft and I regret it. I'm looking forward to PvPing in this game a lot and I'm good at it, no question about it. I usually finish with 5+ badges. The problem is the Republic. I don't understand it but 90% of the time (And give me a break here I just made that percentage up not sure what it actually is.) we lose. At the beginning of the game I say something like 3 or 4 people go left and the rest go middle to capture it quickly. This is referring to the Civil War warzone. Instead, about 9 people go left and I am stuck in the middle all by myself. Another example is the Voidstar. I run around keeping watch on both sides but I cant do it by myself. It takes us like 2-3 minutes to set the first bomb if we are lucky. The Empire sets theirs in about 30 seconds if not less, because only a few people pay attention, and those that do pay attention get killed really fast because we get out numbered on the side that there setting.



There are so many people on my server on the Republic side that don't understand that they are playing with other people. They just queue and expect to be given wins. So many people just run around trying to shoot or hit people with their lightsabers without actually giving a damn about the objective of the game. This has happened in World of Warcraft as well, hence why I didn't PvP over there. Horde was dominant in World of Warcraft, and now the Sith is dominant in SW:TOR. (Horde=Sith pretty much)


I don't understand why this happens. What causes this, and why don't people realize they waste everyone else's time when they don't try to achieve success. I play this game for fun, and for the most part I am having a blast.


I want to play Empire but this guild is pretty much my second family and it's great being with them, I don't know how much longer I can take this, everyday I keep losing interest in the game because I feel like there's no chance of doing anything without being ganked or losing.



What should I do, should I just go Empire start fresh and just hang out with these guys in vent or just stick with them on Republic hoping that things will get better.













The Republic is bad just like the Alliance at PvP and always low on population. The Sith always wins PvP. I have a guild that I've been with for 5+ months now and I dont want to leave them but I'm losing interest in this game because the Republic is getting on my nerves. I want to win in PvP not always but I want it to be challenging and not just a 20 Minute waste of time when I know we will never win. What should I do leave the Republic and play Empire or stay?

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I rather be on the team getting stomped and being the highest damage/kd ratio then being on the winning team stomping. Its boring and lonely at the top always winning.



I don't care if we win or lose as much as I care that people try. What is really bothering me is that people on my server just do there own stuff and run around and don't focus on the objective.

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I've been ranting about the same thing for months, happened in Beta as well, clan mates are seeing it now when they go into PuGs. Few matches I did play in since launch were pretty bad.


I'm glad I am on a open world PvP server, I've had a lot more fun with that then the matches.


Most republic players I have been PuG'd with can't fight themselves out of a wet paper sack, let alone work together, even when instructions are feed in the Ops chat byt he leader or someone like me trying to win the match with I dunno..... coordination.


My only cure for this right now is to wait and get a few clan mates together and roll in warzones together to avoid most of this, we have already started doing this a bit and will do more when others level up.


The failness in the republic side is similar to the rebels of SWG as well, the bulk of the hardcore PvPers were Imperials there too, with only a small % of rebels actually being good at PvP.


Seen the same exact thing here sadly.

Edited by Larce_Apollo
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If stupid people is your biggest complaint about this game then I don't know what to tell you. To me the game feels like it's single player. Not many flashpoints to run not many wz to run and the game doesn't feel very immersive.


Sounds like a mild inconvenience compared to the real problems with this game.

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BioWare is failing hard. There allowing this nonsense to happen. WHY IN THE HELL IS IT 30% REPUBLIC 70% EMPIRE they should lock it in 50/50 on every server and force people to make the other class when one side is already at there cap because this is *********** ridiculous.



BLIZZARD ****ED UP hard because of this nonsense and if BioWare is allowing this there going no where. This game will go F2P pretty quickly. I pay good money to have fun, and I'm not. I feel like i should just give up but I dont want to, I see a great future in this game they just need to change a lot of ****.

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Late night on my server Empire always wins too. During peak it's more 60-40 favouring Empire (from my experience).


Faction population is something BioWare may have to address. I'm not sure hopping over to the other team is going to help. If too many people do that it will become worse for both factions.

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