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Story based expansion missed a big part of Story?


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I'm not sure if a post has been made about this yet but I am making one simply because it kind of sucks a bit.


So I like Kotfe and I'm sure I will enjoy Kotet, but I have a, request? Or at least a mention. You made this expansion to surround Story, to be story based but I personally think you cut out one of the most important pieces of Story to some players. Companion interaction, and I mean real interaction, like you had it before, where they had missions, dialog for specific things, or for advancement. I enjoyed the Khem Val story arc, and some of the stuf with Kira, and I liked talking about the force with Lord Scourge, even right clicking 2V was sometimes nice. I only say this is important and you missed a big part because Companions are important to the story and companion growth, always really important. You don't think people chose a favourite companion just because of looks, or whatnot, I mean some people might have and hey that's great! But other people chose a favourite from the story, how they react, interact, and whatnot. I mean it's bad enough that I know a bunch of people who won't use their ships because of how empty they are and how sad it is, I mean even when we first got the ship it wasn't empty, Kira and C2, Khem and 2V, Mako and 2V, Jorgan and C2, you get what I mean.


Some people may say, "That's a waste of time, we want more story and more development in the game.." but what you don't see is that is development. It's very much apart of the story, yknow it's important. So in conclusion maybe consider more Companion interaction for Kotet or afterwards, if not I mean, I'm sure I'll still enjoy it, it just kind of seems a little more, 'empty' without that companion interaction. What are your thoughts and ideas? What do you think?

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I completely agree! I also enjoyed KOTFE and am looking forward to KOTET, but one of the things that did disappoint me in KOTFE was the treatment of companions. I've said this elsewhere as well, but basically by the end of KOTFE, I felt more like I had collected a few dozen pokemon rather than built meaningful relationships with a few dozen alliance members. I'm guessing part of the challenge for the developers is the sheer volume of companions makes it hard to develop any of them beyond their recruitment mission; it's a bit of a shame.
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I'm more annoyed that the companions that meant the most to me never returned. Husbands, wifes, apprentices and padawans. Basically all my force related companions appear like they're never returning and even vette barely had any conversations with me.


Finally the few companions we've been allowed to kill are the ones they don't use for any future story anyway and that sorta defeats the purpose. Since none of the remaining npcs or any dialogue reflects on that decision.

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I'm more annoyed that the companions that meant the most to me never returned. Husbands, wifes, apprentices and padawans. Basically all my force related companions appear like they're never returning and even vette barely had any conversations with me.

You aren't mis-reading DS Jaesa's letter, are you?


Not the part in the middle about someone seeking to take your place.



No, I mean the last few short lines. The ones where she asks why she is writing to a dead man. Why?



Hint: she's writing to a dead man because when all is said and done, it is *YOU* that she wants. I'm not sure we'd call it love, exactly, but it isn't far from the mark.


And 'never returned' isn't right. "Didn't return yet" would be (we hope) more accurate.

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I don't think you'll get much arguments against this. Bioware made some great companions in other franchaises, like Dragon Age and Mass Effect, and getting to spend more time with them, doing missions along side them where they had a personal stake in it, really made the game more enjoyable. Even companions that I initially didn't like got improvement through getting to know them in some manner other than simply talking to them.
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I completely agree Syrenaone, it feels really empty without regular companion interaction. Most of them you recruit then never talk to again. I would like to see your companions giving a weekly mission or something. Or maybe have multiple companions for solo flashpoints. I hate that combat droid they give you.


Also remember in the original story how you could go on personal missions for your 1st companion, like helping Vette track down her family. I wish they would make a personal mission for the rest of the original companions. How fun would it have been to assault the Bastion with Pierce or recruit Jedi to you're cause with Ashara or hunt down light sided Sith with Jaesa.

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