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Wish We Could Do Poly Relationships (Some BH spoilers)


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Before I start...no, this isn't "my Sith Warrior wants both Jaesa and Vette" nor "Can I have Akaavi and Risha as my Smuggler?" :tran_wink: Nothing wrong with those scenarios, but this is actually Bounty Hunter related.


A little context...


So I've done two Bounty Hunters from scrape. The male is only about level 30 and romancing Mako. The female is almost 50 (leveling her for Legendary and DvL) and romancing Torian. My male hasn't gotten to Torian so I didn't realize until recently that if you don't romance them, Mako and Torian actually date! :tran_eek: Which is just fine; nice even. I almost wish I hadn't romanced them now because they are two of my favorite companions and them together is actually really sweet and touching.


It honestly made me a bit sad my Bounty Hunter couldn't have a poly/three-way relationship with them both. I'm not even talking in bed. They always end up my Bounty Hunter's closest and most trusted; the ones that they protect and view most as their family. The fact that the two of them like each other only makes it both sweeter and sadder. I could easily see my Bounty Hunter being equally adoring to both of them and happy for them to be together and with him at the same time.


Anyone else wish that sort of thing could be a possibly or is this just my weird late-night ramblings? Honestly, a "triad" with the Hunter, Mako, and Torian seems like it could work out really well. Better in my opinion than Vette and Jaesa honestly since Vette really doesn't seem to like DS Jaesa. I can't see Akaavi and Risha sharing much; both of them don't strike me as the type. Since both Mako and Torian want your approval before getting together and both are really close to you, it just seems like it could be a working thing. Maybe I'm just weird to think of it (and running on too little sleep, damn medication).:tran_embarrass:

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I mean, it's a game. I wouldn't see the harm in it, but you'll probably get a lot of "yes, you're weird" responses. Far as I'm concerned, fantasy is fantasy and it doesn't have to be perfectly realistic. We're magical wizards, ffs.


I think the word poly kinda throws it off, cause people think of polygamy and polygamist cults. Open relationships are a real thing and aren't cults. Whether they work out all that well is highly debatable, but like I said, it's a game. We can be space wizards and space cowboys, but being in a fantasy triad relationship is too weird. That tickles me.

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