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Wich Marauder?


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Hi all I was wondering wich marauder build is best now for 4.0 pve ?

I just wanna make a sith marauder character so I would appreciate it very much any good info on this.

Thanks a lot in advance everyone.


Any of the three specs will do fine for leveling, vanilla story and FPs. If you think you might want to get into raiding at some point [Operations], Fury is not a good choice. It's DPS is notably less than Annihilation and Carnage. Fury does however have some advantages in PVP however as it has certain abilities that help it to ward off CC effects and make them immune to control for a short duration following certain ability uses.


In the DPS order [chart] Fury comes second to last [out of 18] whereas Annihilation and Carnage come in at 1st and 2nd respectively.


Annihilation is a DoT spec with very high sustained damage, whereas Carnage is a burst spec with very high burst and good sustained [but not as good sustained as Annihilation]. Carnage is an extremely fast spec and is based on speed and burst windows. Annihilation is average speed spec and based on micro-managing three bleeds.


Both specs have a high skill level for maximum effectiveness and are harder to master than many other specs in the game, but also come with some of the highest dps in the game once you've achieved a sufficient skill level to make them work optimally. You really can't go wrong with either one of them and really come to a question of taste.

You can try them both out and see which one is more suited to your style of play but I would choose one than and stick with it because as stated previuosly they require higher skill levels to be proficient with so its best to stick to one and work it.


One thing to bare in mind while leveling. You will not notice virtually any difference no matter which spec you choose while leveling in terms of damage. They are all more them capable of destroying everything in your path during leveling and the only real difference is cosmetic and style. It's only once you obtain a majority of attacks and abilities towards end game [about level 57-65] where the differences start to be telling but you will begin to notice difference in the feel of play style at about mid 40s level. Things die much to quickly through most of the leveling process for it to take more than a few hits before they're down for the count, so set up, ramping up in the case of annihilation, or the use of gore burst windows in the case of carnage seldom get that far. Annihilation will perform slightly better for long fights, and carnage will perform slightly better in shorter fights. The differences in their DPS will only be noticable at the higher skill levels. This isnt to say that one spec will always do more DPS than one of the others. That depends on skill. A Fury Marauder is capable of putting out more DPS than a Annihilation marauder if the Fury Mara has a notable higher skill level than the Anni Mara. The DPS differences maintain mostly in the case of equal levels of skill. In essence, Annihilation and Carnage have the potential to do more DPS than Fury does, but its up to the player to make that happen.


Marauders are not an easy class to play no matter what spec is used, there are certainly other DPS classes that are much easier to play and can still put out high dps numbers, but in the hands of a skilled player a Marauder has the potential to be the most devasitating thing on the battle field and is an absolute blast to play. Best of luck to you.

Edited by WayOfTheWarriorx
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As my favourite specc in game is Annihilation I would say its not great for leveling. Only cuz mobs die so fast there is zero advantage of playing it and due to its nature it will take longer to kill mobs in Anni then in other two speccs.

Great fun is also Carnage and bit more suitable for lvling. All 3 speccs are fun and can perform good so really up to you to choose. Prevoius post explained it all nicely.

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Reality is someone asking on the forums which spec is "best for PvE" is probably not going to be doing serious HM/NM raiding and as such, I'd recommend Fury. It's fun, and fairly easy to grasp - and while Carnage may target switch a bit better I cannot imagine a situation where this would actually matter at that content level.


Anyone planning on going into further levels of difficulty will likely want to learn Carnage/Anni anyway.


It's sort of like snipers, where marksman has been nerfed into Oblivion. Yet MM is perfectly fine for pretty much anything pre-NM.

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