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Further future for Elara Dorne/ reflection on personal devlopment


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I've never been an MMO or even RPG gamer before coming to SWTOR. It's all so interesting how attached I've become to the characters that I've met and made relationships with. Are these all aspects of myself that I'm interfacing with through this game? Is my character the best in myself that I hope to become? What a journey to explore this digital virtual environment as a doorway to my own inner world.


Anyway, I've developed this beautiful relationship with Elara Dorne and I'm feeling disappointed that there is no further development of this story with her now that I've completed level 50.


Is there any further future for Elara Dorne? I'd love to see a formal marriage ceremony, building a home(stronghold) with her, perhaps the children we spoke of, and further engaging story.


If she will not be returning, I'd like to know so that I can mourn that loss and to reflect on the meaning.


I don't want this to be a complaint. On the contrary, Bioware, thank you for creating such a beautiful game with lovely vistas and stories that deeply touch me personally. I'm writing this post because you've created something that I care about. Thank you Moira Quirk for the wonderful subtleties of your voice inflection.

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Unfortunately all you're gonna get from Elara after completing her quest chain is complete silence until they eventually get around to bringing her into one of the future expansion chapters.


Personally I'd like to see a chapter with both her and Quinn somehow having to work together. Both are big on rules and regulations, and the fact that Elara's an Imperial defector could make for some potentially interesting dialogue between the two.


As far as your marriage ceremony, kids, maybe a space house with a white picket fence... welcome to head cannons, my friend.

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I've been deeply contemplating the meaning of all of this and have come to a relieving conclusion.


My trooper and Elara Dorne, both aspects of myself that are either ideals or parts of myself that I've ignored out of fear of not being good enough.


I will continue on with the expansions and into KOTFE and later this year, KOTET, knowing that eventually my trooper and Elara will be separated. I will cherish the loss because of the good thing that it represents.


As I go through the game, I notice I'm thinking to myself, "What would Elara do in this situation?"

When she's gone, that will still be with me and I'm deciding to keep my character faithful to her always as a symbol of the personal gift I've received from playing this character.


In my non-digital life, I find myself taking more time to look at my wife and appreciate who she is and to see ever more each day the miracle that is my baby boy.


There was a deep sweetness that I experienced by creating a romance between my trooper and Elara. I was scared of not experiencing that anymore without further story but all of this is a part of me now.'


The beauty of life is always with me. Thank you.

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Just finished chapter 12 of KOTFE and I now think that it's good that Elara hasn't returned yet, I need to ponder and process so much that I don't understand from Marr, Satele, and Valkorion. The Alliance requires so much of my focus also.


I find Tanno Vik again

Thunderclap is found and returned to me

C2-N2 returns

Yuun's equipment is recovered and he returns

Aric's equipment is recovered and he returns

Forex is found


This writing is too good and the build up is great


What was I ever worried about? Elara will return and it will be grand.


So much must be going on for her as well. What does she think about the Republic now under Saresh's dictatorship? Does she know about the Alliance and what does she think of it?


What will she think when we talk about what I've learned from Marr and Satele? What does she think about their opinion that I supplant Arcann and rule over the Eternal Empire?


Never fear, it's going to happen. She will return.


Remaining always faithful to Elara.

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As far as your marriage ceremony, kids, maybe a space house with a white picket fence... welcome to head cannons, my friend.

I know what you *meant* there, but it creates an interesting image nonetheless. See, there's a difference between "cannon" and "canon", and having heavy anti-armour weapons strapped to the sides of your skull :eek:, well, in the context of white picket fence and all, is a little disturbing... ;) ;)

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I probably laughed harder at that mental image than I should have. I was going to edit the post to fix the typo, but now it amused me enough to leave it as is.


Now I want a companion who's head is a literal cannon...

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Unfortunately all you're gonna get from Elara after completing her quest chain is complete silence until they eventually get around to bringing her into one of the future expansion chapters.


Personally I'd like to see a chapter with both her and Quinn somehow having to work together. Both are big on rules and regulations, and the fact that Elara's an Imperial defector could make for some potentially interesting dialogue between the two.


As far as your marriage ceremony, kids, maybe a space house with a white picket fence... welcome to head cannons, my friend.


Even in future content, you'll just get a "I missed you! We're still together!" and then it's forever silence again :p

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