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Rotation based ranged spec


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I have a friend who will be joining soon, she loves rotation based ranged specs rather than a priority and/or rng proc specs. Any suggestions on what to play? Any rotation based melee spec just out of curiosity?


So far in my search it seems like Telekinetic Sages or Gunnery Commandos might fit the bill, I figured I would ask though.



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I'd suggest anni maras but its really complicated and I can't do it right. Also rage jugs, but if something changes in the encounter to make you adapt on the fly your rotation will fall apart along with your dps. Its why I really struggle as a rage jug in pve ops.


Umm, what part of ranged did you not understand in that question? So if you're friend wants a fixed rotation ranged discipline the i'd suggest learning BOTH sabotuer / engineering slinger/sniper and dirty fighting / virulence slinger/sniper. Both disciplines offer tremendous dps with sab/eng providing the highest sustained ranged dps in the game. The problem is that for sab/eng is a bit situational and requires a target that stays in one place most of the time. For fights where the boss moves around dirty fighting / virulence works better. Of course for fights where you need to switch targets constantly Sharpshooter / Marksman works best and is also a fixed rotation. Hopefully after the next expansion it won't be so back of the bus in terms of sustained dps.


And LadyDarkkitten don't use rage in ops, do your raid team a solid and learn vengeance.

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Umm, what part of ranged did you not understand in that question?


And LadyDarkkitten don't use rage in ops, do your raid team a solid and learn vengeance.


He said: Any rotation based melee spec just out of curiosity?

Pretty sure I understood the question and contributed what I could. Ofc feel free to join all the other trolls and snark anyone vaguely helpful away from the forums. Cos that will be good for the game. I don't play vengence.

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If she likes complicated rotations Innovative Ordnance Merc / Assault Specialist Commando comes to mind. Gets you two rotations for the price of one :)


Damage-wise behind engineering and virulence sniper, though...

Edited by Mubrak
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