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Missing area gone on Nar Shaddaa


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So a few years back same year this game launched there was a really cool area on Nar Shaddaa. It was located somewhere in one of these places. Network Security District, Lower/Upper Office Atrium or somewhere in the Imperial Intelligence Gadget Warehouse. Now the area I'm talking about had a name and you would go down those unusual steel looking Nar Shaddaa tunnels to get to it. Once you got down there it was super dark. What I vaguely remember of it is that this area had Data banks or Large Server Unit Towers lined up vertically in each row. Again this room was very dark. I remember stumbling upon it a long time ago and thought back how I would one day utilize this area for RP. Cut back today and I see no sign or trace of this area and completely forgot what it was called.


This area never served a particular purpose. It wasn't a place where you would hunt Datacrons or a Heroic area for a mission and not an area that would require an elevator to get too. I've tried searching over several SWTOR guide sites to see if I can dig up any old map layouts to see if I can find a difference to the current map. However every site I go too is just drowned in guides for Datacrons and class mission stuff.


I'm NOT crazy cause I remember when I found that place I spent a good 25 minutes running around down there even for how small it was. I remember I was over Teamspeak trying to get my friend to explore this area I stumbled upon and to see if he's ever been down here. It was probably one of the darkest rooms or areas on Nar Shaddaa I remember.


Anyone else know what happen to this area on the map or encountered it a long time ago. I swear I'm not crazy and it's driving me bonkers cause I found a reason to go RP there and yet it has vanished...

Edited by DuckKing
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****Posted Notice****


The Nar Shaddaa Union of Custodial Engineers are hearby on strike. All dark creepy areas are now off limits. If you are in need of a dark creepy area, please address your grievances to your respected administrative clerks on the Promenade.



The Cartel

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"Missing area gone on Nar Shaddaa"


If was already missing, then it was already gone :p


  • Missing = absent, lost, not found...
  • Gone = departed, left, lost...


So you went nowhere, but now nowhere is gone. Did you ride on Kai Zaiken's log and go nowhere fast? :p


You're a real Nowhere Man. :D


'Yesterday I parked my car in a "tow away" zone, when I went back today, the whole area was missing.'

-- Steven Wright

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It was located somewhere in one of these places. Network Security District, Lower/Upper Office Atrium or somewhere in the Imperial Intelligence Gadget Warehouse.


Hmmm... If it were in the office atrium, is it possible that the location you're thinking of got converted into the Star Fortress shield bunker for Nar Shaddaa? Outside of that thought, nothing comes to mind.

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They closed off several places that were never meant to be accessible in the first place. Quest areas that got cut but the map was already made, etc. Voss has...well...HAD 2 such areas. Coruscant had an area you could only get to with a lucky jump to get under the taxi platform of the Jedi Temple that was totally decked out without any of the damage seen everywhere else. Corellia has lost a spot too.
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4.0 removed/closed a lot of areas, even former quest areas, like on Tatooine, where the whole Czerka Base dungeon, including the staged bonus quest is gone. Where there used to be an elevator platform at the entrance , there now is a door with a clicky that instantly takes you to the main quest area.


Guess a long linear level with tons of unavoidable trash mobs didn't fit into their vision for the 4.0 experience.

Edited by Mubrak
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LIke Nempo said, there were several areas back when they were creating the game that didn't get closed off properly when it went live. I remember finding a large area on Nar Shaddaa that was huge and completely empty of mobs. It was located in the bonus area somewhere. Maybe this is the area you are talking about.


There is an area on Taris you might be able to still see if you work your camera correctly. It's located on the north side of the world right in the middle north of the sinking city. It's actually on the map if you look. If you put your character into one of the corners in the wall near the area and turn it correctly, you can see some stuff. I have talked to many people about it and some think it's a testing area for the devs.

Edited by LordSkyKnight
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These rooms are where Kira, Doc, Scourge, Tharan and Holiday, Zenith, Felix, Nadia, Corso, Risha, Akaavi, Elara, Malavai, Jaesa, Khemmikins, Andronikos, Ashara, Vector, Temple, Lokin, and Mako are all hanging out with Valkorian' s ghost when he's NOT in your head, having a wild party.


There's an access tunnel to join the party in your stronghold, but C2-N2 and 2V-R8 blocked it up because they're metal gits.

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I think even the Senate Building on Coruscant has now a removed room - I mean, a room that was there ( inclusive Quest Givers ) , but is no more. The Quest Giver was moved to another spot.


That's the room that Forex is in now when you have his alert (The room with the lore object on the shelf). The ugnaut that's in the main hall used to be in the room before that room.

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