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Give Jedi Guardian Tanks and Jedi Shadow Tanks "Saber Intercept."


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For those who played Star Wars Galaxies, you know exactly what ability I'm referring to. In SWG, a Light Side Jedi Tank had two main abilities in PvP: Saber Reflect, which this game added, and Saber Intercept.


Saber Reflect, of course, reflects all attack damage back at the opponent while it's active. Saber Intercept, on the other hand, allows the tank to choose an ally player to intercept all of their damage for 5 seconds. In essence, it forces enemy players attacking the tank's selected player to redirect their damage at the tank.


This ability is amazing because it acts like a taunt in PvP. It makes the enemy attack the tank rather than whoever they are intending to attack. This was an amazing ability for tanks in PvP for SWG and I'd like to see SWTOR add Saber Intercept to a Jedi Tank's tool set.


I find this particular kind of move appropriate as it really focuses on what a tank should be about: Tanking. I see far too many Tank/DPS hybrid specs and part of the reason I believe this is happening is many feel tanks are useless in PvP. Having more abilities such as Saber Intercept would go a long way to show how tanking can be just as important in PvP as it is in PvE.

Edited by Aowin
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Interesting concept, but ultimately I can't support this. This game is realistically not SWG and the tool set used for tanks is much different. As such the ability you have described comes across a bit over powered as it has the ability to taunt as well as shield. It is entirely two different games and thus two different ways of tanking and being a light sided Jedi should have no influence on what abilities one could use.


So again interesting concept, but no it should not apply here.

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Interesting concept, but ultimately I can't support this. This game is realistically not SWG and the tool set used for tanks is much different. As such the ability you have described comes across a bit over powered as it has the ability to taunt as well as shield. It is entirely two different games and thus two different ways of tanking and being a light sided Jedi should have no influence on what abilities one could use.


So again interesting concept, but no it should not apply here.


How so? The tank merely intercepts the damage the targeted person is receiving. That doesn't make the ability overpowered, it means the tank will merely get hit like a truck instead of the healer or dps. It's far from overpowered as there is a high chance the tank could end up dying unless he/she has defensive cooldowns to counteract the interception.


It worked perfectly fine in SWG and the ability had a long cooldown timer so it could not be abused. It's hardly a resilience or dodge. It just means if you use intercept you will take damage instead of the intended target.


I was referring to the Light Side Jedi tree in SWG, which is where you received Saber Intercept. Dark Side Jedi did not have access to the ability. Of course, this game could have equivalents for Jedi and Sith for fairness.


Regardless, this suggestion is more so for BioWare to consider in their quest for adding new abilities to the game with new level increases.

Edited by Aowin
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Isn't that the whole point of throwing a guard on someone? Only difference is you're absorbing half the damage.


Guard is damage mitigation. It's not intercepting anything. Again, this wouldn't be a permanent ability like guard. It's merely a way to help players who are being focused.

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We have taunts, both single and mass, as well as guard.


If we didn't have those, I'd think this was a good idea.


What's the issue with having more tank abilities? I'm not sure if you play a tank in PvP, but taunts and guard only go but so far. Really, what's most important about tanking is stuns and trying to keep focus fire off of whoever you are guarding. Saber Intercept would merely be another tool to help with controlling where damage is going. It wouldn't be permanent like guard. It would be more like Saber Reflect as it would be temporary and last for a short period of time.

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Guard is damage mitigation. It's not intercepting anything. Again, this wouldn't be a permanent ability like guard. It's merely a way to help players who are being focused.


This is proof you've never played a tank. The tank takes half that damage bud, your health goes down by the prescribed amount. Mitigation is reduced damage.


Incase you don't know what guard actually does. 25% threat reduction, 5% damage mitigation, 50% damage interception (as apparently you don't understand the terminology of redirecting damage).


In essence it is already in the game. Every tank has it. Also, out taunts work in PvP as damage mitigation for everyone but us. IE I taunt you, unless you damage me you will due reduced damage for the taunt duration against everyone else on my team.

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Your confusion is understandable. Transferring a portion of damage to a tank and outright intercepting damage are not the same thing. Again, feel free to read the OP. Guard merely mitigates damage to the guarded player by transferring some of it to the tank. To actually intercept something would be to mitigate damage entirely, as in the individual would take zero damage.


There is no "intercept" in the game, which is why I obviously made this thread. There are only damage mitigating abilities and nothing more. I can understand why the subtleties would throw you off.

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