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World Boss


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Can we get some balance in fighting world bosses along the lines of what happens with Flashpoints,


Example Solo mode and World boss mode(ops)


With the solo mode being a personal achievement under the Legacy achievements for that planet next planet level gear it's to be part of the end to Class story before you can move on to next planet and is per character achievement.


While the World Boss Mode is for group achievement under Legacy 8 man and 16 Man, 24 man achievements and its reward is 216 gear for 8 man for everyone involved not random scoop like at moment plus normal crystals x 6 and 33000 credits, 16 man 220 Gear with 8 Glowing Data crystals and 45,000 k reward while the 24 man World Boss mode is elite ops groups requiring you to have 220 gear minimum but rewards is 224 gears with radiant data crystals x 14 plus 100000 Credits.

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pretty sure WBs are not designed to be soloed


Obviously the suggestion is for them to revamp the design. My take on it:


Don't just have world bosses stand out in the open when they're available and take however many hours to respawn after someone takes them out. Design a new mechanic where ALL world bosses are click-to-summon (like the Tatooine one already is) on some object in the environment (but make these objects respawn within a minute, and do like with the Gree event heroic pylon where a click while a fight is already going on for another player or group will not summon anything new). Design this mechanic in such a way that it checks for a few specific conditions and spawns a different version of the world boss (comparable in concept to Dreadtooth with different numbers of stacks on him, I guess?) to suit the challenger.

* A lone player will summon a weakened version which is basically just for practice runs to get a sense of its capabilities. Scaled like a tough Heroic2+ boss. But little to no rewards are given when you kill it. Significant rewards are meant to be reserved for the group versions, and only the group versions count for any mission or conquest objective which might ask for world bosses. (Even the drops for Qyzen would be group only.)

* Any regular (not ops) group of 2-4 players will summon a version scaled like a hard mode flashpoint boss.

* Any ops group of 8 or fewer players will summon a version scaled like a story mode operation boss, intended for 8 players.

* Any ops group of 9-16 players will summon a version scaled like a hard mode operation boss, intended for 16 players.

* Any ops group of 17 or more players will summon a version scaled like a nightmare mode operation boss, intended for 24 players.


Or something along those lines. Special world bosses like Dreadtooth or that entity on Yavin may be exempted from this revamp and stick to their current rules though.


EDIT: Oh! Here's an idea for them to think about for a different approach to the rewards... Add a "Trophies" inventory tab to the character's personal inventory. These will be yellow border items like what goes into the mission items tab. They could even be the same items as the Qyzen world boss trophies. The trophies will stack up to some seemingly infinite amount. You receive one trophy from a solo version kill or multiple trophies from a group version kill (scale the amount to be appropriate to the level of difficulty of the version you took down). Probably also go back to the Qyzen recruitment quest and change it so that he takes a certain number of each trophy to get credit for that boss.


Then add a vendor on each planet and a master vendor on fleet to trade in trophies for prizes, with the better prizes costing a higher amount of trophies. Consider getting ridiculous with the numbers of trophies each player loots after taking a boss down... like 10 for a 4-man kill, 100 for a 8-man kill, 1,000 for a 16-man kill, and 10,000 for a 24-man kill. That way the pricing scheme on the vendors can be prohibitively expensive for acquiring prizes the wrong way. (If it costs 10,000 of the Tatooine trophy for the unassembled 224 boots or something along those lines, nobody in their right mind should ever want to farm those 1 at a time from solo kills, and it will take them a very very VERY long time if they do.) No actual loot is won from the bosses directly, just these trophies. The loot will all be on the vendors.


Or they could just have it to where you trade in ALL the specific boss trophies for a universal trophy token (like 10 trophies for 1 token or something like that and then only have a single unified vendor for trading this token for the rewards (tens or hundreds or thousands of tokens per reward depending on the item rating being purchased).

Edited by Muljo_Stpho
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Obviously the suggestion is for them to revamp the design. My take on it:


Don't just have world bosses stand out in the open when they're available and take however many hours to respawn after someone takes them out. Design a new mechanic where ALL world bosses are click-to-summon (like the Tatooine one already is) on some object in the environment (but make these objects respawn within a minute, and do like with the Gree event heroic pylon where a click while a fight is already going on for another player or group will not summon anything new). Design this mechanic in such a way that it checks for a few specific conditions and spawns a different version of the world boss (comparable in concept to Dreadtooth with different numbers of stacks on him, I guess?) to suit the challenger.

* A lone player will summon a weakened version which is basically just for practice runs to get a sense of its capabilities. Scaled like a tough Heroic2+ boss. But little to no rewards are given when you kill it. Significant rewards are meant to be reserved for the group versions, and only the group versions count for any mission or conquest objective which might ask for world bosses. (Even the drops for Qyzen would be group only.)

* Any regular (not ops) group of 2-4 players will summon a version scaled like a hard mode flashpoint boss.

* Any ops group of 8 or fewer players will summon a version scaled like a story mode operation boss, intended for 8 players.

* Any ops group of 9-16 players will summon a version scaled like a hard mode operation boss, intended for 16 players.

* Any ops group of 17 or more players will summon a version scaled like a nightmare mode operation boss, intended for 24 players.


Or something along those lines. Special world bosses like Dreadtooth or that entity on Yavin may be exempted from this revamp and stick to their current rules though.

I like this idea.


Though I also like the idea of world bosses spawning on a timer and massive groups taking them out (something that GW2 does very well) I just don't see it being supported well in this game. Not only are the rewards not worth it, but the grouping system doesn't support it.


I think your idea is a good way to turn them into something that people will actually play and enjoy, more so than as a passing rarity. Making the rewards fit the difficulty would be a neat idea too, I think. So springboarding off your idea, if a group kills a nightmare version, they'll get rewards relevant to a nightmare boss. If they do HM FP version, they'll get rewards relevant to a boss of that tier. And so on.


I mean, the primary issue with world bosses functioning like they do in other games is that there's nothing remotely dynamic about the grouping in this game, so it's just really painful getting random people together to do it. Not to mention the insane respawn timers.

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I mean, the primary issue with world bosses functioning like they do in other games is that there's nothing remotely dynamic about the grouping in this game, so it's just really painful getting random people together to do it. Not to mention the insane respawn timers.


A somewhat related problem is the difficulty, aside from SD-0 everything from the capital planet to Hoth is just tank-n-spank, then comes Belsavis where you have to convince your group to ignore the adds, then Dreadtooth, where some planning is required that goes beyond "do we have a tank? can someone heal?" And then there is the Nightmare Pilgrim, where those cocky DvL giant slayer groups fall apart quickly.

Edited by Mubrak
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You misunderstand me, I mean, I don't think they want WBs to be soloable.


It wouldn't exactly be the focus of what I described either. It would be technically possible but virtually useless as you'd get almost nothing out of the solo version of a world boss. You'd get a lot more out of the group versions.

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It wouldn't exactly be the focus of what I described either. It would be technically possible but virtually useless as you'd get almost nothing out of the solo version of a world boss. You'd get a lot more out of the group versions.


You misunderstand me, I mean, I don't think they want WBs to be soloable.


Posting this as you obviously fail to understand what he meant.

It does not matter how, what, or why...they do not want you to be able to solo a world boss for any reason or under any circumstances.


In Beta it was possible for commandos and mercs to solo WB if they kited properly and self healed (at this time sorcs didn't have all the tools they do now). Because of us Beta testers they had to add in the buff that makes companions useless, made it so you can't slow them (originally they were all succeptible to slow), and that all of them were now guarenteed to close to you and beat on you properly. Was kind of fun being 3-4 levels under a wb, soloing it, and leveling a few times from one kill. However it was also totally rediculous that it was able to be done at all.

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In Beta....


'Cuz this ***** is totally still in beta. That was then. This is now. Seriously, they can do or not do whatever they want with anything from this idea. Maybe that could mean doing everything except for the "solo version" part of the suggestion (so a solo player summons the version intended for the smallest group, the 4-man HM flashpoint equivalent version, and this is scaled and designed to be impossible to solo). Or maybe in the current state of the game they could actually like the concept of a training / demonstration solo version that gives little to no rewards besides some observational experience to help you understand what to expect in the group versions of the fight.


Whatever way they might want to take it, this is a new idea to move forward with and it's about having world bosses summonable at a number of different tiers of difficulty. This is not just taking things the way they are now and changing the entire thing to eliminate the need for groups or whatever you think the suggestion has been about.


To tweak the idea even further though, they could make the solo version a holo-projected mob (you aren't even fighting the real thing) and the drop from any planet's holo-WB could be a generic "training trophy" item. The vendor would have some low value options to buy with that trophy, but all the better rewards would need the trophies from the group fights.


At no point in this topic have I ever been trying to push a solo version of a world boss as being worth the same rewards that any of the group versions would be worth. I should have thought sooner to just suggest it as its own separate tier like with this "training trophy" idea though, instead of leaving room for the remote (however heavily stacked against being reasonable or sane) chance to farm up enough rewards for a great prize from a ridiculous number of solo runs. Setting the solo version aside with its own separate rewards tier would really be a more effective block than using the same token and very steep pricing.

Edited by Muljo_Stpho
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One of the reasons why they implemented level sync is so that world bosses couldn't be soloable anymore <_< they want people to fight them in groups, u really only need 8 people, rewards drop nothing good its purely for achievements and Qyzen (but just slay 20 Worth Jargon Targets like everyone else does on hoth :p takes 30 mins to do, while getting a group for 4 WB's or 3 WB's and 1 target takes hours).


Should they be click-summoned? No, if they arent soloable you will need a group anways for it, if it was recently killed go to a pvp instance instead and kill it or another instance. Simple as that.

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'Cuz this ***** is totally still in beta. That was then. This is now. Seriously, they can do or not do whatever they want with anything from this idea. Maybe that could mean doing everything except for the "solo version" part of the suggestion (so a solo player summons the version intended for the smallest group, the 4-man HM flashpoint equivalent version, and this is scaled and designed to be impossible to solo). Or maybe in the current state of the game they could actually like the concept of a training / demonstration solo version that gives little to no rewards besides some observational experience to help you understand what to expect in the group versions of the fight.


Whatever way they might want to take it, this is a new idea to move forward with and it's about having world bosses summonable at a number of different tiers of difficulty. This is not just taking things the way they are now and changing the entire thing to eliminate the need for groups or whatever you think the suggestion has been about.


To tweak the idea even further though, they could make the solo version a holo-projected mob (you aren't even fighting the real thing) and the drop from any planet's holo-WB could be a generic "training trophy" item. The vendor would have some low value options to buy with that trophy, but all the better rewards would need the trophies from the group fights.


At no point in this topic have I ever been trying to push a solo version of a world boss as being worth the same rewards that any of the group versions would be worth. I should have thought sooner to just suggest it as its own separate tier like with this "training trophy" idea though, instead of leaving room for the remote (however heavily stacked against being reasonable or sane) chance to farm up enough rewards for a great prize from a ridiculous number of solo runs. Setting the solo version aside with its own separate rewards tier would really be a more effective block than using the same token and very steep pricing.


Yes, and they can also leave them EXACTLY the way they are now--the way the devs designed them to be, not the way some may wish they were.

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