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KotFE question


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This is probably a stupid question, but with the new expansion being a continuation of Knights of the Fallen Empire from what it seems, will the KotFE chapters no longer be available for players? I haven't done them yet, but I wanted to make sure that all the chapters were still available after the next expansion.
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I imagine that you'll have to play through KotFE before going on to KotET. They may do a thing where you can bypass it (like a start at 60) but I doubt it. I expect they'll increase the level cap to 70 so jumping in as a 60 (or earlier) wouldn't make much sense. Might make it more of a challenge, though.
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The question of KotFE availability will be per-character - KotFE locks out the class story and SoR/Ziost for *that* character, but not the rest - and I wouldn't be surprised to find an insta-65 token alongside the insta-60 tokens. The insta-60 token would jump into Chapter I of KotFE, as now, while the insta-65 would jump directly into KotET.


But it would be fraught with issues like what the sky over Odessen would look like for an insta-65...

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