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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

+2500 items in inventory = not fun


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Well guess I'm doing better as I managed to shrink down the companions gifts to a single tab :)

From time to time I clear entire rows as I sort them by type.


Just wondering how many vault tabs you usually have on your characters?


Legacy Storage on server of current play-


1- Legacy Tokens: Ziost disks, alliance crates, the like, crafting schemes I'm not sure my other alt knows and I don't remember who has it, legacy armor/CM armor for alts stuff, over flow from 3

2- Companion Gifts, overflow from 3

3- Crafting

4- Not sure if I have a fourth... *hops to wealthy -not achevement wealthy- alt and buys another, oh no, needs more credits* Blast. I need a fourth for crafting mats like the assembly kit things each crafting skill makes. That's only... nine by six is 54! Yeah, not even a fourth bay full.


Characters- I keep to about two, maybe three depending on what that character does.

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Hate to compound the issue but it seems there has been a slight stealth nerf to cartel packs as well now... items that go into the stash now appear to be perma bound to the character drawing them down.


Before we had to wait a period of time before being able to sell items that we get that are unwanted.. now after that waiting period the items are now perma bound to the character anyways.


My sith inquisitor now has a nice selection of sniper rifles, assault cannons, blaster pistols and rifles all bound ready for her to use just filling up those extra slots in the inventory.... oh wait they must just be just for show.




Sounds like you have a bunch of DvL freebies you pulled out. Those were always going to be bound and never undone. If you mixed yoru DvL freebie crates with a bunch of other stuff...well...that is bound to happen.

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