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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

+2500 items in inventory = not fun


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As others who've been playing the game for quite some time I am now stuck with quite an assortment of gear.


At first I tried to log on each of my 13 characters, regularly, to try to keep their inventory and cargo bays a bit organised.

But fast enough it became a tedious task.


I was tempted to create a new mule character and dump everything on it. So I checked all my characters and found out it would take over 30 cargo bays to do so! That is without counting all the unopened crates that would eventually expand in multiple items.


So simply put it's actually impossible to parse all my items in on one character to sort it out. I don't even know how many items I have in double!


As you can guess the legacy storage is full. 3 bays out of 6 being used for crafting mats.


All in all regarding all the time I waste managing inventory and inconvenient it is, I'm regularly tempted to just delete everything. Though I know pretty soon I'll be mad, regarding all it took (time and $$$ wise) to amass that stuff and would just leave the game once for all.


I do hope devs would read that and as we've had quite a few QoL lately (ex: CM crates with proprietary storage), it would be appreciated if the inventory management became less tedious.


Couple of suggestions :

  1. Remove all toys from inventory and parse them in their own abilities tab (like pets and mounts)
  2. Move companion customization to a skill and delete the item from the inventory once unlocked
  3. Have all crafting mats and components being automatically parsed in a separate and shared legacy storage, sorted by crew skill.
  4. Have all CM pack, crates already in inventory being parsed to the CM storage and remove them from inventory
  5. Allow to unlock more than one of the same crew mission on the characters
  6. Allow to pre-learn recipes without having the required level yet.
  7. Create a wardrobe system: each used item is destroyed an parsed in the wardrobe for that character (can be unlocked for every character)
  8. Allow to stack identical objects: armors weapons, crystals, crew missions, gear dyes...
  9. Add a bound tag, border (or else) on the icon of all bound gear


If nothing else I would appreciate to be able to dump all non bound items from all characters in storage like the CM one to sort it out.


Thank you.

Edited by Deewe
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I honestly do not know how you could possibly have filled up 30 characters cargo holds. Plus your math appears to be way off, since you can have 480 inventory slots per character.


I collect almost one of everything from the CM... just in case I want I later on and unlock it + tons of items at any given time that I am storing for later resale. And I have only filled about a dozen characters cargo holds (fully unlocked cargo holds).


As to the core issue... "where's my what-cha-call-it!?" ...... yeah.. it can be a little tedious unless you organize yourself. I keep specific items on specific characters (such as all weapons for personal use, on one character), so I immediately know which character it is that I would need to log to pull one out of storage. Yes, I use a 3.5 index card to list which character has which class of items (because I am getting old and my memory is not what it used to be).


For things I store for resale later, I have specific GTN mules I use for that...and since I log them each day to collect revenues and provide fresh listings... this one is not difficult at all... even though I use 8 GTN mules on one server and several others each on two other servers.


In the end, I don't really agree with your stance that this issue is on the backs of the studio. This is a player specific issue (and yes it will vary by player), which likely carries over from real life to some extent.. and it would be most beneficial for the player to figure out and apply a system that works for them. No need for the studio to address every player challenge.

Edited by Andryah
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I would kill for this one. Those things amass obnoxiously easy.




I've played a few games where Crafting Mats automatically go to either a character specific mat storage, or an account-wide shared storage - it is amazing just how much of a QoL improvement it is.


I'd have thought a Legacy Material Locker for our Strongholds would be a very obvious money maker if put on the CM.


All The Best

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Hate to compound the issue but it seems there has been a slight stealth nerf to cartel packs as well now... items that go into the stash now appear to be perma bound to the character drawing them down.


Before we had to wait a period of time before being able to sell items that we get that are unwanted.. now after that waiting period the items are now perma bound to the character anyways.


My sith inquisitor now has a nice selection of sniper rifles, assault cannons, blaster pistols and rifles all bound ready for her to use just filling up those extra slots in the inventory.... oh wait they must just be just for show.



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First world problems?


Some are quite useful I have to admit though, and would help a lot of players. Not just those with an insane amount of stuff:


*Move companion customization to a skill and delete the item once unlocked

*Have all crafting mats and components being automatically parsed in a separate and shared legacy storage, sorted by crew skill.

*Allow to stack identical objects: armors weapons, crystals, crew missions, gear dyes...

*Add a bound tag, border (or else) on the icon of all bound gear


Worth considering.

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right? and techinically a lot of times its your crew getting the stuff. Why cant they stop by the storage and stick it in their on their way back from their mission?


Yeah instead of running over to wherever you are and shoving it in your backpack then running back to the ship then running back to where you are when you ask them to craft something and taking the ingredient out of your backpack then running back to the ship to craft it having stopped by your stonghold which is on the other side of the galaxy on the way because you haven't unlocked the legacy storage on your ship and the other ingredient they need for the thing you asked them to craft is in the legacy storage and then running back to tuck the item into your backpack when they finish crafting it all in only two minutes (BREATHES).


(Commas etc. omitted on purpose for comic effect.)

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why do you keep so much junk . sell what you can to vendors and destroy everything except crafting mats the only thing that it sounds like your keeping thats usefull


Totally agree. I also maxed the character limit. Good housekeeping is the key. Most of the clutter is cartel or sub gifts. Just sell or dump. Most are reclaimable from collections anyway.


Only my opinion, but right now in game there are way more important things that need fixing.

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Totally agree. I also maxed the character limit. Good housekeeping is the key. Most of the clutter is cartel or sub gifts. Just sell or dump. Most are reclaimable from collections anyway.


Only my opinion, but right now in game there are way more important things that need fixing.

I gather all companions gifts in one single cargo bay and for dev's attention if you keep one single item of each for keeping them neatly organized they don't fit. I used to have one column by type of gift, sorted by level: no can't do anymore.


One thing I could trash would be all the recipe I gathered for when my character is skilled enough to learn them, that would be about 1 maybe 2 cargo bay. But then I'll have to buy them at a premium price. That is if I'm able to find them again as people don't bother selling them anymore on the GTN.


Then you have the crew mission ; about a cargo bay.


So all in all I have rondly 5 cargo bay full of "junk". It still leaves over 25 of stuff I'd rather keep.


Regarding collections unless you have the full kit for armors you can't unlock them in collection. I know it's intended though it's very much annoying.

Edited by Deewe
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As others who've been playing the game for quite some time I am now stuck with quite an assortment of gear..

It's time for you to do a "house cleaning". If you have stuff hanging around that's just taking up space, it's time to sell it or trash it.

This sounds like an idea for a new "reality" show - STAR WARS - HOARDERS. :)

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I don't have all of that stuff, but what I do have is enough to fill the basic inventory slot amount granted as a starting point if I dare to open all of the crates. I've gotten to the point where I only open the Cantina crates, and then open but don't claim all of the purple and black weapon crystals to claim whichever ones I think I'll use right away into a weapon, open but don't claim the Preferred Friends Bundle for the inventory slot boost. I do not open the GSF armor boxes unless I have something I want to send over to my Cybertechs (rarely now) for dismantling, a leveling set I did have I dismantled because of Level Sync making the gearing easy with heroics.


I do like to use the complementary Major EXP Boost that came in my KotFE Is Live Or Something mail and then go through my collected titles from the mails and my collections for the EXP boost to level three or so. Those help clear space, and the pets get used and stored away on the powers window instead of inventory.



And then I have the stuff and the stuff still- HK gearstuff, Nico (if I want him or not), stuff and stuff... Yeah, it would be nice if armor shells could stack and some of the other things mentioned.

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I wish they'd taken the opportunity to cut back the silly number of companion gift types when they cut back the # of crafting mats. The companion gift subsystem is needlessly baroque, especially considering the streamlining a lot of the other subsystems have gone through since 4.0
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Deewe, you are basically wanting the Devs to you work for you. that ain't gonna happen...


Like others have said, go through your stuff...


  • really think to yourself, will I EVER use this? If the answer is no, then sell it or destroy it
  • start slowly. Because you have SO much you believe it is impossible to go through it all. Just look at one tab on one character, clean that ONE tab up. If you are posting stuff on the GTN for sale, DO NOT move on to the next one tab on one character until EVERYTHING you want to sell, sells.
  • YES! it will take a significant amount of time and effort


On one character I once had three cargo hold tabs filled with armor sets that I acquired from packs. I held on to those sets on the off chance I MIGHT use them on characters. Well I never did. One day, I said screw it, and started posting a set at a time on the GTN. I sold them all :)


Regarding companion gifts: USE THEM!

I have a quarter of a legacy hold tab dedicated to gifts. If the gifts I have exceed one-third of that tab, i start going through characters and giving gifts.

If EVERY companion on EVERY character is rank 50...first let me just say wow, that takes dedication...then SELL SOME. The grade 5 and grade 6 will ALWAYS sell.

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First world problems?


Are there any other kinds in a computer game?


I've got tons of armour boxes and other crap from the cartel market. Literally hundreds. Unsellable but at the same time you kinda don't want to just delete it all since you did spend a lot of actual money on it. It's a thing.


A lot of this stuff barely goes for 10k on the GTN and it's just not worth fighting over a couple of K with other players also trying to offload their crap that virtually nobody wants.


I wish these CM items would at least have a base price that you could sell to the vendors, even if it's just 1k or something.

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I agree here. Too much adds up too quick. The things on the list that should already be a thing are:


1. Companion customizations. This should be an unlock not an item taking up space.


2. Toys. Once received, use it to unlock it then have it on a drop down box or a put it as an extra menu tab next to Pets or Mounts. As I don't remember if emotes are just unlocked or if you keep the actual item, these should be like this as well.


3. Armor piece unlock for the wardrobe. Once I unlock a piece of armor, no matter what it is, I should be able to use it in the suit maker. Obviously, unlocking it means to bind it to that character. I'm not asking for legacy here but that would be nice too.


4. There are some items that are bound or can't be sold on the GTN or something. Mainly some of the newer decorations. It would be nice if these had the bound tag or a tag that says they can't be sold on the GTN so I know what I can actually do with them.


5. Crafting materials tab separate from normal storage would be great.


6. CM items collected QoL. I have so many partials of CM armors that I have failed to gain the full set as yet that they take up a lot of space. It would be nice for these to unlock in the collections section for use instead of the need to have the full set.


7. Alliance crate armor sets need to be some sort of collections item that can be unlocked in a similar way as the CM armors. Just collecting these take up three tabs of cargo space alone.

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7. Alliance crate armor sets need to be some sort of collections item that can be unlocked in a similar way as the CM armors. Just collecting these take up three tabs of cargo space alone.

Lol so true. I'm pretty sure you're not even exaggerating. I know I have at least two filled with those things. I think I'm up to 2 and a third. I know I'm still missing a few and I've been very rigorous about not hanging onto duplicates.

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Which brings up an idea. Start a Guild, get a guild bank, and set it up (or at least, all but the first tab) so only you can access it. :)

Already done that in the past. Issue being it's not cross faction.


Deewe, you are basically wanting the Devs to you work for you. that ain't gonna happen...

Hope you are wrong and well I want to play the game not feel like I need to tend my room that often because the producer felt it was ok to let people with those annoyances.


Now regarding selling stuff:

A lot of this stuff barely goes for 10k on the GTN and it's just not worth fighting over a couple of K with other players also trying to offload their crap that virtually nobody wants.
Edited by Deewe
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